Livia stared at the glittering trinkets on the table with a cold gaze. It would be a lie if her heart weren’t shaken, but she was not weak enough to be swayed by such things.

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“Ye-yes, Your Highness.”

“I will never see you again, so please take everything you brought and disappear from my sight.”

Sylvia was unable to say anything despite the sudden change in Sylvia’s tone of contempt. After all, she was the Eight Princess of this empire… the only people who could ignore her were the imperial family.

As she stood up, hurriedly grabbing the trinkets that she had laid out with a flushed face, Sylvia hurriedly left the princess’s palace.


“W-will you inform Miss Vellista?”

Daran, who had been listening to all the conversation together, asked Livia, who was sitting alone looking at a teacup.


“Yes, Princess.”

“…It’s only for a moment, but I was shaken by her words.”

Livia lifted her spoon and stirred the tea in the cup. The tea that had been quiet was whirling.

“When I heard the Countess’ words, I killed Miss Vellista many times in my imagination.”

“…It’s not just Your Highness. Everyone would have, but the Princess didn’t put it into practice because you have a kind heart.”

“No, I am not kind.”

Livia put down the spoon she was stirring and stood up from the couch. The way back to her bedroom was dreary.

“I will not tell Miss Vellista that the Countess has come to visit me and is concocting plans to kill her.”

“What? But then…”

“It will be dangerous. Miss Vellista might be in danger.”

Livia lowered her calm gaze. The consideration that she could give was not holding the Countess’ hand… there was nothing more.

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“This is my best shot.”



* * *



“Hmm, hmm~”

Sylvia hummed a tune and took the large jeweled ring from her little jewelry box, and put it on her finger.

It’d been days since Livia’s rejection, but she didn’t seem to be hit in the slightest. According to the lady-in-waiting in the palace, Princess Livia had given up all her food and drinks and focused only on reading books.

‘You should’ve received it when I said I would give it to you.’

Sylvia snorted and glanced at the new ring on her hand with a satisfied smile. Rings were perched on all ten of her fingers.

And then it was.

Without knocking, the door to her bedroom was thrown open and Sylvia turned her head with a displeased face at the sound of footsteps that came in without warning.

“Huh? Daniel!”

There stood her husband, Daniel, Count Todd. Silvia smiled brightly and jumped up.

“Daniel, it’s been a while since you came to see me in person!”

“…What is that?”

As he frowned at the boxes of jewelry on the table, Sylvia came over to his side and brushed the dust off his shoulder as if she didn’t care about it.

“Oh, it’s nothing.”

“Reduce your consumption. Do you know our family’s financial situation right now?”

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“Sure, don’t worry. This is really the last time.”

“Didn’t you say that last month, too?”

“This is really the last time! Is something wrong?”

Listening to her words, Daniel shook his head as he pressed his temples hard. On the other hand, despite his appearance, Sylvia was still bright. There was a ring with a large jewel shining on her hand, so she had no reason not to be bright.

“Sylvia, do you know where we are right now?”

“Of course. It’s a detached palace prepared by the Crown Prince for us to stay.”

“Yes, you know that… Then, Sylvia, you know very well that the maids here, except for the servants we brought ourselves, are not on your side, right?”

“Yes, it is so.”

What was he trying to say with such a long introduction?

Sylvia nodded her head with an uneasy look. Daniel, who looked around her bedroom with her sharp gaze, stared at her for the last time and said,



“Are you smoking?”


She looked surprised at his sudden words. Daniel’s sharp eyes were watching Sylvia’s face.



“Someone saw that your room was full of cigarette smoke.”

“Oh, what b*tch dares to say such nonsense?!”


“Who told you such a lie?”

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Despite her denial, he did not respond. Daniel, who had been watching Sylvia’s reaction coldly, looked at the servant behind him.

“Search all over the place.”



As soon as Daniel finished his words, the servants who followed him began to search the bedroom where she was staying. At the same time, Sylvia was taken aback and she grabbed his arm tightly to stop him.

“Daniel! This is my bedroom…!”

“I know.”

“How can you search here?! How ridiculous I must look in the eyes of others! Besides, I don’t smoke!”

“Sylvia, is that why you went back and forth between Azela’s bedroom at will?”


“Keep searching.”

As he lightly ignored her words, Sylvia’s hand, which was holding his arm, trembled, and the rings on her fingers flickered in the light. As she was about to open her mouth to say something, a servant spoke quickly.

“I found it.”

With the servant’s words, Sylvia turned her head with a whitened face.

The servant held up the small storage box she had hidden under the couch with a triumphant expression. In the open box was a cigarette that she had put in. Even without turning her head, she could feel Daniel’s coldness.

“…What are you going to excuse this for?”

Sylvia gulped. Her quivering eyes turned quickly. Sylvia covered her mouth with her trembling hand.

“Oh my God, this!”

Everyone held their breath and looked at Sylvia, waiting for the next word to come out of her mouth. Soon, Sylvia turned her head and gazed at the handmaid she had brought with her.

“You… you carried this around a few days ago. Are you trying to do something like this?”

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Following her gaze, everyone in the bedroom turned to the handmaid. With the sudden attention, her handmaid waved her hand, visibly flustered.

“What are you talking about, Madam?!”

“You b*tch is trying to harm me.”

“Yes? Why would I do that to Madam!”

Sylvia, lightly ignoring the handmaid’s unjust cries, clung to Daniel’s arm as she wiped the tears from her eyes.

“Before that b*tch attended me, she served Azela…no, Miss Vellista. They must have held a grudge against me and put it here on purpose.”

“…Are Sylvia’s words true?”

“I’m innocent! That belongs to the Madam…!”

“I’ve seen her carry this box. I’m sure, Daniel.”

As she turned her head to look at the other maid standing behind the handmaid, the maid’s face, who knew everything, went pale. Sylvia spoke to the handmaid.

“Right? You saw it, too, right?”

“Ye, yes?”

Her gaze, which had been on the handmaid, turned to the maid. Seeing her gaze, the maid peered at her with a look of bewilderment as Sylvia’s sharp eyes were sending murderous intent. Eventually, the pale maid clasped her hands together and said with quivering lips.

“Ma, Madam is right.”

No sooner had the maid finished speaking, the handmaid shook her head hastily and knelt down in front of Daniel.

“I’m innocent! I absolutely did not! Madam asked me to get this…!”

“Do not lie! Why would I ask you to get this for me?”


“I am pregnant! There is no reason for me to smoke!”

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