Edward, Count Holland and their knights arrived at the Duke of Kensington’s Castle long after dark. Because they had contacted in advance that they would arrive either today or tomorrow, butlers and servants rushed out as soon as they arrived. When everyone got off their horses, the Duke and his wife, who heard the news, came out urgently.

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“Welcome, Your Highness and Count Holland.”


When Duke Kensington bowed, the Duchess followed shortly after with a curtsey to greet them. The tall, white-haired, and thin-faced Duke had a sharp and hard impression at a glance. The Duchess, who was dressed elegantly, was also disciplined. 

“Sorry for being late, Duke.”

“No, Your Highness. Have you eaten?”

“I ate, so don’t worry about it. All you have to do is provide accommodation for the knights and horses.”

“Don’t worry about that. And your rooms have been prepared separately.”

The Duke, who answered politely, nodded to the butler. The old butler disappeared into the annex with the security captain and knights. Edward told the remaining knights to be at ease.

“You’ve matured since I last saw you, Your Highness.”

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“Is that so?”

“Yes. Now you’ve become a wonderful man.”

The Duke and Duchess praised Edward in turn. It didn’t seem to be just a greeting, but there was a surprise in their eyes that could not be hidden. The once young Crown Prince who ran around the fields had returned as a strong lion.

“Your Highness!”

Before Edward could respond, the voice of a young woman rang out. Everyone’s eyes turned toward the sound. There stood a remarkably beautiful woman with a big smile.


Edward smiled and called the woman’s name. She was the daughter of the Duke of Kensington, and an acquaintance he had known for a long time.

Olivia grabbed the folds of her blue skirt and walked gently. Perhaps because it was late evening, her brown hair was flowing abundantly. As she approached, her sparkling brown eyes and stunning features were clearly revealed. Rumors that she was the most beautiful lady in the capital society did not seem to be a lie.

Unexpectedly for him, she became a beautiful and attractive woman.

“Long time no see, Your Highness. I’ve been waiting.”

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“It’s good to see you again, Olivia.”

Edward greeted her with a kiss on the back of her hand.

“It has been a while, Ms. Kensington.”

“The pleasure is mine, Count Holland.”

Count Holland also kissed Olivia on the back of her hand. He pretended to be polite and courteous because he was in front of the Duchess, but their eyes were playful. This was because they used to spend time together in their childhood and continued to maintain their friendship while growing up.

“Let’s go in and talk first.”

The Duke stepped forward and led the young people. Together, they entered the castle and stopped walking in the hall.

“May I offer you some tea, Your Highness?”

“No, ma’am. His Highness must be tired from travelling all day, so it would be better to rest. The Duke and yourself should also go in and rest.”

Count Holland stepped forward and politely refused the duchess’ proposal. It was a sudden visit, and it was a nuisance that many people came late. It was not polite to sit down and talk with the elderly Duke and Duchess here.

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“Very well. Then I will return to my room to rest, so have a comfortable night. Olivia, will you show His Highness and the Count to their rooms.”

“Yes, mother.”

Olivia calmly replied and led Edward and Holland. They exchanged greetings and climbed a huge spiral staircase. Olivia led them along a red carpeted hallway and stopped in front of a door to open it.

“This is Your Highness’ room and Count Holland can use the room next door. There’s also a bath inside.”

“Thank you, Ms. Kensington.”

Count Holland first entered Edward’s room with thanks. The room was colourful and comfortable. When Count Holland checked the safety of the room and nodded his head, Edward and Olivia entered the room.

“If you need anything, call your servant.”

“Thank you.”

Edward looked around the room and smiled at Olivia. At that moment, Olivia’s eyes shook and glowed. She opened her mouth to Edward with a slightly deeper voice.

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“You’ve changed a lot since you were on the battlefield, Your Highness. I think my favorite friend has disappeared.”


“Instead, a handsome man is here. How exciting.”


“Take a rest, Your Highness.”

Olivia, who left a playful greeting, bent her knees to curtsey before leaving the room. Edward, who was standing blankly at her words, smiled when he finally found out that it was Olivia’s mischievous joke.

“What do you think, Your Highness?”

Count Holland, who came close, asked Edward, taking off his armor.

“What do you mean by that?””

“Lady Olivia. She’s become really beautiful, right?

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