“We live many times longer than that.”

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“Yes, that is important.… She didn’t want you to live in sorrow after the long time she was gone.”


“…I don’t know what love is like to a demon, but that’s what love is to a human being. When one person leaves, the rest of the person spends the rest of their lives waiting for that person, missing them and sometimes grieving.”


“Miss Vellista probably didn’t want you to be left alone, I’m sure of it.”


Zagnac raised his trembling hand when he heard Livia’s explanation as his hand covered his face.

It was a marriage they couldn’t do in the first place. Livia smiled in vain. He wasn’t human, so he couldn’t have any desires. Therefore, it was not possible to compete in wealth, honor, power and women.

“…How will you act when you know everything is up to you.”


“I don’t believe in you, the devil, though I will believe in Duke Ferial, who can’t deny Miss Vellista.”

Saying so, Livia stepped out of the dining room.

Even though she met the devil, not a human in person, strangely, there was neither wonder nor fear beyond that. Was it because she didn’t think there would be any difference as she was confident of using ancient magic that was said to have disappeared?

No, it occurred to her that perhaps, instinctively, she might have thought that he might not be human in the first place.

“Princess Livia.”


“Why not use ancient magic?”


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“…That’s a curse to me. I was hated and rejected by everyone because of the fact that I could use this ancient magic I didn’t even want to. Everyone in the Imperial Family calls me a witch.”

Livia clenched her lower lip as she uttered. She had never talked about this out of her mouth before.

“I have never hurt anyone, nor have I taken unfair advantage of this magic. You don’t know, but humans do… humans fear, despise, and deny anything different from themselves.”


“So I never used this. Because, unlike you, I have to live my whole life as a human being, and to do that, I have to blend in somehow.”

“Well, I think a little differently.”

Zagnac’s words made Livia pause. She turned her upper body with a blank look.

“…I think my escort knight would have used the power she possessed to block others’ mouths so they wouldn’t even make a sound.”


She couldn’t hide her bewildered look at the words she had never thought of.

It made sense.

Livia covered her mouth with her trembling hand. She obeyed and thought she must fit in because she was taught that way, and everyone said so. She was waiting for someone to open the door of the cage where she was locked up… that she didn’t even think about opening it herself while waiting for the key to the locked door.

However, the door could have been opened from the inside… She was the one who could open the door.

“You called me your savior and reached out to me to save you, but my escort knight is different. Even when I reached out, she didn’t take my hand and stood up with her hand on the ground.”

Saying so, Zagnac’s expression softened as he spoke about Azela. She could feel his sincerity in thinking of her that she, as the viewer, envied it.


“Marriage is not your savior, nor is it the key to your freedom. Marriage will only be another shackle that binds you, Princess Livia.”


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“Human beings are a species that can never be satisfied. They will want the next one again.”


“Didn’t you feel bad when you came in here and brought up the name of my escort knight?”


“You said you didn’t want any feelings from me and that once we got married, it didn’t matter what I did after that… but well.”

Zagnac laughed. He was obviously mocking her, but oddly enough, it didn’t make her feel bad.

“At the point where you thought we were going to get married, you were offended when I brought up my escort knight’s name right here. You thought she was interfering with us.”

“…That’s right.”

“That’s the desire that only humans have.”

Livia shook her head with a red face at his assertiveness. Needless to say, it was true. She said it was okay, but in reality, she wasn’t okay. Until now, she always thought Azela was getting in between ‘us’, and she could not help but feel bad.

Stabbed to the core, she lost the strength from her shoulder and smiled in defeat.

“Duke Ferial.”

Livia called him Duke Perial, the human, not you, the devil. Livia proudly lifted her trembling head.


“I will tell you this time.”


“I will not marry you, Duke Ferial. It’s too much of a waste for me to marry you.”

“I see.”

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As Zagnac spoke pitifully, Livia smiled brightly in contrast. Perhaps the words in the book that said devils and angels are the same subordinate were right because, to her, he didn’t look like the devil.

“I have no intention of gently opening the door I was locked in and leaving.”


“I have the strength to do so, so I will break them all.”

The next moment, she smiled and returned to her seat before pointing to the messy table.

“So, first of all, I want to try something I haven’t tried before. Prepare the food again.”



* * *



“Go away….!”

Sylvia leaped from the sofa, waving her hands in the air. She was sweating so much that the sofa she was lying on was soaking wet.

Waking from her dream, she looked around quickly with an unsteady expression. Although she was just trying to sit down and rest for a while, she seemed to have fallen asleep without realizing it. It seemed that she had that nightmare again.


“…A, a dream?”

Sylvia pinched her thighs with trembling hands and hugged her knees. For several days now, she had been having the same dream that she had gone back to her childhood and was being abused by her mother.

As she was running away to avoid her, whenever she ran away, Daniel was waiting for her. However, when she reached out her hand to him, there was Azela by Daniel’s side. There were many people around them as they all laughed at her and pointed at her.

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Soon, that finger point eventually became a sword and stabbed her, and her dreams always ended like that.

“…It’s just a dream.”

As Sylvia muttered softly as she wiped the cold sweat with the back of her hand, she heard a knock.

“Madam, the Princess has arrived.”

Sylvia glanced at the clock on the tabletop.

Come to think of it, she remembered that Livia had sent a letter saying she would visit around this time. Because of that, she rested a little but fell asleep without knowing it, making her think that she had wasted too much time.

“Take her to the parlor. I’ll be there soon.”

Sylvia, who had been touching her sweaty hair, stood up from the couch with an annoyed look. As she was drenched in sweat, she wondered whether to change the wet dress, but she soon decided against it as the dress she was wearing now was the most expensive thing she had ever owned.

‘I can’t fall for from the princess’s side.’

As she valued the things on her body, she adorned herself with the most expensive things.

Entering the parlor, Livia was waiting for her, sitting in a graceful figure. Sylvia took a quick glance at Livia as she sat on the sofa across from her. Contrary to her graceful figure, Livia was wearing the same dress, the same jewelry, and the same shoes as their last meeting.

‘Looks like the rumors are true.’


Seeing that, she smiled victoriously.

Rumors of Livia being looked down upon by the Imperial Family were widespread in society. When Sylvia heard the rumor, she tilted her head, saying, ‘Still, she’s the princess, I can’t believe it.’ Besides, it reminded her that the tea that Livia served on the last visit was also very cheap.

“To think that the Princess came to visit me like this.”

Sylvia gave a pretentious laugh in a raucous voice.

Many desserts quickly began to be served on the parlor table. It was because she thought that a dessert that would fill her stomach right away might be more suitable than jewelry to make the sixteen-year-old princess go over to her side.

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