“…… Huuh.”

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An unbearable groan escaped from between her gaping lips. His cold touch barely brushed her chest, but Azela couldn’t stand it. It wasn’t the first time someone’s hand touched her body. And yet, this time she spent with him was always new to Azela.


Zagnac let out a small sound, and he buried his lips in Azela’s neck. His lips were hot as he sucked hard. He slid gently down Azela’s chest, like a snake. Her chest, like a ripe fruit, not small but not too big, was swallowed up by Zagnac at once. Azela felt her own chest stiffen and tilted her head back. She obviously thought she wouldn’t react. But suddenly, her head went blank and nothing came to mind.

Azela bit her lower lip hard. If she didn’t bite her lip, it seemed that she would say she wanted him would come out without her realizing it. Her reddened body was unwittingly wanting a stronger stimulation. Azela put her hand on Zagnac’s black hair as he descended under her.

“Huhh…… Za, Zagnac…….”

There was no shame in the sound of sobbing and moans. Azela wanted Zagnac. Still, he was relaxed. His long fingers descended from her chest, past her navel, stroking her side and clenching her hips hard. Azela felt the strength draining away from her clenched legs as he gripped her tightly. Zagnac didn’t miss the moment, he moved his hand between Azela’s gaping legs.


Contrary to his usual playful childlike appearance, Zagnac at night has always grown up like this. With a low breath, he called out Azela’s name softly. The dark purple eyes looked at Azela, who had lost her gaze, then turned to between her legs. His long, beautiful fingers gently pierced Azela’s insides. Zagnac’s fingers, which she had always felt cold, were hot. As his fingers swam softly inside her, Azela grabbed the bedsheet and squeezed it tightly as if she was about to lose her mind.

She couldn’t even tell if she had her eyes open or closed now. It must have been her bedroom here, but the moon and stars seemed to be visible from the ceiling. A soft, squeaky, rubbing sound filled the bedroom with a heavy moaning sound.

“Za, Zagnac…… please…… Haahk!”

Azela unconsciously lifted her waist towards the sky and she called out his name. It was difficult to satisfy her burning body with just the fingers. Zagnac, who saw Azela like that, spit out a small cursing as if he couldn’t stand it any longer. Then he carefully pulled his fingers off and hurriedly threw his own trousers. In Azela’s hazy gaze, she saw his center, which rose sharply. Zagnac grabbed Azela’s waist and pulled her closer to him, and he pushed himself firmly into her.

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“Huh…… Azela.”

The hot manhood rushed into her as he lowered his upper body and called Azela’s name. Beads of sweat dripped down Azela’s forehead. Azela wrapped around Zagnac tightly with her two legs, wondering that he might escape with the scorching heat that filled her inside.

“If you tighten it like that…… Ugh.”

As if that was a stimulus, Zagnac threw out the gentle movement he had been holding back and started to react violently while holding Azela’s waist. Beads of sweat ran down Azela’s chest and stomach from Zagnac’s shaking hair. Azela couldn’t come to her senses in the center of his thick manhood that repeatedly came in and out as if scratching inside her. There were no more thoughts in her shaking head.

It didn’t matter who he was. She just wanted to be in his arms like this for a few days.

“More…… more……!”

She didn’t even know what was coming out of her gaping lips. At Azela’s squeezing, Zagnac pushed into her faster and harder. She felt him grow bigger and bigger inside her. She wondered if her insides would burst like this, but she wasn’t worried. The sweetness of pleasure was stronger than that of worry. He moved coolly, as if scratching her ticklish inside.

He couldn’t control himself, so he lowered his upper body and looked for Azela’s gaping lips. She didn’t know if this hot breath was her own, or if he was exhaling. The tangled tongues lusted after each other, no matter who they were.

So sweet. His breath was sweet, his sweat was sweet, he was sweet as he swelled in her, and everything he spit out was sweet. In the extreme excitement as if she was about to lose her mind, Azela tightened her lower belly and bit him hard. As if she didn’t want him to get away from her.


At the same time, Zagnac’s movements became a little more intense. Azela grabbed his arm tightly as he made a strong push on her. A small vein of excitement grew on Zagnac’s arm, which has firmly positioned muscles. And as it was, she felt something hot spraying strongly inside her, and Zagnac fell on Azela.

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“Haa…… Haa…….”

There was only the sound of hot breathing. Azalea closed her eyes and opened it to see the ceiling of the bedroom and Zagnac’s black hair soaked in pleasure. He was still trembling inside her. She didn’t know if the pounding of the heart was his or her.

Azela turned her head and looked out the window. It was a dark night, and the moon and stars were not visible at all.




She had a fiery love. The process of men and women falling in love is similar, but Daniel and her were more difficult than others to achieve that love, so she believed that it was even more special.

Daniel whispered that he loved her for the rest of his life, and she had no doubt that it would never change. They were as hot as being thrown into the middle of a burning furnace. Him and her were like the male and female leads in a famous book, and it seemed as if this world was a big stage prepared for her.


“Hello. My name is ‘Sylvia,’ who will be living in this mansion from today.”

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That was entirely her own misunderstanding. The story behind the book, which ended with ‘I lived a happy life,’ continued to flow.




“Let’s get divorce, us.”

Azela pulled out the papers she had folded in her bag and held it out. She put a lot of strength in her face to keep her lips trembling from the tension.

It must have been the moment he always wanted, but when he faced this situation, Daniel was stunned. With a bewildered expression, he looked at Azela, who had a hard expression on her face, and the divorce papers in her hand.

“What are you doing? Take it. My hand hurts.”
“…… Uh, right.”

With his shiny golden hair twinkling, Daniel took the document in Azela’s hand. It was fascinating yet strange to see that the years that would have been long if they were long and short if they were short, can be summarized on a few sheets of paper. Azela, who was now looking at the paper that had left her hand, turned her head to look at Sylvia, who was sitting next to him with a stern expression on her face.

Sylvia put her hand on her stomach, whether it was to show Azela on purpose or to tease her. She burst into laughter as she smiled a victor’s smile.

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“…… How many months is it?”

When Azela asked, Daniel, who was looking at the documents with a complicated expression, exclaimed, ‘Oh,’ and avoided her gaze. Still, it seemed that the last remorse remained in him, and he kept his lips shut without answering.

“It’s been three months, you can’t tell yet?”

It was Sylvia who answered Azela’s question. She answered in a cute voice and smiled as she drew the elegant smile to her lips. As if she was the Countess.

In the end, it was Silvia who was left with Daniel. The beginning was with Azela, but this man’s end was with someone other than her. Azela took her eyes off Sylvia’s stomach and stared at Daniel, who was still looking at the papers with a complicated expression.

“I can’t even say congratulations. You understand, right?”

At Azela’s words, Daniel frowned without saying a word. Azela, not knowing the meaning of that expression, stared at Daniel for a long time. Did he want her to wish him congratulations? She let out a smirk.

He is a bad person and an ugly person to Azela until the very end. Azela gave a meaningless smile and picked up the bag she had placed next to her.

A small, shabby bag that could be carried with one hand… That was all the luggage Azela had.

It’s been a few years since she lived at the Count’s mansion, but this is the only thing she’s going to take with her. That was really funny.

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