The Silent Princess

Chapter 41

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"What did you do to us?" the man, hair as red as her own hiding his eyes yelled at her. Around him, the other three stood, clearly with the same question. Mireia squatted on the ground, playing with a small stone. They were all as pale and thin as the girl.

Isilla put her hands together, collecting her thoughts. Still tired and weak from illness and the calamity of the Veil, she chose her words carefully. "I had to call on your power to save my life. I'm sorry I didn't ask. My name is Isilla."

"Why are you holding us here?" the man sneered.

"I'm not, really, you can leave when you want. At least, I think you can now, that I've said that."

"Don't yell at her, Asier. She's nice, I think," Mireia said, standing. "Can you make the sky that color again?"

Isilla nodded and the sky changed to blue. "You two know each other?"

"Look everyone! She says that's the right color of the sky! Isn't it pretty?"

"Don't trust so easily Mireia! It's just a pretty trick. We can all do tricks like that here. This woman is probably with them, the ones who hold us," the man said. His voice low and dangerous but Isilla realized, looking at him closer that he was much younger than she thought at first. The others varied in age, the youngest being a boy, barely out of training pants, his eyes wide, blue orbs like oceans, his hair long like a girl's. The remaining two were both women, one, middle age with long hair that pooled at her feet. The other old, ancient, her white hair twisting and turning upward, the same blue eyes as the boy in her face.

She raised her hands, stilling them. "I know that it seems like I want to take advantage of you but I don't. I'm sorry I pulled you all to me, my body acted on its own but now that it's happened, I can help you, I think. Where are you being held? Perhaps I can have you released."

"You're from the Light Realm," the old woman said slowly. "A dreamweaver."

"Yes," Isilla replied.

"How can you help us? You're captured just like us!" Asier laughed.

She shook her head, "I'm not a captive at all. I can help you."

"If you're not here as a slave from the war, then why are you here?" the middle aged woman asked curiously.

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Slave, Isilla thought. She had never heard of such a thing between the two realms. "I came here to marry the prince," she said simply.

"Prince Ero?" the old woman asked.

Isilla shook her head, "No, his son. My husband is Prince Arren."

The group looked at her curiously, the name meaning nothing to them so she pressed on. "I'm sure if I knew where you were being kept, I could have you released or rescued even if that's what you need."

The old woman shook her head, coming forward, "You don't understand."

Isilla smiled, confused, "I don't understand what?"

"The young ones don't know but Sorne and I are old enough to remember. Me more than her. My name is Udane. I was the consort to Ero's father. He was the one who had me locked up. Who had us all brought here. Mireia, Asier, and little Inaki were all born in the darkness and will die there, as will we all. So you see, your prince will not help us."

Isilla pushed back her hair. "The king, Ero, he told me about you. He said his father killed you, that he watched."

The old woman shook her head, "He's king now? He was just a little boy when I was put under and his brothers should have, well nevermind. His father did not kill me. He rounded us all up and locked us away."

"He said you were driving his father mad," Isilla offered.

The old woman shook her head. "He wanted more power. I gave him the nightmares he asked for, to give him strength. He drowned in it and turned against me. He was not very strong but I loved him and tried to give him what he asked for. But the darkness, too much, it will drive people who are not like us mad."

Isilla looked away, remembering the words of the shade. Their blood is weak, but Arren isn't and neither is the king.

"Ero will follow his father's rules, that's what kind of boy he was. He will not help you, even if he knows where we are."

"I'm not going to ask him," she said. "I'll find you without their help."

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"And then what? Can you walk through walls Princess?" Asier said bitterly.

Isilla smiled, "Not quite but I have trick for that too."

They looked at her confused and she thought better of telling them anymore about Ilun. Instead she continued on. "It may take me a bit to figure out where you are. I'm very ill right now and can't really leave my rooms. As soon as I'm better, I promise that I will come and find you all."

"And then what?" Sorne asked, her voice small.

Isilla shrugged, "I don't know yet but we'll think of something. But between now and then, I'll need your help. I'm sorry I have to rely on you for a little while. I need you to consume this energy until I can get it under control."

"Why should we help you?" Asier asked.

"This likely doesn't endear me to any of you but you don't have a choice. I will do my best to pay you back for your help."

"I'm not helping you," he said and changed, sending darkness out of him in great waves, overwhelming and twisting the landscape.

The women around him yelled but he continued.

