“You want to live? You want to live?!”

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The assassin whispered in Azela’s ear as her eyes were closing. Gradually, the strength drained from her body, and she couldn’t hear or feel anything. She couldn’t think of anything that she even wondered if tears were flowing from her eyes.

As she scratched the back of his hand, Azela’s right hand went limp. Even her struggling legs gradually lost its strength.


Even the sound of her gasping for breath was getting quieter as her life was dying out.

“Still, I won’t let you live. Die like this.”


It was the last time her trembling eyelashes wrapped around the assassin’s words.


Screams of pain echoed through the garden, and at the same time, the power that strangled her disappeared. The air rushed through her airways all at once as the force that had been strangling her was gone.

“Cough, cough!”

The sudden intake of air forced Azela to cough. As she opened her closed eyes, she could see the severed arms of the cruel assassin who was riding on top of her. With his arms severed, he lost his balance and fell with a thump to the right.

Azela slowly turned her head away from what had happened so suddenly.


And there stood Zagnac, in the devil form, not of a human, not saying a word.

His gaze turned to her.

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Her torn clothes, her exposed upper body, the blood flowing down her back, her shoulder, and even the horribly damaged back of her left hand. As he clenched his teeth as he slowly scanned her, he bit his teeth so hard that blood flowed between Zagnac’s lips.

“…You dare.”

In a fit of rage, he couldn’t say more.

Picking up the sword that had fallen on the floor, Zagnac looked at the assassin, who was struggling and whining in pain with both arms missing, and without hesitation, he plunged the sword into his thigh.


Once again, screams of pain echoed through the garden. He struggled to escape, as he had thought that Zagnac was an opponent he couldn’t match though he couldn’t move because of his sword-pierced legs.


With the sword stuck in the assassin’s leg, he took off his coat and carefully wrapped it around her body.

Tears flowed from Azela’s eyes in his arms and the soft voice calling her name. With Zagnac’s arrival, the whole situation was quickly sorted out. Pain that she hadn’t felt came to her whole body at once, due to the relief that he had come to her.

“Ho, how…”

She had no idea what was coming out of her mouth.

Azela couldn’t close her lips, even knowing that a weak sound mixed with crying was leaking out of her mouth as she raised her trembling right hand and placed it on his cheek. It was because she thought maybe she was already dead and seeing an illusion.

However, the touch on her palm was vivid.

Zagnac put his hand on the back of her hand that was touching his cheek, wanting to let her know that he was here.

“Did you forget? I am your contractor.”


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“When you die…”

Zagnac, who emphasized particularly the word about death, stopped talking and clenched his teeth. For a moment, everything was breathless as all living things held their breath in his wrath.

As he opened his mouth again, he wiped the tears from her eyes with his thumb.

“…I can tell when you die.”

She didn’t know that he would know if she was dying. Azela looked surprised, and she nodded her head while he held her lightly in one arm.

“Wait a moment.”

Zagnac, speaking confidently while touching his forehead to hers, lightly pulled out the sword that had been stuck in the assassin’s leg with the other free hand.


The assassin who had lost his arms struggled in pain and gnashed his teeth. However, Zagnac, with Azela in his arms, still looked down at him with eyes burning with rage. The assassin, whose face had turned white from shedding a large amount of blood in a short time, opened his trembling lips.

“Sav…save me.”

Hearing him pleading for his life, an absurd smile bloomed on Azela’s face as she was in Zagnac’s arms. The man who tried to kill her, and the man who said killing people was his pleasure, even using very cruel methods, was now begging for his life.

It was a very funny situation.

“Don’t worry.”

Zagnac, who had listened to the begging with an expressionless face, opened his red lips.

“I have no intention of killing you.”

Only then did the assassin let out a sigh of relief and laughed in tears though that laugh didn’t last long. It was because Zagnac lightly swung the sword in his hand at his leg. He only swung it once, like cutting through the wind, and the flesh below the assassin’s knee was neatly cut off.

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His scream echoed through the garden again. It was so loud that everyone in the mansion would shift their attention to the garden, but fortunately, Baharf was controlling it from the entrance, so they didn’t see this situation.

“I have no intention of killing you.”

Zagnac swung his sword again. With a brutal sound, the rest of the other leg was cut off.

The assassin didn’t even scream anymore. With both arms and legs missing, he was struggling to get away from Zagnac. The sight was so grotesque and disgusting that Azela tightly closed her eyes.

“I have no intention of sending you back intact.”

“Pl, please…”

The assassin’s white lips trembled. If left as it was, he would surely die from excessive blood loss and shock.

A smile crept across Zagnac’s face as he indifferently looked down at the trembling assassin.

“Then, why would you touch someone else’s?”

Zagnac grinned and swung his sword again. Every time he swung his sword, the assassin’s appearance changed every moment. With one swing, his left ear fell off, and with the second swing, his right ear fell off.


The assassin couldn’t even feel pain anymore.

Like the pain that was felt all over his body was not his, he was numb even when his ears were cut off. Despite that reaction, Zagnac smiled and swung his sword. Even as the deep cuts on the assassin’s body were carved one by one, he smiled more and more brightly.

At the same time, maybe it was because it looked similar to the smile the assassin had shown while choking her a moment ago, Azela’s body trembled slightly. Still, Zagnac didn’t stop.

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Eventually, the situation calmed down only after Baharf, who was controlling the entrance, came closer and called for him. Only then did he frown, sensing Azela’s slight trembling in his arms. He passed the sword in his hand to Baharf.

“Clean up the garden. Throw away the bloody plants and plant new ones.”


“It smells quite like blood, so plant flowers that are in full bloom at this time of year. Let it smell like flowers.”


“Change all the soil.”

“Yes.… what about that person?”

With a calm face, Bahraf pointed at the assassin, who seemed half-conscious. Zagnac, holding Azela’s trembling body close to him, spoke nonchalantly as he stepped away.

“Bury him as nutrients for new plants.”

“I will do so.”

After leaving the garden, his steps quickened as Azela was not in good shape, either. Her body was getting colder from the large amount of blood shed from her back, shoulder and the back of her left hand.

Zagnac pressed his cheek against Azela’s forehead as he held her in his arms, accelerating the steps.

“Why would you leave a guest unattended for such a long time…!”

Because of Zagnac, who ran out without saying anything, Livia had been waiting in the dining room by herself. She seemed to have left the dining room to look for him. When she finally saw him, she also found Azela bleeding in his arms, and she widened her eyes in surprise.

“What, what is this? Why is Miss Vellista…?!”


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