Two People Going Out (2).

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“Thank you very much~!”

I left the store, seeing off the cute server.

“Eating only sweet things sometimes is also nice to fill your stomach.”

“Yes, I agree.”

I chuckled as I remembered Schwarz-sama, satisfied and rubbing his belly, getting three servings of the Special Jumbo Parfait.

“That was really delicious.”

As I said that, he looked a little troubled and said, “Michelle’s cooking is also delicious, you know?”

I don’t have any competitive feelings about that, so don’t worry. Ice cream and chocolate can’t be made at home, so please enjoy eating out to your heart’s content. Personally, I’m very satisfied with being waited on hand and foot. Professional food is the best.

“What do you want to do from here on?”

It was still early afternoon, and there was plenty of time until sunset. I wanted to walk around the city a little more, but…

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“I’m going to go home and work in the garden. I want to dig and bury things while it’s still light outside.”

What are you going to bury?

But if Schwarz-sama has something to do, then it can’t be helped. We don’t have to spend all of our holidays together. I feel a little lonely, but… freedom should be respected.

“What about you, Michelle?”

“I’m going shopping. There’s a different market on holidays than on weekdays, so I want to buy some rare fabrics if there are any.”

“I see. See you later.”

“Yes, take care.”

We walked in different directions from there…

“Miss, are you interested in beauty?”

On the third step, I was approached by someone in an alley.

“We have some good foreign products.”

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“We’re currently offering free samples. Come to our store over there.”

Suddenly, a flashy man and woman appeared and tried to drag me into the alley.

“Um, I’m not interested in that. It’s okay.”

“It’s okay, it’s okay.”

“It’s free! It’s a good deal!”

“No, really, it’s okay…”

“Don’t hold back!”

Even when I refused, they kept insisting. I was panicking about what to do when suddenly a thunderous roar came from above my head. It was probably supposed to be “hey!” but it sounded more like a roar of “Goruaaa!” When I looked up, it was Schwarz-sama, of course.

“What are you all doing? I’ll call the military police!”



The man and woman who were almost knocked over by the force of his voice ran away on all fours. I started to say thank you, but he dropped his shoulders and sighed heavily.

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“Why do you always get harassed every time you come to town?”

“Huh? It’s…just a coincidence?”

It doesn’t happen when I come to shop on weekdays. Only on busy weekends…probably.

However, the general didn’t seem convinced.

“What do you mean it’s a coincidence? Every time I see you, you’re always being bothered. Twice out of two, that’s a hundred percent probability!”

Uh oh. That’s a fallacy, but if you just take that part out, it’s true.

Schwarz-sama muttered, “Geez…” and scratched his head as if giving up.

“I’ll go with you to do your shopping.”


I was surprised by his unexpected offer.

“No, you don’t have to go that far.”

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“I’ve already decided. I can’t bear it if something happens to Michelle.”

Schwarz-sama, who is a worrywart, made me smile wryly.

“She’s not a child, so she won’t be kidnapped.”

“…It’s precisely because she’s not a child that I’m worried.”


I couldn’t hear the last word he said very well. He glanced at me when I asked him to repeat it and said, “Where do you want to go?”

This guy doesn’t give up once he’s decided on something. Well then…

“To the fabric store.”

I decided to have him help me choose the fabric for the clothes I’m going to make next.


Schwarz-sama nodded and started walking. I followed along, feeling a little guilty for dragging him along with me. But…I was still a little happy that we could spend time together.

…Next week, I’ll help him with his gardening.

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