"You're too impulsive," Isilla said softly and breathed outwards, the light flowing from her in all directions, overtaking his shadows, drowning them in the brightness of her power. She walked over to them, where they huddled and felt them for the first time with her power. "Oh, you're hurt," she said sensing their physical forms across the divide of the Veil. "Here, I'll prove to you I don't mean you harm."

She sent the light, to them, the way that she used the light on herself in the dreaming, to heal them. Sores and bruises mended through the connection of their astral self and psychical body.

I've never done this before, she thought, why did I never think to do this before?

"I can't cure illness, I'm sorry. I can only do injuries but when you wake, you should all feel more comfortable. Come here when you are hurt, this, at least, I can do for you. I will try and get better quickly so that you don't have to suffer much longer."

"See, she's good," Mireia said.

"I won't hurt you," Isilla said.

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"Can we leave?" Asier asked.

"Yes, just walk out of the gate. I think you can find me if you follow those lines and I will call when I need you," she said, unsettled by their situation. I don't like that I'm asking so much and offering so little, she thought. But there's nothing I can do until I find them in the waking.

She watched them disappear out of the gate. Udane and Mireia both stopping and turning towards her for a last glance before leaving. Gone, her thoughts turned away from them.

"Did he really call me that?" she thought falling into Ilun as was her habit. "He read my letters, he knows that whoever wrote them addressed me that way. Maybe it was a slip of the tongue but isn't that too much?" she asked the beast who as usual had nothing to say in return.

"So you found some, brought them here," the smile clear in the shade's voice. "Soon you know all, I will fade, be at peace."

She turned to the sound, "Yes, I found them, the darktellers. They saved me."

"I know, little Sorgia, I see. You did well," the woman smiled, sitting across from her on the ground, her hands in her lap.

"But you caused me problems. That man you took me to, when you made the flowers. He's not a good person. He's very dangerous and now he knows about me," Isilla explained.

The shade waved her words away, "Already knew. Or would know soon. Stop wasting time, form the bond. It's what you are here for."

"I wish you would go away," Isilla said, turning back to Ilun, "I have other things to think about."

"Can force you. Can make bond," the shade said menacingly.

Isilla smiled, "No you can't. You can only control me when I'm asleep and this has to happen while I'm awake. Or else you would have done it by now."

The shade smiled, "Smart girl. But you know, you can feel now, that you're running out of time."

She nodded, "I can. I can feel the world here becoming weaker. The light is too strong. Even with their help I have only weeks. Even if I shed the power by making things I won't last long. It's this thing inside me. This need. That's what will kill me."

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"Yes, little Sorgia," the shade said nodding.

"Leave me alone," Isilla said standing and motioning Ilun to follow as she left the courtyard and entered into the dreaming.

She passed through dreams and arrived at her destination without realizing where she was going. The same dream as the first time she had visited him awaited her. The dark halls, the metal bed, the chains.

This must be a dream that haunts him, she thought. She shifted it, whatever was coming down the hall stopped, the chains fell away. Carpet sprung under her feet the room filled with pillows and blankets, everything made softer.

He woke and looked at her, his eyes focused as Lehan's had been. Arren moved his body, sitting up. Sighing she climbed into his arms without saying a word. He wrapped her in his embrace.

"My dearest, you're not well, why aren't you in bed?" he asked.

"This is a dream, Arren," she answered, the use of the pet name sending a shock through her. Not a mistake, she thought. But I can't ask him here.

"Oh good, I can do this then," he said titling her face to his placing his lips against hers.

The touch of his lips sent a shiver through her as he kissed her deeper, pulling her tighter to him, his hands brushing away her clothing as he shifted, lying her back on the bed. She let herself be moved, tired and wanting the comfort of being touched, of being loved.

No shadows here, his hands ran down her body, over her breasts and belly as his lips tickled her neck.

"Isilla," he said, his voice thick in her ear like honey, "I want this but is it really alright? Do you really want me?"

"I," she started before his mouth covered hers, his tongue caressing hers gently swallowing her words before she could release them.

Pulling away, his face still close to hers, "Don't. If this is a dream, let me dream."

Will he remember this, she thought as he pressed his desire against her, covering her mouth with his own again as she pulled him tighter to her. I should be careful, she thought dimly as he moved down her body, his kisses landing like petals against her skin.

Something hit the floor in her bedroom and she awoke suddenly, the feel of his mouth still on her.

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