“Your Majesty,” Count Holland entered the prince’s office and addressed Edward, who was sitting at his desk. He had just received another letter from Crocs Field. The general manager of Bale Castle had sent another message and the content was concerning.

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“Please, speak,” Edward leaned back in his chair and placed his hands on the desk, interlocking his fingers. It had become a habit of his when dealing with serious issues.

“According to the Inspection Agency’s investigation, it is true that Miss Eva stabbed Baronet Biti’s son. They claim that the two of them were in love and got into an argument on the day of the incident. The maids woke to the sounds of a fight.”

“A fight?” Edward asked, puzzled.

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“Miss Eva had proposed marriage to Baronet Biti’s son, but he had repeatedly refused her. Getting annoyed and angry, Miss Eva stabbed him when he refused yet again.”

“You don’t believe that, do you?”

“Of course not, my lord,” Count Holland replied promptly.

Edward sighed and stood up, turning to look out the window while pressing his temples. He could not listen any longer, feeling as if his ears would fall off. They were in love? Eva proposed marriage? And then she stabbed him because he refused? It was absurd. Even though their meeting was brief, the Eva he met was a pure and proud woman. She would never try to change her situation through others. You could tell just by looking at the marks on her wrists. It was the son of Baronet Biti who was abusive, not Eva. Something bad must have happened that night. It must be the opposite of what was concluded. There was a high possibility that stabbing him was an act of self-defense. She must have been very frightened, running away with her nanny in the middle of the night. Her tender body must’ve been trembling all night from fear and cold.

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Edward, struggling to contain his anger, turned to Count Holland. “So how is the search going?”

“They wanted orders for Miss Eva to have been spread across Crocs Field and Ingraken. The Inspector General and Baronet Biti are searching for them like hawks.”

“But they still haven’t been caught?” Edward asked, raising an eyebrow. It was strange that the inspectors had been scouring the town for several days and couldn’t find a single hair. Usually, wanted people were discovered quickly through informants or eyewitnesses, so it was suspicious that there was no such thing.

“They found that the Archbishop of Crocs Field Cathedral himself put them in a wagon and helped them flee. He had been associated with Count Massies for a long time and is said to be close with Miss Eva.”

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“A wagon?” Edward asked, surprised.

“Yes. The problem is that the investigation is not progressing further because he keeps his mouth shut tight, as the clergy is governed by denominational law and not Imperial law.”

“…Yes, I know,” Edward answered in a low voice. He always disliked that law, but he was grateful for it now. The fact that Eva had a place to lean on, even while worried, somewhat calmed him down.

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“Some people saw the wagon go towards Ingraken, but there have been no witnesses.”

“Then it must mean that it was abandoned in a deserted place.”

“It seems so. But there is one interesting fact, Your Majesty.” Count Holland, who was reporting with a severe expression, suddenly grinned mischievously.

“Someone said they stayed that night at the base of the Gallahan Merchant group between Crocs Field and Ingraken.”

“What?” Edward’s eyes flashed fiercely.

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