The Spider Queen

Chapter 414: 414

(Alpha Star System)

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(Xemena Commercial Transport Group- Vessel No.1446)

The first-class section of the spaceship contained numerous private suites where the wealthy business elites and noble aristocrats could travel in comfort and peace.

Inside one of these suites was a gorgeous dark-haired beauty with long curly hair that gently fell below her shoulder.

Her eyes were a brilliant piercing green colour and seemed to gleam with a mischievous glint.

The noble girl had a lean physique that was soft and willowy with curves in all the right places.

She wore an expensive black dress that was adorned with tiny star-like crystals that blinked and mimicked a beautiful night sky.

Perhaps the only flaw in the noble girl's appearance would be the heavy bags below her eyes and a general aura of exhaustion.

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Cleo leaned back against the soft comfortable sofa-like chair and absentmindedly touched her wrist communicator.

Planet Gaia was only thirty minutes away.

In just less than an hour, she would be reunited with Sophie again.

The princess sighed lightly as she got up from her chair and walked up and down the length of her private suite.

She felt a mix of emotions especially after receiving a message from a girlfriend not too long ago that talked about her struggles with mental health.

Cleo knew that something was wrong when Sophie did not reply to any of her messages but she had no idea that the situation was so serious.

This_content is taken from lightnov‎elworld.c‍om

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Squeak! Squeak!

Moon flapped his wings inside the cage and tried to get Cleo's attention. The princess smiled at the large frostwing bat's antics and opened the door.

Moon rushed outside the cage and began to fly around the room leaving small patches of ice wherever he passed.

This ice soon melted but the temperature inside the private suite rapidly plummeted until Cleo could see tiny white clouds whenever she exhaled.

The previously little frostwing bat had grown quite a bit since Sophie's disappearance.

Cleo wasn't sure if it was due to some kind of mutation but Moon was significantly bigger than the expected size of a juvenile of his species.

In fact, he was now roughly half the size of Cleo's body!

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There were other noticeable differences in Moon's appearance especially when compared to a normal frostwing bat.

These included his enlarged fangs, tiny spikes that grew along his spine and a whip-like tail with a sharpened blade-like bone on the end.

The bluish stripes along the sides of his torso and upper back now glowed ominously and felt cold to touch.

Moon's ability to drop the temperature of his surroundings and summon ice crystals had also improved drastically.

He also ate… a lot.

It was fortunate that Duke Peterlor would regularly send credits for his expenses because Cleo suspected that the frostwing bat would eat through her bank account within a month

"We are going to see your mommy soon… are you excited?" Cleo whispered softly as she stroked the top of Moon's furry head.

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Updated_at lightnov‎elworld.c‍om

Squeak! Squeak!

Moon's tiny tail wagged furiously from side to side as the frostwing bat hopped up and down in excitement.

Cleo reached into her storage ring and pulled out a bowl full of nutrient pellets. She then placed the bowl on the table and Moon jumped on the chair beside it.

Cleo left the frostwing bat to enjoy his mid-morning snack while she opened up her communicator and sent a message.

[Cleo: Hey Sophie! I am going to see you soon :) I also brought Moon along and I bet you won't even recognise him when you see him]

[Cleo: I love you babe

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