“Your Majesty.”

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In a warm and friendly atmosphere, Zagnac, who was smiling, finally opened his mouth. Everyone watched his lips while holding their breath in anticipation of what he would say.

Meanwhile, Livia turned her head to look for Azela. She smiled bitterly when she saw Azela looking at her and Zagnac from a distance away. It was the most considerate and courteous thing Livia could do towards her.

“I can’t marry Princess Livia.”

However, the warm atmosphere was quickly shattered by Zagnac’s words.

The expressions on the faces of the people who had been congratulating them turned into shock in an instant. In the quiet party hall, not even a sound could be heard. There was only the sound of someone gulping.


“…What now?”

The Emperor uttered in a low, low voice as his face was cold.

Azela was startled by the apparent murderous gaze in front of so many people and hurried behind Zagnac.

“Fa, father!”

Livia, who faced the vivid gaze, hurriedly stood between Zagnac and the Emperor. Shaking her head agitatedly, she tugged at the sleeve of Zagnac’s jacket. As he saw the look in her eyes telling her that there was no good against the Emperor, he coldly slapped Livia’s hand away from her.

“Princess Livia should already know.”



Zagnac turned his gaze back to Azela, who was behind him, with his hands resting on her waist. Without hesitation, he stretched out his hand towards her, and everyone’s eyes turned to her.

“Because I fell for this woman.”


Azela, left alone at the party, let out a sigh. It was because when Zagnac brought out those absurd words, even the Emperor could not stand it any longer. So having completely lost his face, he took Zagnac and Livia to his office to talk to them.

Azela, as the escort knight, naturally tried to follow him but she couldn’t do so because of Zagnac’s urging.

“It’s okay. This time, I was summoned by the Emperor in front of so many people, so he couldn’t hurt me. Enjoy the party here. I will be back soon.”

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Saying that, he followed the Emperor.

Azela let out a long sigh again, and she took a sip of the sweet champagne.


“Because I fell for this woman.”


…Why did he say something like that?

The moment Zagnac said that, she looked at Livia. She was looking at Azela with eyes full of envy, not jealousy. She thought that a happy ending was coming for the two of them to be together. Even though she was thrilled by those words, her heart was confused.


After taking three sips of champagne, she heard a familiar voice.

Azela glanced away indifferently.

It was Daniel, with a droopy shoulder, looking like he was about to cry. It must have been that he came running in surprise after seeing Zagnac’s behavior a moment ago.

“Count Todd.”

Azela greeted him with courtesy as she had treated others. Seeing that, Daniel stepped in front of her with a face that looked like he was about to burst into tears.

“…That’s a lie, right?”

“I don’t know what you are talking about.”

“Duke Ferial and…”

Daniel blurted out his last words before gritting his teeth as if he didn’t want to bring that up. Then, as if he didn’t want to imagine it, he shook his head and grabbed her wrist.

“…It’s my fault.”

Azela looked back and forth between her gripped wrist and Daniel’s face. His obedient appearance seemed to go back to the past when the two were passionately in love.

“I… I—”

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He grabbed her hand with both hands. Even though she was in contact with him, there was no fluttering and trembling, and she didn’t even feel contempt. It felt as if a stranger’s hand had just passed by.

Azela was able to understand her appearance which did not even feel anger.

…Now, this person had utterly faded even from her memory.

“It’s my fault… Come back.”

“…Count Todd.”

“You created the position of count. You made me… I can’t be without you, Azela.”

Daniel sadly clung to her.

However, Azela’s eyes were the same dry gaze as she glanced around and let out a sigh as he clung to her like he was about to fall on his knees before opening her mouth.

“What are you going to do with Sylvia when I come back?”

“That, of course…”

“Will you throw her away, like you did to me?”

She had no intention of going back anyway. Still, Daniel was seriously pondering over Azela’s question. Nonetheless, no answer came out of his mouth, no matter how long he waited. That was right…

Azela sneered.

“You don’t want to have her, but it’s a waste to give her to someone.”


“Tha-that’s not it! If Sylvia hadn’t been pregnant…! Until she gives birth—”

“What if she gives birth?”

“When she gives birth…”

Daniel rolled his eyes hard. She could hear the sound of his head spinning as fast as his pupils.


“If she gives birth to a son, you will make him your successor, and you will ask me to raise him. And if she gives birth to a daughter, you must be planning to throw her away with Sylvia?”

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“…As, as expected, you know me.”

He didn’t bother to deny it. It was because she had been with him for years.

Daniel smiled brightly and nodded his head. Azela didn’t say that because she wanted to make him the bad person. Regardless, he was the same. He was still a bad person, just like that… no, he was that kind of person, although he just put a veil over her eyes.


As Azela coldly brushed away his hands that were holding her, Daniel wept at his coldly outstretched hand.

“I guess it stings a little now?”

When she said that, Daniel unconsciously raised his hand and glanced at his fingernails. A little tingling now, no… rather, it hurt so much. As he thought so, he turned his gaze back to Azela, but she shook her head.

“But, there is nothing wrong with this. Didn’t I tell you before?”


“By the time you’re trying to get better, it will sting.”


“It will dig deep and eventually fester.”

Daniel’s face was gradually distorted by her strong words. He looked like he was going to cry, but he also looked like he was afraid.

“…This is just the beginning, Daniel.”

“A, Azela…”

“Now it just stings though it hasn’t even started yet.”

As Azela turned around and tried to walk away from Daniel, he hurriedly followed her and stood in front of her.

“How can I get you back?”


She glanced around. Around them, the nobles tilting their glasses of champagne were laughing at Daniel with their arms crossed. She could hear the taunts of the women hiding behind the fan.

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Azela, who looked around nonchalantly, turned her head to look back at him.

“Right. Get on your knees here.”


“Then, who knows? Maybe I will have a change of heart…”

Before she could finish her sentence, Daniel dropped to his knees without the slightest hesitation. It was unusual. Knowing his proud nature, she suggested something he would never do. Still, he didn’t have the slightest hesitation. It showed how desperate he was.

A sneer was drawn on Azela’s lips as she looked down at Daniel on his knees. She then stretched out the colorful fan Findar had given her and covered her mouth with a smile.

“I’m sorry, even when I see you like that.”


“My heart couldn’t change at all.”


“Don’t appear in front of me again. The more you do, the more miserable you, your wife, and the unborn child will be.”


As soon as Azela finished speaking, Sylvia, who had been gritting her teeth at Azela from afar, jumped out. She raised Daniel from his knees and shot Azela.

“Azela, what is this now!”

“I didn’t force him. He asked me what to do to get me back. So, I said that if he got down on his knees, I might change my mind, but now it’s like this.”

Azela smiled, pointing lightly at the man in front of her with her fan.

On the other hand, after listening to those words, Sylvia bit her lip hard and supported the bewildered Daniel.

“…Sylvia, go.”

“But, Daniel…!”

“This is a problem between Azela and I. Sylvia, you can go over there.”

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