The Silent Princess

Chapter 59

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"Magnificent," Edur spoke first. "What a powerful man. I could feel it. We must spar before you leave."

Guifre smiled, "As you wish, my lord. I'm sure that it will be a spirited show."

"To see through my guard so quickly, he must be talented indeed," her father's voice thoughtful. "But you must be tired after such a long journey. Please, stay for a bit before returning to your homelands. Enjoy our hospitality. "

"I would be a fool to turn down your offer. The care shown to guests that visit the Light is legendary across the realms," Guifre said.

"Can your servant show us more of his power," Edur asked, more interested in that than the woman who they had been brought to be his bride.

Usoa turned her gaze to the strange man. He had put his hands back into his sleeves but his hood remained down, his face uncovered. He seemed slightly disgruntled, his lips turned into a small frown.

"As you wish," Guifre said, smiling. "Lloren, a gift for my brother in law."

Lloren bowed his head before the darkness expanded from him in great waves, traveling to the space between where Usoa stood next to her father and siblings and where the Prince and his entourage stood.

As the inky blackness gathered, the guards revealed themselves, stepping from the light and into view. The Prince smirked at their care but Lloren did not seem to notice at all, his focus on what he created in front of them.

She watched his eyes cloud over and turn to black. How scary, she shuddered for a moment before Esti gripped her hand pulling her attention back to pool of darkness that had begun to rise in the center of the room. It took shape quickly before them, the shadows wrapping and twisting around each other, setting a scene.

A snake rose, its scales shining with something that was like light but not, a thousand different colors of darkness. It moved and hissed growing larger from the pool below it until it reached the tall ceiling. The court sat transfixed on the image, gasping at it as Esti held Usoa's hand tighter. The ceiling began to drip the same darkness but it did not reach the floor, instead it gathered forming a beautiful bird, the black feathers shimmering with the same not light that covered the snake.

They stared in awe as it circled the room, the gusts of hair from its wings blowing away Usoa's veil. She turned to grab it before it flew too far but it was swept up in the wind, the snake snatched it from the air and swallowed it to the delight of the onlookers. The bird called and dove for the animal, striking it with its long talons.

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As they connected, they burst into flowers, the dark petals falling over the court.

Usoa gasped, reaching up to grasp one as it tumbled down around them. Light as air, soft as a feather, in the dark flesh of it she saw reds, purples, and golds. "Beautiful," she said as it melted away, returning to nothing.

She looked back at the man who had made them and smiled. If he saw her, he did not smile back, did not look her way at all. The court clapped, smiling, impressed by the show.

"Well you have earned your stay," her father said, laughter in his voice as he clapped his hands and servants came forth, bowing. "They will show you to your rooms. We will have a grand feast tomorrow to celebrate."

The servants spilled forward, their charges set. Usoa watched as they politely avoided the man who had given them such a show. She turned back to her family. Esti's face held a high blush, her father looked pleased and Edur seemed vaguely interested in something but she had no idea of what. Is he that excited to challenge a shadow-wielder, she thought as she turned away.

"You two can return to your rooms," her father said. "Edur, won't you stay and speak with me for a while."

Her brother nodded and Usoa pulled Esti away, back into the halls.

Didn't it feel strange when the dark touched you, she asked Esti when they were finally alone.

The girl looked confused. Strange how? I didn't feel anything, it was just suddenly dark, she explained.

Usoa frowned and then touched her her hair. That snake ate my scarf, she said.

It wasn't a real snake, the shadow-wielder probably has it and forgot to return it. You should let him keep it, it was ugly, Esti said, a smug look on her face.

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I was trying to make sure you stood out more, she snapped back, annoyed.

What did you think of my husband? He is older than me, Esti asked, changing the subject.

You knew that though. He's twenty right? Younger than me. He seemed like a prince, I don't know what to say, she finished awkwardly. He hadn't left any impression on her. He was handsome, she added in hopes that it would help.

We're supposed to be married and he's a stranger, Esti said.

Usoa smiled at her sister, the need to soothe the girl she had grown up with overtaking her. For all her attitude and brashness, Usoa realized that Esti was still just a girl and the future that awaited her weighed heavy on her. She smiled. It's alright, you have a few weeks to get to know him, to learn more about him and I'll be there so you're not so alone, she said. It's not like you're one of those poor darktellers, Edur is going to choose one and have her to bed before the week is up.

Esti shuddered next to her at the thought. I'll ask Porras about it.

Usoa didn't need clarification on what it was. She would know better about it, she agreed. Their sister already kept three of her own consorts. Though she would only have one husband, she was allowed to keep as many lovers as she wanted.

Together they made their way back to the Garden. Esti ran off to find Porras and Usoa passed through the space, further back to where her brother lodged. He had been moved out of the Garden proper years prior when the maids began to describe him as handsome.

She entered his rooms without knocking. He sat in front of a window, reading a book. "Your hair is uncovered," he said as she sat on a floor cushion.

The shadow-wielder ate my scarf, she explained.

"Tell me," he demanded, his eyes greedy. She went over what had happened during the greetings. The discovery of the guards, the show with the snake and the bird.

"A hawk," Ochoa interjected.

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She pulled her eyebrows together, confused.

"The bird, I bet it was a hawk. Did it have a sharp beak and talons?"

She nodded. It was very beautiful, she explained.

"You know, back, a long time ago, the snake used to be a symbol for our lands. If you go to the old parts of the palace you can still see it int the tiles. There was a myth about a great snake that ate the darkness, whose scales shed light as it passed creating our realm and the people in it. I wonder if this shadow-wielder knew that when he chose his show."

She shrugged. It is not that way anymore, don't read too much into things.

"Maybe. What was the prince like? Did he charm our little sister?"

He was fine, there was nothing much to speak of. A prince like any other prince, she explained.

Above her Ochoa looked hurt, "Do you think so little of me?"

She giggled and shook her head. You know what I mean, it was like Edur or one of those other men from outside that come to court Porras. So sure and full of themselves.

"Well, you'll marry your own man like them one day Usoa, you should get used to it now."

She shook her head, I'll never marry. I'm to serve Esti, the Sorgia just like that other girl who came here will never marry so that she can serve the Cainen and together we keep the balance, and all the Realms in order. Her movements betrayed her bitterness.

"Don't be like that. Maids can get married too," he teased.

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Ochoa's door opened and Izar tumbled in, the girl bubbling with excitement.

"Izar, knock! You're entering the quarters of a man!" Ochoa scolded less gently than Usoa had previously.

There was no effect on the child, her face twisted into a smile, "But you're my brother!"

"Yes, your much older and more private brother," he scolded again.

Her small shoulders rose and fell, dismissing his words before turning to Usoa on the floor. "Papa wants you to serve the shadow-wielder his evening tea as a thank you for his performance."

Porras would be better, she complained.

Izar shook her head, "Papa said it should be you and not to let you pass it off on any of your sisters."

Usoa growled to herself. The duty usually fell to Porras as the oldest and prettiest among them. To be served by one of the Garden's flowers, as they called the daughters and wives of the Emperor, was considered a great honor. She and Esti were usually spared as their silence made them poor company for those who could not read their hands.

"Can he understand your way of speaking?" Ochoa asked.

This time Usoa shrugged. She knew they traveled with darktellers but how much they communicated with them or how was a mystery.

Ochoa smirked, "Better grab a board then, chalky."

This is becoming worse and worse, she thought as she followed Izar from the room. At least I'll be able to ask for my scarf back.

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