The men who were sitting next to him also showed interest. One of them stood up from his seat, slyly sweeping the front of his trousers with his hand. Another laughed and licked his lips like a snake, while the other man put a keg to his mouth and gulped down the drink while staring at Eva. These scoundrels’ facial expressions were the same.

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Hungry wolves eyeing a stray lamb, ready to pounce.

The man with the scar on his face approached them. He lowered his face to the height of Eva and Cecil, pretending to be surprised and worried.

“What’re you ladies doing here late at night? Don’t y’know it’s dangerous to wander around Hastings all alone?”

“Sorry… I’m sorry. I think we got lost. We were going to Wellington, but we didn’t know this was Hastings. We’ll leave.”

Eva backed away from the man and took Cecil’s hand. She couldn’t have guessed that Hastings, the crime den, the most dangerous place in Montana, was where she and Cecil had wandered into.

Alarm bells were ringing in her mind. They had to run away again, and quickly.

“Aw, but if you leave right away like this, I’ll be sad. We’re not bad people, so let’s go. Have a drink together, eh?”

The man quickly moved and blocked the way for Eva and Cecil. He was like a stray cat, hunting and driving a mouse into a corner and playing with it before eating it.

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 “Here. Come an’ sit with me. I’ll make ya happy all night long.”

“Nah, he’s useless. Little lady, sit right ‘ere next to me. I’m better than this guy in many ways.”

Those standing by the fire exchanged vulgar words about Eva. She didn’t expect any politeness and consideration from the drunk men, but they were being too blatant and shameless. Eva was quickly realising actions aren’t necessary for harm.

“I’m sorry, but someone is waiting for us so we have to leave quickly.”

Cecil, who stepped forward, looked at the man and responded calmly. Then she secretly tugged on Eva’s hand. Eva knew what it meant.

Eva squeezed Cecil’s hand back as a sign of understanding. But she knew that realistically, it was impossible for two women with luggage to run away from a group of strong men. Besides, Cecil, who was sick, would not be able to run much. The best thing to do was to persuade them without testing their temper and leaving. Was it really possible? It was just a gloomy assumption.

“I-I’m sorry. We really have to go.”

Still, she had to make an effort, so Eva spoke as politely as she could, then took Cecil’s hand and walked away. Then the man completely blocked Eva’s face with an irritated expression.

“This really pisses me off! I only looked at you because you’re pretty. If you just came with me, it’d be easy. Why d’you keep resisting? If I did it my way, you’d already be laid on the floor!”

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The man who violently threatened Eva turned his head and spat on the floor.

The man’s horrid threat pierced the two women’s minds wildly. She was terrified and trembling so much that it was difficult to even stand upright. The two women struggled with fear while retreating to the wall to avoid the man.

“Please let us go. Otherwise, I’ll scream.”

“Do whatever you want. I dunno if you realised, but this is Hastings. No matter how much you shout or scream, no one’ll come. This happens every day here.”

The man smiled menacingly, as if Eva’s resistance was merely cute, and came closer again. He now cast her a blatantly lewd look, sweeping over Eva’s hair and face, neckline and chest, one after another.  

She was so frightened and ashamed that she cried, and the moment Eva bit her lip, Cecil stood in front of her, blocking her from the man’s dirty gaze.

“Please, just let us go. Then I will give you money.”

“Who’re you? Her mother?”

“… Yes. I am this child’s mother. If you need money, I will give you everything, so let us go.”

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“Of course, you’ll give me your money. But first, I’m having other things.”

The man reached out and pushed Cecil lightly, and darkly chuckled at the sight of Eva.

Even the naive Eva knew immediately what he meant. This man wasn’t joking around, he was really going to hurt Eva. She felt a terrifying feeling in her head as she got goosebumps. Everything was an enemy and a threat to them. The darkness, this space, the men, and the passing of time. 

“Stop having fun by y’self and c’mere. Let’s play together.”

A man chuckled from behind and spoke dirty words.

It was at that moment when the man in front of Eva stretched out his arm to her that Cecil, who was staring at him, ran and bit the man’s arm.

“Ah! You crazy bitch!”

The man yelled and grabbed his bitten arm, stepping back.  

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Wasting no time, Cecil grabbed Eva’s hand.

“Run away, miss!”

Since there was no time, Eva and Cecil left their luggage behind and started running. All their fortunes were in the trunk, but now their only thought was that they had to escape somehow.

It was difficult to even try to run. The two women were small and exhausted, but they squeezed out all the strength they could, despite Cecil’s sickness.

The two women were caught in the man’s wretched hands before they could get far. 

“Where are you going?!”

“Ah! Let go of her!”

The man grabbed Eva’s hair with one hand and grabbed Cecil’s arm with the other. Cecil resisted and pushed the man but he hit her in the head, making her fall to the ground. She looked towards Eva with her hands trembling before losing consciousness.

Eva’s eyes shook and shone with tears. As the world crumbled, her weeping screams rose.

“No! Nanny! Wake up, nanny! Help me! Anyone? Please help me!”

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