The Spider Queen

Chapter 559: Chapter 559: A Special Gift For H

Chapter 559: A Special Gift For Her Princess

(Alpha Star System- Planet Gaia)

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(Nrean City- Grand Royal Hotel)

Sophie gently tapped twice against the door to let Cleo know that she was outside before pressing her finger against the scanner.

A green light swept over her thumb and the door swung open to reveal a luxurious hotel bedroom complete with a large mattress in the middle.

Cleo was currently leaning against a pillow with a book in her hand. The princess wore a simple white nightdress and her messy curly hair fell below her shoulders.

She did not wear any make-up and yet Sophie was briefly stunned when she saw how beautiful her girlfriend was.

Cleos piercing green eyes were an ocean that she would happily drown in.

The princess looked up from her book and carefully placed her novel down on the bedside table when she saw Sophie at the door.

She yawned sleepily and stretched out her arms before slowly getting out of the bed and walking towards the hybrid girl.

Hi darling where were you this morning? Cleo asked curiously as she walked over to Sophie and wrapped her arms around her lower back.

Sophie bent down and pressed a soft kiss against Cleos forehead. She reached into her pocket and pulled out the sealed box.

Here I got this for you from a shop Sophie said mischievously as she handed the box over to Cleo.

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The princess furrowed her brows in confusion and looked at her girlfriend who refused to give her any hints as to what was inside.

Cleo took the box from Sophies hands and carefully opened it while taking care not to damage the contents inside.

Inside the box was a metalloid necklace with a small transparent crystal hanging from the center of the pendant.

The crystal contained a bluish liquid that flowed back and forth without Cleo even moving the necklace.

The necklace was honestly a bit plain, but Cleo was happy to receive any gift from her girlfriend, so she stood on her tip toes and planted a kiss against Sophies lower jaw.

Thanks babe! I love it! Cleo cheerfully spoke as she held up the necklace and placed it over her neck.

She struggled for a brief moment with the latch, so Sophie walked behind her girlfriend and helped her to put it on.

This is actually quite the expensive item Sophie explained warmly as her fingers lightly brushed against Cleos neck.

Inside the necklace is a rare substance from the Unovan Syndicate if you are ever in danger then crush the crystal and the liquid will spill out.

It will form a natural barrier capable of withstanding blows from cultivators up to the god stage

Sophie I cant accept something precious like this Cleo hesitantly spoke as she stared at her girlfriends warm eyes.

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You should keep it for yourself dont give me such a valuable life saving card

Keep it. I bought it for you to keep you safe. I dont know what I would do if I lost you, Sophie interrupted her girlfriends shy words.

Cleo looked as though she wanted to argue some more but seeing the determination in Sophies eyes, she decided not to say anything.

The princess thanked her girlfriend once more and lightly pulled on Sophies shirt to get her to bend down slightly.

She pressed her lips against Sophies in a soft lingering kiss that seemed to last for hours. Cleo poured all of her emotions and gratitude into the kiss.

A faint trace of pink began to spread from the corners of Sophies golden eyes, but the hybrid girl quickly got her unstable emotions under control.

Babe dont tempt me Sophie hoarsely whispered as the pair finally broke apart.

Cleo merely giggled and pulled down part of her nightdress to reveal the hickeys on her neck and upper chest.

Sophies fingers curled up into a fist and she had to take several deep breaths in order to prevent herself from flinging her girlfriend on the bed and having a repeat of last night.

So, whats the plan for today? Cleo asked softly as she adjusted her clothing.

Why dont we grab something to eat and then we can spend the rest of the day walking through the city, Sophie suggested casually.

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Cleo nodded in agreement and headed for the bathroom to take a shower and put on some clean clothes.

Sophie absentmindedly walked over to the mattress and sat down. She powered on her wrist communicator and sent out a few messages in the group chat.

Sophie: [Hey girls! How is the vacation going?]

Qiana: [Just terrible territory management training is from 11am to 11pm every single day of the week I cant get a break]

Qiana: [My tutor is a super strict noble lady from the Alpha Star System who just keeps droning on and on about taxes, public services, and other stuff that I know already]

Qiana: [Ugh kill me now]

Sophie sighed at her friends misfortunes and quickly typed a few words of comfort. Astrid did not seem to be online but that wasnt surprising considering the time zone difference.

The Mendolesa mage was still on Planet Eleron with her siblings and was undergoing a sort of internship with Archmage Hollystorm.

The Servie professor wanted his star pupil to be ahead of the syllabus so poor Astrid had to attend multiple days of summer school.

Sophie chatted for around fifteen minutes with Qiana before her friend said that her training was about to start so she bid the hybrid girl farewell.

It was just in time as well since the door to the bathroom slid open and Cleo stepped outside wearing a light cream blouse and a pair of dark skinny jeans that cling to her shapely behind.

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Sophie felt her heart stop as Cleo ran her fingers through her messy her and shot her a seductive wink.

Like what you see babe? Cleo teased as sparkles appeared in her piercing green eyes.

Always Sophie replied seriously as she walked over to her girlfriend and stretched out her hand.

Cleo gently grabbed her palm, and the two girls locked their fingers together. Sophie led the princess out of the hotel room and locked the door behind them.

The hotel was relatively busy in the morning, and one could see guests being escorted by the staff throughout the building.

Fortunately, Sophies hybrid appearance and the large blade-like appendages jutting out her back easily cleared a path through the crowd.

She did get a couple of strange looks from the wealthy individuals who usually stayed in five-star hotels like this one but at this point she was used to it.

It would be a lie if she said that she didnt miss being on Planet Eleron where the Mendolesa people didnt seem to treat her any different from the other humans.

In fact, they were very impressed by her battle strength, and she was actually quite popular since she got first place in the battle ranking tournament.

Sophie finally reached outside the hotel and turned to face her girlfriend who looked back at her with a gentle smile.

Where do you want to eat? Sophie asked lovingly.

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