The navy blue sky had faded away. It was still dark, but the light that struck announced that dawn would be coming soon. Father John, Eva, and Cecil were hiding at the edge of the forest, observing the campsite in the distance. The place where the merchant group of the Gallahan made their barracks and stayed.

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Since it was the merchant group, Eva thought there would be only a couple of coaches loaded with luggage, but it didn’t. Counting only the waggons, it was roughly around 40 units, while there were two carriages to carry people. The braziers lit the surroundings as mercenaries guarding carts and goods were seen here and there.

Eva realized why that big group didn’t pass through Crocs Field, an area larger than Ingraken. They need a vast space with water streaming around where a large number of people could stay while also staying near the city to buy food.

“That’s a lot. It’s gotten bigger over the past few years.”

“Gallahan’s son grew this group much. It’s probably the biggest merchant group of the Empire now.”

Father John replied in a whisper when Cecil muttered with an exhausted face. Apparently, Cecil already knew about this marchant group.

Though Eva found it suspicious, she didn’t press it further. Right now was not the right situation to hear an explanation about the group, she also had a feeling she would know naturally.

“Just to be safe, it would be better for you two to become mother and daughter from now on. I think you should change your names too. How about calling Cecil as Margaret and Eva as Lily?”

“Yes, it sounds good, Father.”

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“I like it too.”

Eva and Cecil answered Father John’s suggestion one after the other. An idea about changing their names also crossed Eva’s mind. Those who were chased couldn’t use their real name, another thing, referring to Cecil as a nanny could also raise suspicions from others. After all, it was rare to have your own nanny unless you were from a decently prosperous family.

“Then wait here for a second. Don’t worry, it’ll only get delayed a bit.”

Father John took off his priest’s uniform and changed into ordinary attire, looking like an average middle-aged man on the street. Taking a deep breath as if he were going to war, he snooped around and walked into the darkness, completely disappearing from their sight at one point.

Only the two of them left. Eva embraced Cecil by shoulder. It was Cecil, who was holding out superhumanly because something huge happened. However, she was worried that it was her limit and things seemed to get harder and harder.

“Please hold out a little longer, nanny–no–mother.”


Cecil frozened after putting her arms on Eva’s. She turned her head to Eva and blatantly stared, speechless. Her weak eyes, glowing in the darkness, were asking Eva: Can I really be addressed as your mother? Can I really call your name without permission?

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When Eva smiled lightly in a positive way, Cecil held her hand and smiled.

“Yes. It’s hard, but let’s endure it, Lily.”

That was the time where they threw away their old identities and became new people. Many mixed feelings abruptly surged, and they crouched down as they leaned on each other. Together, they shared their hearts and fought the threats, guilt, and fear in the dark of the woods.

A while later, there was a rustling sound. Father John appeared with an elder following behind. He was short but had a well-built body, overall he looked simple.

As Eva and Cecil got startled, they raised their bodies while the old man watched them with puzzlement.

“Greetings. This is Margaret and Lily. They have to go all the way to Montana for some reason. I’m sorry to bother you, but please help me.” Father John pointed to Eva and Cecil, introducing them to the old man.

“I’ll help because I owe you one but, haaa, this is a bit…”

The old man couldn’t continue his sentence and heaved a long sigh. He was explicitly very surprised as he couldn’t conceal it, finding it absurd.

Still, he must not be a bad person looking at the fact that Father John brought him here. It didn’t mean that he was trustworthy, however despite that, the beggars couldn’t be choosers. Because this old man was the only one who could toss the rope to Eva and Cecil who were in the middle of drowning.

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“Thank you. Margaret, Lily, this is Jack. He’s working as a coachman in the Gallahan. He’s going to take care of you two on the way to Montana.”

Eva and Cecil gave a short nod to Father John’s introduction. Although they didn’t say anything, Jack didn’t ask further about their business. After all, it mustn’t be a good thing to secretly come in the middle of the night using a carriage to sneak into the capital. He knew there must be a reason, he merely took a guess.

“Keep in mind that it will be dangerous and difficult.”

“That’s no doubt.” Eva responded to him while thinking how blessed she was. Because he looked amiable but had a harsh mouth.

“This is all I can do for you. I’m sorry.” Father John looked at Eva with regret. Even though he gave enough help, he seemed troubled.

“That’s not right, Father. I’m so sorry and thank you.”

“If you arrive, make sure to tell me. Don’t worry because no one but me is opening the letter. You too, Cecil, stay healthy.”

“Thank you. You should stay healthy too, Father.” Cecil, who was quite stable now, bowed to Father John and thanked him. She felt sorry for raising her voice and resenting him a little while ago.

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“I’m sorry, but you have to go before people notice. It’s almost dawn.” Jack pointed his eyes to the campsite, urging them with a nervous look.

Eva could no longer put him in trouble. This situation alone would be very uncomfortable and too much for him.

Eva and Cecil hugged Father John one by one and bid their goodbyes. Afterwards, she left Father John behind, whose eyes reddened, and took a heavy step following Jack. Towards an unforeseen future, where hope or shun might wait for them.

John stayed there for a long time even after Eva and Cecil disappeared. He was worried that perhaps they would get caught and stumble upon a problem. He eventually whirled on his heels from his position once dawn broke.

After trudging for some time, he stopped. Reality finally sunk in about last night’s pressing event. A really chaotic situation had happened, then he became an accomplice. Subjectively, he had no regret. But when he had to answer the question if he made the right choice or not, his priest side couldn’t answer it. However, there was something he definitely had to do.

Pray for Eva and Cecil.

Give Father Elman the seat of the Holy See group tour.

It was the most terrible night he had ever been through.

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