"Forgive me for being greedy."

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Flame King hurriedly apologized. 

"Ok," Kiba accepted the apology. "But stop taking advantage of my kindness from now."

"O-of course, sir."

Flame King used the last ounce of his strength to resume writing in Blood Contract.

[The discretion on what day and how many days should be Valentine's Day solely belongs to Dr. NTR.]

Writing this was like issuing a blank cheque to Kiba to f.u.c.k his wife as he, please. 

Furthermore, with this, he lost the option to use the House of Hestia to settle scores.

Flame King hoped this would satisfy Kiba. 

With great hesitation, he glanced back and almost danced in joy when Kiba didn't strike him with the cosmic hammer.

Relieved, Flame King broke the quill. The words on the wall solidified, and an ethereal copy of them chained his heart, binding him in an agreement with Kiba. 

If either of them broke the agreement, the contract chains would crush the heart of the offending party.

"But Dr. NTR has no reasons to break the agreement!" Flame king wryly thought. "Besides, he just has to f.u.c.k my wife once, and he would be free from the contract chains! But for me, as long as my wife or Kiba lives, I would be chained by the agreement!"

"This is goodbye, for now."

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Kiba shot into the sky and disappeared from Flame King's vision, but his words echoed.

"See ya tomorrow, Cuckold King."

The words pierced through Flame King's heart like an arrow, and he dropped to the ground.

"He is right. The only title I deserve from now is Cuckold King."


A few minutes later, Kiba arrived at his destination – the tomb of Mother Trinity. 

"Finally… I just need to complete this, and I can return!"

While the journey so far was fun, and it has only been a little over eight hours since he arrived in the maze, he really wanted to return soon. 

All because he missed the person he loved the most.


He wanted to spend more time with her and bond with her.

"Blasting a few things would be her way of bonding!"

Kiba thought with a gentle smile.

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"Oh well... time to focus!" 

Clearing his thoughts, he pressed the tomb slab, and a dazzling glow erupted from it and wrapped him. The glow then sucked him into the tomb, bringing him to a space that was no less than an independent world. 

As far as he could observe, there were flora, fauna, palaces, and temples on the ground. On the sky above, there were sparkling gems, the color of blood.

Everything was enchanting like he was inside a beautiful painting that has come to life. 

Kiba looked at the gems. Each one of them emitted a vitality that seemed to hold millions of years.

"Mother Trinity…" 

Kiba sighed as he thought about her. 

"All lifeforms in the Celestial Elysian Plane originate from her… Whatever Lord Xeced did, she must be the main reason, if not the sole inspiration. "

Thinking of her legends, he wasn't shocked by the unbelievable contents inside the tomb. 


A motherly voice whispered like the dance of the wind. 

Kiba wasn't surprised by the voice's sudden appearance. While he couldn't pinpoint the source, he obviously knew it belonged to Mother Trinity.

Perhaps it was her subconsciousness speaking, most likely integrated with every molecule of this world. 

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Who knows, given her origin, her body might be this world. 


Mother Trinity's subconsciousness was stunned. 

"Sadly, you are dead," Kiba continued. "And I have no interest in f.u.c.k.i.n.g a corpse! So sorry, but I don't love you!" 


The world started trembling violently. The wave that has earlier stopped expanded and smashed forward. 

But the instant Kiba said those words, he shot up like lightning, reaching for the sparkling gems that dangled in the sky. 

While surprised by his actions and terrifying speed, Mother Trinity's powers also raced at him. He was about to be overtaken!

Kiba didn't panic at all. 

"I forgot to mention, but I don't think you can love me." 

Kiba's eyes flashed with his sadistic nature. 

"Unless you don't mind the fact that I murdered your son – Hyperion!"


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Mother Trinity stopped in absolute shock. This was a catastrophic revelation for her.

In the meantime, Kiba caught a gem and grabbed it. 

A power that was purer than power Cosmic started running into him. 

He tried his best to block it, as it wasn't for him but rather for Princess Scarlet Leila De Rose.

He owed her many favors, and this would help in at least paying one of them.

Mother Trinity's subconsciousness noticed his actions. 

She realized this human was trying to stall time.  But she also knew he wasn't lying. 

Angered, her powers exploded and blasted at him. 

"Wait! Hyperion isn't really dead!"

Mother Trinity stopped again. She sensed he was honest now as well.

This baffled her. 

"Actually, by murdering him, I gave him something you never could - immortality!"           


"Though it is a different matter, that the immortality I gave him requires him to be trapped in Genesis till the end of times!"

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