The Silent Princess

Chapter 57

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Hello Readers!

So we've reached the end of volume one of The Silent Princess (TSP). Volume Two: Dark Histories, will start Sunday October 7 for you all. So let's talk about it!

TSP is a very long story, the first book was over 100K words long, (which is REALLY long!) with a lot of lore to explore. I know that you all have questions. What about the darktellers? What about this power? What did Isilla see in the last dream? What is the purpose of all of this? I'm going to answer all of these questions.

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The next book in the series follows Usoa, the shade from the first book. We'll be going back a thousand years to a much wider world. Usoa isn't stuck in a castle the whole time. Characters in TSP have talked about how there are parts of the history missing or mentioned the Third Realm in passing and I want to take you all there.

Don't worry, we'll come back to Arren and Isilla in Volume Three. Volume Two will also have its own love story and the events of it are what shape the events to come, if you're here for the love story.

I've been asked about mass releases! So here's the deal, for the first five chapter mass release, I'd like to reach 50 reviews. You guys are already half way there! Hit that number and I'll let you know when you can expect your mass release. I'll do this again at 100 reviews and 150 reviews.

If you can get me into the top 100 in powerstone votes, I'll drop an extra chapter that week, for any week this happens.

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These are totally free ways to support me!

I also have a Patreon. There is no pressure to support me on that platform but it is true I will be able to write more with financial stability. I will also be able to do things like pay for an editor. You can hit me up on Patreon here:

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You can also come hang out with me on Facebook. If you've got fan art, I'd love to see it! (send me fan art, make me happy!!)

I really want to thank my readers who have taken the time to comment and vote on my story! To the people who have been with me since the beginning, I SEE YOU!!! Your support has really kept me going and posting. I love you, you're great.

To my quiet readers, I see you too! I know you're out there and I thank you for your time and support. You're awesome and I love you.

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Please keep reading my stories!

See you guys tomorrow!

D. Renee

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