The Spider Queen

Chapter 54: Chapter 54 University Specialisat


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Sophie groaned as the all too familiar pain of a needle sliced through her flesh and delivered another dose of poison into her body.

She glared angrily at Katarina who withdrew the needle and prepared another batch of toxins with no hesitation. This was a regular occurrence and Sophie was reluctantly used to it by now.

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Many seemed to be under the impression that using the Poison Arts consisted of merely throwing vials at enemies during battle, but those moves were only done by amateurs.

One had to train for at least two years to build up required immunity before even thinking of manufacturing their first poison.

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Releasing poison without having an immunity to it was no more than tossing out a suicide attack.

Katarina was a specialized poison cultivator, so her training methods were even more robust, and she refused to teach anything until Sophie's body had adapted to ten thousand different types of poisons.

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Well if there was any bright spot…. she no longer had to be strapped to the bed as the frequency of the injection had raised Sophie's tolerance for needles.

Now she merely gave a small grimace of pain when she saw one.

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Cleo: [Two more days till the university entrance exams!!!!]

Cleo: [I hope we get placed on the same testing exoplanet :D

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