The Sleepless Night of the Maid — Chapter 65

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Translator: Scarlet / Editor: Scarlet

“His Highness, Prince Edw-”

“Does ‘His Highness’ mean the Imperial Family?”

“That’s right.”

Rex’s unusual expression was replaced by a frightened face.


No wonder the atmosphere in the castle was strange. He never imagined that the Crown Prince, who was usually on the front lines, would be in Duke of Kensington’s Castle. For some reason, he felt like he was stabbed in the back by a stranger while walking on the street.

It was a woman’s face that attacked him again before he could calm down his surprise.


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No, it was too much.

Calling Lily’s name, he stressed another name inside.

In fact, he already knew that Lily was the daughter of Count Macy’s, immediately after accepting Eva and her nanny.

As a result of calling the horseman of the carriage and conciliating him by giving him a large sum of money, he was told that the Priest of Crocs Field Cathedral brought Eva. Even in the horseman’s opinion, she did not seem to be a commoner.

Rex also guessed that Lily was likely to be a nobility. Don’t the words used by aristocrats, as well as elegant speech, posture, and actions prove that? Given her rough hands and good work, she is likely to be a fallen aristocrat, and there was only one candidate corresponding to her from Crocs Field.

Eva Belle Turner Macy’s.

The daughter of a once prestigious noble family recognized by the Empire and the former fiancée of the Crown Prince. The unfortunate love that collapsed due to the exploration maniac father.

Maybe Lily was not the spirituality of Macy’s. But the more he talked to her, the more certain Rex was. But what if Lily, no, Eva encountered her ex-fiancée, the Crown Prince?

Rex jumped up from his seat.

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Rex, who was about to leave the Duke’s study in an urgent step, happened to encounter the Duke of Kensington, who was entering the study at that time. Nice white hair with a beautiful yet hard face. Rex knew better than anyone else that he had a good face but didn’t give up to anyone.

“Where are you going?”

“It was too late, so I thought I’d leave.”

“His Highness, the Crown Prince, came and talked. Sit down.”

“Then a little later….”


It was a quiet but coercive order. Rex’s heart, which had been buzzing over the Crown Prince’s visit, quickly cooled down. This person had always been this way. A person who smiles gently, presses an opponent, and only when everything is done according to his or her intention.

Rex sat on the seat, flexing his jaw. Now that this had come, it may be better to finish work quickly and find Lily. In fact, the priority was the deal with the Duke, and if the relationship with him went wrong, his plan would go wrong.

He unfolded the scroll documents he had brought and presented them to the Duke.

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“Check this. Here’s the list of items you mentioned and the price accordingly.”

Lily, yeah, Lily is looking around the garden, so she’ll be fine. He heard that she had never met the Crown Prince. So even if they encountered each other because he was unlucky, they wouldn’t recognize each other because they didn’t know each other. 

Only after several layers of safety nets were drawn in his head, Rex was relieved and focused on the conversation.




The garden of Duchess Ragnar was very different from that of Bale Castle. There were four different gardens here, each boasting a huge size. Eva heard that it originally consisted of one large garden and one small garden, but the Duchess spent a lot of money to create two more large gardens with exotic styles. As if the garden construction was still not completed, many construction materials were piled up behind the castle.

The garden in front of the castle ran far into the forest, and the long trail that cut through the center was impressive. Rex asked her to walk down the road if she was bored, but Eva shook her head while looking at the road. She was afraid she’d get tired and fall before she even got to the end.

Instead, Eva walked through another garden and appreciated flowers, trees, and sculptures. It was a little cloudy, but she breathed in the fresh air pleasantly. She realized how blessed this small time was every step she took. Her heels sounded light as if dancing.

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It was time for Eva, who was appreciating the geometric garden structure, to move again. A man and a woman walking this way caught her eye. Maybe the owner or guest of this castle.

“What should I do?”

Eva hid herself behind a tall tree without realizing it. She was intimidated by herself because her situation was different from before. In addition, if she encountered them in shabby clothes, both sides would not feel good.

As they approached, Eva’s mind became nervous. She couldn’t stay here like this, nor could she run away from them. Eva poked her head out and looked at them again.

They were people who stood out at a glance even though their faces were blurred because of the distance. Not just because of their colorful costumes, but because of their unique luxurious atmosphere.

They walked with their arms linked, and as if talking happily, their faces were filled with smiles.

And when the distance was narrowed enough to recognize their faces, Eva opened her eyes wide and covered her mouth with both hands.

That’s outrageous!

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