The Spider Queen

Chapter 586: Chapter 586: A Mysterious Connect

Chapter 586: A Mysterious Connection

(Insectoid Empire- Lovrean Galaxy)

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(Unknown Location- Prison R-812)

Prison R-812 was well known as the most dangerous place in the Lovrean Galaxy.

Only the most dangerous killers were trapped in the prison that some nicknamed the death palace.

The prison was a sectioned off area of space that consisted of five planets, a few moons, and an asteroid belt.

The entire region had a large spatial barrier encircled around its location as well as thousands of heavily armed starships and guards.

Not a single prisoner had escaped once they had been tossed in the prison and most of them were probably dead.

The guards did not interfere with any of the infighting that occurred among the inmates and in fact they relished the sight.

Only the worst of the worst ended up here.

Murderers, rapists, terrorists and one prisoner who was especially famous

The exiled princess of the Arachnais tribe.

Thaille frowned slightly as she stepped over a corpse that was still warm with blood leaking out of the massive hole in his chest.

The former member of the royal family seemed out of place and yet oddly well suited for the carnage that surrounded her.

She was roughly six feet tall with long slender legs and beautiful golden eyes that shone brightly in the darkness.

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She possessed plump kissable lips and a seductive figure with two twin peaks that would attract the attention of both men and women.

Six blade-like appendages jutted out of her back, and one could see razor sharp fangs in her mouth that gleamed slightly.

Thailles facial features were almost identical to her daughters except she looked like a grown-up version who was in her early thirties.

Her beauty did not diminish with her age but was enhanced to a level that was almost unnatural.

Boring Thaille hissed lazily as she wandered through the battlefield and used her appendages to finish off her dying foes.

Yet another attack by the Murdock gang

She hated newbies who didnt know their place.

Prison R-812 had long been divided into different areas that were controlled by the gangs that formed over time.

Only Thaille had been able to secure an entire planet for herself and as a result she constantly had to deal with challengers.

When she first arrived at the prison, a certain gang leader wanted to taste the royal princess and share her with his brothers.

This planet used to be his territory.

Thailles lips gradually curled upwards as she remembered the look of shock and horror on the leaders face when she ripped out his heart.

If the criminals in here were expecting a soft and delicate princess, then they quickly discovered that their assumptions were incorrect.

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Thaille was a monster a beast that was capable of killing just like the rest of them

The former princess yawned sleepily and then headed for her base. Although calling it a base was stretching the truth

At the bottom of a nearby mountain was a cave and inside the cave was a makeshift bed made out of grass and leaves from the nearby plants.

Thaille may be good at fighting but when it came to building shelters lets just say that her talents lay elsewhere.

Well it wasnt exactly a comfortable home, but it was good enough.

The former princess did not complain as she walked past the bed and headed for the underground river.

She needed to wash the blood off her body before she entered a berserk state.

Already one could see faint traces of crimson along the corners of her golden eyes.

Thaille lowered her body into the river and hissed softly as the blood on her body washed away to reveal horrific open wounds along her arms and stomach.

The prisoners in here were not ordinary individuals and many were void stage cultivators or even in the god stage

The former princess winced slightly as the wounds on her body gradually began to regenerate piece by piece.

Still there were some advantages to fighting constantly she could feel the barrier to the ascension stage get weaker and weaker the more she fought.

Thaille worshipped the hunter goddess and there were several worthy preys to be found inside the prison.

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The princess opened her eyes and stared in a certain direction.

She remained completely still but her muscles tensed up. Thaille resembled a viper that was about to strike.

The shadowy figure creeping along the edge of the wall must have been confident in her cultivation technique to remain unseen.

It was a shame that she didnt account for Thailles instincts that were sharp enough to be called a precognition ability.

Thaille reached into her pocket and flung a blade at the intruder. The sharpened weapon flew so quickly that it produced a sonic boom.

The mysterious ambusher did not even have any time to react before the blade penetrated her skull and exited the other side.

Brain matter and blood splattered across the wall as Thaille golden eyes shone with cruelty and sadistic glee.

The technique that the intruder used to disguise herself slowly faded to reveal a lizard-like creature with a long slender whip-like tail.

A Roxane ended up in here?

Thaille was always under the impression that the Roxane were a peaceful species, but she supposed that there were always exceptions.

The former princess finished washing up and then dragged the corpse out of her shelter so that it wouldnt stink up the place.

She tossed it several hundred meters away and then returned to her makeshift bed. Thaille looked outside the cave and realised that night was about to fall.

It was time for her daily ritual.

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Thaille reached under her bed and pulled out a blank sheet of paper with only a few lines of text written down at the top.

There was a feather under her bed along with a container filled with a black liquid. Thaille dipped the nib of the feather in the liquid and then began to write.

Dear my beloved Sophie,

How are you today? Your mom had to deal with some nasty guys who wanted to take over her territory but dont worry they are dead now.

I can feel my cultivation getting stronger by the day so hopefully it wont be long until I escape this place and find you.

I look forward to seeing how youve grown up. I hope you take after me because lets be honest your dad is bit of a softie.

Hes cute though but dont tell him I said that!

A small smile flashed across Thaille face as she pictured the adorable soft baby that she held in her arms.

She was so weak and helpless and yet the former princess had never seen anything more precious in her entire life.

Thaille stopped writing and prepared to put the sheet of paper back under her bed when her instincts flared once more.

The former princess immediately glanced in a certain direction but this time she could not see any lifeform or threat.

It was quite strange her instincts were flaring up, but she did not feel any sort of danger coming from the direction where she was looking.

Instead it was almost like a connection

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