The Silent Princess

Chapter 68

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Finally freed from the tedium of the game, Usoa made her way to her older sister's rooms, in need of comfort and support that she was unlikely to find in her mother's apartments after the day's events. The woman would be furious at Ferran's moves but she breathed a sigh of relief despite herself.

Her would be lover's actions had likely covered up the gossip she was sure had begun to brew after the servant saw her alone with Lloren at the fountain. She rubbed her wrists as she walked, remembering the stroke and touch of his shadows and frowned.

Why did he keep me from speaking, she thought again as she passed through the halls, back to the Garden. She had no answers, the man's actions were strange and seemingly random. Is he mad? Is that it? Has the darkness taken over his brain, she wondered. She had heard of such things in the Dark Realm but Lloren seemed very lucid, his actions measured even if she did not understand the intent of them. His gray eyes filled her own mind, the slight frown under his crooked nose.

Her heart skipped and she pushed the thought of him away while she admonished herself. She paused at the turn in the wide hall that would lead to her mother's apartments.

Should I check in with her, she wondered as she stared down the walkway, the stone dabbled with light from the late afternoon sun. No, she decided, her head slightly fuzzy from wine and more than a little anger. She was not in the right mood for facing her mother a second time that day. No doubt Ochoa was in the throes of retelling the entire story. No, she would discuss it all during breakfast after more wine and sleep.

Her course set, she turned back down towards the halls of the first wife. She walked swiftly, taking the back ways, the servant passages until she found herself before the curtains to her Porras' rooms. She slipped inside to find her sister lying across her cushions, cards spread on the floor, her tea next to her, still steaming. She picked one square up and moved it before frowning.

Usoa walked to where the edges of her skirt could be seen. Porras looked up, meeting her face with a smile. "I knew you would come."

The older woman popped up. She wore a thin bathing gown that clung to her curves. A sight any many in the kingdom would have gladly gone blind to see. She tapped a cushion in front of her, inviting Usoa to sit down.

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"That dress is lovely, why would you wear that to the games? Such a waste and Esti must have been so jealous!" Porras started.

Why didn't you come, Usoa asked, ignoring her sister's prodding.

"Because it's boring! Although I hear that today's showing was quite eventful," the corner of her mouth moved into a smirk and she leaned forward, resting her chin in the palm of her hand.

So you know then, she sighed. The speed of gossip had proven again to be faster than both light and darkness.

"Everyone knows!" Porras giggled, a bright and pleasing sound. "What a brave man you've found," she sighed.

I don't like him, Usoa admitted. Her sister's brow raised, the question on her tongue. I thought I did, or at least I thought I would see if I did but, she paused in her explanation, searching for the words to explain why she rejected such a strong young man. He wants a wife more like you, she finally settled.

Porras sat back on her cushions, the smile playing on her lips still. "Of course he does. Everyone wants a wife like me. Is he not in love with your free ways? If he didn't want a wife that would crawl through the city he should have chosen a better princess."

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You make me sound like some sort of sand rat, she humphed making Porras laugh again.

"You haven't been yourself since you were handed this news. You should go out, have fun!"

The feast is tonight, she reminded her sister.

"I'll be there. I want to see what this shadow user is all about. The servants say that you two have engaged in many secret liaisons and according to them the pale one and Ferran are set on a duel for your affections."

I served his evening tea! Her hand movements flew quickly, embarrassment and anger rolled into one making her words choppy and quick.

Porras flopped her head to the side and, "Is that all? Just the tea?"

Usoa frowned and considered tossing her current cup of tea at her sister. Of course that had not been all. There had been the fountain as well and the touch of his shadow on her skin, the memory fresh in her mind.

"You don't have to explain yourself to me, sister. I'm on your side! I say take the brave warrior and the handsome shadow-wielder as your consorts. Marry a rich noble and have fat babies for their auntie to enjoy."

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Have your own fat babies! And I told you, I don't like Ferran. I'll clear it up with father later, she pouted.

Porras' smile dropped, a look of pity in her eyes. "I'm sorry little sister but it's not that simple. That's not what will happen."

Usoa turned her head, reading the change in her sister's demeanor. A sadness had come over the woman and she bit at her own lip, worrying the skin of it for a moment before turning back to Usoa.

"Do you remember that boy from caravans? You would have been very young but from when I was about 16?"

Oddly, she did remember him. All lanky and tall with loose hair that fell down his back. He always smelled of heat and carried strange spice candies for the younger children. Ochoa followed him around for a week like a puppy until the boy was just gone. She nodded.

"Maber," she supplied, resting her head against her knee. "He was beautiful and kind. The son of a large merchant family. We were young and we fell in love fast, too fast. He asked for my hand and it happened much as it happened for you. Not in public, of course, Maber was smarter than that at least, but the same. But a week went by and my mother cried and begged, said I was too young to marry and convinced me to take it back. So I did. And father executed him for daring to reach above his station."

Usoa stared wide eyed at her sister, the woman's pain evident.

"My mother must have known that would happen and now, she sends my sister only a bit older than me away to be married," a dry laugh, Porras' eyes were wet and red with unshed tears. "You can never make light of our father's gifts. If you tell him you don't want to be with that boy, he will have him killed, especially because he dared to demand you in such a public way."

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What am I supposed to do then, she asked slowly.

Her sister wiped at her eyes and when she looked again, her soft smile had returned, as if nothing of note had been said between them. "Once you pass through the realms, our father's word holds no laws. Let him make a new way outside of these lands and write father and tell him he died. If father knows, he will hunt him and he will end just like Maber."

Why would father do that, she asked. The man had always been giving. A well loved ruler.

"Because father is an Emperor and he will not be shamed." She sipped at her tea for a moment and no talk passed between them.

The click of Porras setting down her glass pulled Usoa's attention back to her sister. Porras held out her hand, "Come on sister, lets bathe together! You can wear one of my dresses. I think the pink, no, the black one. Tonight you'll match your secret lover!" she laughed as she stood, grabbing Usoa's hands and hauling her up.

"You really haven't been yourself. You should go out, visit the city, play some games! You really haven't been yourself since you found out you would be going to the Dark. The twins are starting to lose their reputations!"

She nodded and let herself be pulled along by her sister through the Garden to the bath house. A servant waited for there, she slipped off her dress and asked that it be returned to her room. As the woman left, Usoa slipped into the water.

I don't want any of this, she thought. But this if this is how things will go for me, I can't waste anymore time with being unsure. She picked up the soap, a different scent this time, and cleaned off the sweat from the day.

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