As we were in the midst of talking about dinner, it suddenly got rowdy outside.

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Is something going on? Peeking out the window from curiousity, a gigantic bird was cutting across the sky. What the hell is that!?


[Oh dear, it's Almagos]


Aque who was looking out of the window alongside me said without much of a reaction.




[It's the monstrous bird who have made it nest in the vicinity of this town. Undoubtedly, the Toria birds at the farm are going to devoured again]


After that statement, she moved the furnitures that we were just sitting on and moved the carpet that was laid on the floor, unveiling a sturdy door beneath.


[As long as we don't disturb it, it would be fine so let's hide in the basement. Now then, please proceed, miss Alchemist]


Opening the door with a clicking sound, she prompted me to enter first. Even still, she's quite calm. I wonder if this is an everyday occurence for the citizens of this town.


[...More like, wait a minute. That monstrous bird eats toria bird?]


[That's right that's right. The reason why Almagos approaches this town is for the Toria birds at the farm. She is a carnivore after all]


She told me with a grinning face. By "she" does that means the bird is a female? So she's an predatory woman?


This isn't the time to think about such pointless thing. At this rate all the Toria bird will be eaten. That means the dinner I was looking forward to. I will not let that happen.


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[Aque, are you all you troubled by that monstrous bird's rampage?]


[Eh? Well, it's troubling but at the same time not really]


[It's troubling right?]


[Y-yes. It's troubling]


I applied a bit of pressure, and Aque then nodded perplexedly. Umu, very well.


[Then, I shall drive it away. It's dangerous so take cover here]


Relaying that, I made an U-turn. It is indeed big but it's just a bird in the end. If I threaten it with a bomb it should flee.




...At that moment, I could hear someone calling out me.


[Make sure to be extra careful. The mr. soldier who was serving as the gatekeeper challenged Almagos alone yesterday was eaten so]


Uwaah, I didn't wanted to hear that information. So this is why there isn't a lookout at the gate.


The weak me stuck out my head for just a slight moment before retreating. I have already said this much so I am not going to back out now. It's to eat or be eaten.


For the sake of my dinner, I will fight!


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Leaving Aque's house in the spur of the moment and equip myself with the invisible shield, wyvern's boots. In addition, I took out the bombs and headed for the sky on the witch's broom.


From a long distance away was a bird with a pair of silver wings and a crimson red head hovering in the air while screeching. Even from this distance it looks gigantic.


But still, recently I feel like I have only been fighting boss class monster like dragon or the lord of the take. Really, where did my sense of fear go. Well, whatever.


While reflecting, I eventually got closed to the monstrous bird. You're in my range! Victory goes to the one who makes the first move! Take this!


I threw the Bolt Dragon Bomb at it to the best of my abilities but it was dodged magnificently. It's fast!?


...Right after that, it countered with a flame breath. I protected myself with the invisible shield but it almost cooked me to well-done.


[Kyaa---! You're a bird yet you can spit fire, that's cheating!]


Calling it out while attempting to retreat for the moment, the enraged enemy proceeded to chase me.


There is a limit to how high the broom can go, and it is inferior in speed too. Furthermore, against an enemy whose main way of movement is flying it's disadvantageous......while pondering my next moves, the flame breath came again! Emergency evasion!


Using the broom as stepping stone, I made a full jump with the wyvern's boot. The height I went to surprised even me.


[Alright, I got you!]


I who was now at the prime position attacked the bird from behind with all the bomb in my disposal., she displayed her excellent speed but even then, attacks directly from on top of her head are impossible to dodge completely.


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It took a direct hit on its right wing and lost balance for a moment. The wound wasn't fatal as it shortly regained its posture and fled far away.


Watching over that scene while gliding, I proceeded to retrieve the broomstick, and returned to the ground. Haa, it worked out somehow.


[Are you ok, miss alchemist?]


[Ah, mm. I was a bit surprised by its size, but it worked out somehow]


Seeing that I have landed, Aque ran up to me.


[She suffered a wound to her wing so I doubt she will return until she has recovered]


[That's true. We should be safe for a while]


At the very least, tonight will be a safe one and with that fact I let the tension escape my chest.


[By the way, that broom......could it be that the alchemist role is a pretense and you are actually an elite magus?]




The abruptness of that question made me let out a funny sound.


N-no, no. I am a genuinely, the one and only alchemist Mei. I felt like this is not the first time I am experiencing this.


[Erm Aque, I am......]

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[There she is, it's that girl!]


[She drove away that monstrous bird. Who exactly is she?]


As I desperately try to correct her, people were flooding in from the streets that was freshly dyed red.


[From how you battled, you must be a magus]


[That's wrong. I am an alchemist]


[But that broom, no matter how you look at it you are a magus right]


[This is just my means of transport! There is no deeper meaning!]


Keeping the broom which was now the center of attention inside the bag, I raised my voice trying to correct them.


However, the more I try to make excuses the messier it got.


Praises like [as expected of a magus] or [to think a magus would come to such a place] were drowning any of my attempt to speak, I was unable to convey my message at all.


Letting out a big sigh, I dropped my shoulder in disappointment. Technically I did spread my name here but it was not as an alchemist. Gununu.


...No matter how convenient it is, it might be time to retire the broom. I feel like it is one of the prime sources for the misunderstandings.


While being dragged around by the citizens who wanted to hold a celebration, those were the thoughts going through my mind.

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