“Are you okay?”

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Still, Zagnac didn’t care about Chises.

He gazed at Azela’s bluish wrist and clicked his tongue before he carefully arranged her dress, which had been rolled up because of Chises. At first glance, while he looked very calm, Azela could tell when she was looking straight at him.

If not stopped, Crown Prince Chises might die on the spot.

“I’m okay.”

She hurriedly replied.


Her dress, which had already been disheveled once, could not be tidied up no matter how much he tried to smooth it up. Zagnac finally took off his robe and tied it around Azela’s waist, and then he turned his gaze back.

Azela also moved her gaze after him.

As Livia and the knights were supporting Chises, the Emperor next to him was looking at Zagnac with the gaze of ‘try it if you want to.’

He seemed to want Zagnac to run amok here so that there would be an excuse to kill him. It was already a great sin to throw the Crown Prince to the ground in front of the Emperor’s eyes. Azela swallowed a gulp and grabbed Zagnac, telling him that he shouldn’t do as he pleases.

Seeing her hand gripping him, he whispered softly so that only she could hear.

“Don’t worry about it.”

He seemed to have lost his temper, but fortunately, he didn’t. Azela let out a sigh of relief.

“Because I will definitely kill him on the spot.”

…No, she didn’t even think that perhaps he had already lost his reason and only instinct remained. Besides, he didn’t look worried at all. Azela gazed at Zagnac with a white face though his eyes, covered with anger, did not contain her.

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Chises, who was supported and barely able to stand still, called for Azela, who was standing by Zagnac. Hearing the call, Zagnac stepped forward and hid her behind him so that she would not be seen by his gaze.

Seeing that, Chises laughed.

“…What is this situation?”

“Your, Your Highness…”

In an effort to stop him from becoming violent, Livia hurriedly grabbed the Crown Prince’s arms with both hands. As Chises, who was about to move forward, got his arm caught by Livia, it made him unable to move forward.

He looked displeased.

“Livia, get rid of these filthy hands.”

It was a voice of displeasure and disgust.

Normally, she would have put her hands away after her brother raised his voice, but today was different. Livia glanced at Zagnac and Azela, tightening her grip on Chises’ arm. She seemed to think that she was the only one who could stop this situation.

“There, there are many eyes to see. Let’s get out of here for a while…”

“Get your hands off me!”

Chises furrowed his eyebrows at her hesitant words, then violently shook her hand.

Thanks to that, Livia was sprawled out in the hallway like him a moment ago as the sleeves of the dress Azela had given her were torn horribly. Livia hurriedly tried to put the torn sleeves back with a bleak face, but it could never be reattached.


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As she let out a sigh and wept, the Emperor was just watching this whole situation.

“As expected, it would be better to kill him now.”

When Zagnac whispered to her in a low voice that only she could hear, Azela hurriedly shook her head at the serious murderous voice. Of course, if Chises died, it would be a good thing for her though that wasn’t a good thing for Duke Ferial, the human being.

Perhaps the Emperor was hoping that his son, his successor, Chises, would die at Zagnac’s hand. Regardless, he had many substitutes for Chises, and the successor of the next generation was not his business.

“Duke Ferial.”

Chises couldn’t even stand up properly, so he staggered and laughed at the absurdity. He glanced at Azela, who was completely hidden behind Zagnac as he sent eyes blazing with anger.

“You’re going to marry Livia, so why do you keep getting involved in my problems with Azela?”

Then, he muttered something incomprehensible to Livia, who was still lying on the floor in the hallway before roughly grabbing her by the wrist and raising her up. Startled, Livia stood up after him, her face grimacing at the pain she felt in her wrist.

Chises shook Livia’s wrists tightly in front of Zaginac’s eyes and shouted loudly.

“Your woman is here!”

Unlike Azela, Livia, who had no strength whatsoever, swayed here and there mercilessly as Chises led her. Even when she sprained her ankle in the shoes and almost fell, he didn’t care.

At that scene, Azela gazed at Livia with worried and astonished eyes.

“Azela is mine!”

However, Zagnac was still indifferent. He just looked at the scene with a calm gaze, even as Livia was being swung around. It seemed that he had no intention of saving her.

“Who said that?”

Zagnac, who had been looking at him for a long time, uttered in a voice without the slightest hint of emotion. As he slowly raised his hand and placed his hand on Azela’s shoulder, not Livia’s, he asked again.

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“Who said that this woman belongs to the Crown Prince?”

It didn’t matter whose woman Livia was, but he couldn’t stand Azela being called Chises’. The Crown Prince’s gaze moved towards his hand on Azela’s shoulder.

His eyes were burning with jealousy.

“From now on, don’t treat this woman carelessly.”


“No. Not only don’t lay your hands on this woman, but also don’t even call her name.”

“Duke Ferial, who are you giving orders to now…”

Chises, who had been speaking in an absurd voice, pressed his lips firmly the moment he met the purple eyes.

It was because Zagnac’s dark gaze seemed to kill him.

Chises raised his trembling hand and grabbed his neck. It was only for a moment, but he felt as if he was being cut by a sharp knife in his throat with Zagnac’s sword. If Zagnac had continued with his words, he had the illusion that it might have become a reality rather than just a feeling.

“If I were to be honest…”

His hand on Azela’s shoulder grew stronger, and a clenching sound could be heard. Still, Zagnac was holding back, remembering Azela’s words that he shouldn’t be killed.

“This is my person.”

He growled like a wild beast guarding his territory.

Like a ruthless beast, he seemed to be declaring that if the intruder would not back down, he would bare his teeth and tear them to shreds.

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As the cold purple eyes were talking about death to him, Chises was overwhelmed by the atmosphere that even the air seemed to squeeze him down, and he couldn’t breathe properly. Even though Zagnac didn’t do anything as he was just looking at him, Nonetheless, Chises’ legs were shaking.

It was the fear felt by his instincts.

Chises, who continued to stare at his eyes, calmly let go of Livia’s wrist. It was only for a moment though he almost collapsed on the floor unsightly as his legs gave out. Only his father, the Emperor, had ever shown himself this level of intimidation in this empire.

‘…He’s a dangerous person.’

Suddenly, he seemed to know why the Emperor wanted to kill Zagnac. He was somehow dangerous. Although he was clearly human, it seemed that the scent of a rotting animal, not a human, was coming from him.

Chises turned to see the unconcerned Azela beside him.

“Ho, how…”

How can you be so unconcerned with someone like that?

He swallowed the words that he couldn’t get out of his mouth as cold sweat ran down his forehead. Thanks to his instincts that had been chilled by the fear of death, he got sober. How could she be so calm next to someone who smells like a rotting beast…?

Chises, sensing the danger his instincts were sending, grimaced.

“Stop it.”

The Emperor, who had been watching for so long, eventually spat out a word heavily after seeing his son’s attitude. He pushed him back and took a step towards Zagnac.

“I think it would be better to consider each other about today’s matter.”

At his words, Zagnac frowned and looked at Azela’s wrist, which had turned blue and had not yet healed.

Azela, noticing his gaze on her wrist, whispered, ‘It’s okay’ through her mouth. It was she who was hurt, but he also put a hand on the Crown Prince’s body. The cause was Chises, but if it were finally investigated, he would be a felony.

Zagnac had touched the body of the one who would become the bright sun of this empire. To keep the situation from getting worse, Azela comforted him. Nevertheless, Zagnac gave no answer.

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