Then, she touched her collarbone with his finger, avoiding her gaze.

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Azela casually lowered her gaze to her collarbone. She then hurriedly covered her collarbone with the palm of her hand as her face became flushed like Livia’s. It was because there were countless red marks left by Zagnac.

‘I told him not to do it where it’s conspicuous…!’

Azela smiled awkwardly, frowning with a red face. Livia followed it with an awkward smile. Then, waving the invitation lightly in her hand, she changed the subject.

“I got an invitation to a party. When Duke Ferial said he was having a party, everyone seemed to be looking forward to it, so the imperial palace was buzzing. Is there any other reason for throwing a party all of a sudden?”


“Ah… we are going to announce our marriage at the party that day.”

“That’s romantic.”

Livia smiled softly and nodded her head. However, unlike Livia, she had a firm face. Azela, fidgeting with her fingers, carefully spoke.

“You don’t have to attend if you feel uncomfortable.”

“Me? Why?”

“…After the marriage announcement, everyone will look at Her Highness and chatter.”

Azela whispered in a small, apologetic voice.

At a party hosted by the Emperor, Zagnac said that he would not marry Livia in front of everyone. After that, no one heard the story of what happened to Livia and Zagnac, so everyone was wondering if the marriage would work out or not.

“Those who mock Her Highness may appear.”

Azela spoke in a tone of careful concern. It was perhaps contradictory that she herself had this concern towards Livia. The one that made Livia that way was because Zagnac ended up being with Azela.

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Livia, however, shook her head with a smile without the slightest sign of displeasure.

“I don’t care about that anymore. I’ve found that it doesn’t help me at all. If they want to talk, talk, I’m on Miss Vellista’s side.”

Azela smiled faintly as she heard Livia’s trustworthy voice, then dropped her gaze. Then, after glancing around to make sure no one was there, she raised her head and looked at Livia.

“I would like to ask a favor to the princess.”

“As much as you like. If I can, I will do anything for you.”

“I want you to keep it a secret between the two of us. No one, not even Zagnac, should know.”

“Trust me, Miss Vellista. Like I believe in you… I’m more of Miss Vellista’s supporter than Duke Ferial.”

Livia’s sincere voice made Azela laugh pleasantly. It didn’t sound false at all.

“Please look into Zagnac… Duke Ferial from time to time whether he ate or slept.”


Azela suddenly requested so, Livia tilted her head, looking incomprehensible.

“Isn’t that up to you, Miss Vellista?”

“…As you may have heard, I am Zagnac’s contractor. When I was about to end my life in despair after losing someone who was like a family member, he appeared and saved me. I made a pact with him on my soul.”

“…The-then wh, what happens?”

Livia hurried the answer with a puzzled face.

“If he eats my soul, I will die.”

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At those words, Livia stood up with a startled look. The teacup in front of her was overturned and soaked the tablecloth.

“If, if you tell Duke Ferial not to eat…!”

“Then Zagnac will disappear due to breach of contract. But he’s definitely not going to eat me… so I am willing to die for him.”


“I… received a lot from Zagnac, so I can’t let him die like this.”

“Bu, bu, but—”

“This is a choice I have already made. I have no intention of taking it back.”

With Azela’s determined reply, Livia bit her lower lip with a blank look. She couldn’t let him die though she couldn’t ask her to die.

Livia didn’t answer, and she slowly sat back down.

“What, what about Duke Ferial? Does he know?”


“Although he knows that he is going to disappear, he doesn’t know that I intend to die.”


“Bu, but…!”

“After I disappear, only Your Highness can take care of Zagnac, who will be left alone from time to time, for me.”

Livia couldn’t bear to answer Azela’s request.

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This was what she meant when she asked her to make sure he was eating well and sleeping well. Livia lowered her head and clenched her fists tightly. She was indignant at her own powerlessness to do anything to help.

“So, will Miss Vellista die then?”


It was a firm answer without hesitation. Her voice was gentle as if she had already given up on everything. Her response brought tears to Livia’s eyes. The tea soaked in the tablecloth dripped down and stained Livia’s dress.

“Is that… all I have to do?”

“Yes, I’m asking the princess a big favor.”

Livia clenched her fists tightly and lifted her trembling head. Tears welled up in her eyes and ran down her cheeks. Azela’s expression was hard to see because of the tears that covered her eyes.

She forced the corner of her trembling mouth up and smiled.

“Don’t worry, Miss Vellista. I am on your side.”

At those words, Azalea smiled and held the back of her hand as Livia’s answer was telling her not to worry as if to replace her reply with a thank you.

She was preparing for her death little by little.

Livia couldn’t quite remember how she got back to the palace. She couldn’t remember what conversation she had with Azela after that. The only thought in her mind was that Azela, who was sitting in front of her, would die.

Livia trudged towards her bedroom with lonely steps. Suddenly, she remembered the advice she had given to Azela about Zagnac.

“As a non-human, his lifespan will surely be longer than ours, and for the rest of his time, he may grieve alone. Still, Duke Ferial will be happy as long as you live as a human.”

As she halted her steps abruptly, she lifted her trembling hand and covered her mouth.

‘What have I done…’

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When she knew nothing, she gave advice smugly, thinking that she had changed a little while knowing nothing. Livia didn’t know if it was because of her words, but the two eventually confessed their hearts to each other and had a loving relationship.

And in the end, Azela had to choose her own death to protect the one she loved.


Livia slipped and landed with her back against the wall. Maybe it was Livia herself that made Azela make that choice. She didn’t know the weight of her words. She said something she couldn’t be responsible for.

Even though she had clearly read it in the book, she felt like she had said something she shouldn’t have said in arrogance.

“Pri, Princess!”

Daran rushed to find Livia squatting against the wall in the hallway.

“What is wrong?! Did Serena come, or is it the Crown Prince? What did the Emperor say? Oh my! Does anything hurt?!”

Daran shouted while examining every part of Livia’s body. Livia lifted her trembling head and looked at Daran.

Seeing that her eyes were wet, Daran hugged Livia in her arms.

“Don’t cry, Princess. I’ll call the doctor right away. If you apply medicine and take painkillers, the hurt will quickly get better.”

“No, no… it doesn’t get better even if you take painkillers.”

“Where is the wound that doesn’t heal even if you take medicine? Do not worry. I will ask them to prescribe a medicine that works well for you.”

“I… I was wrong.”

“What? What did the Princess do wrong?”

“No, I was too clumsy and too impatient. That shouldn’t have happened. I don’t know what to do, Daran. I don’t know what to do when I’m like this.”

Livia swallowed her cries as she leaned into Daran’s arms and warm embrace. Seeing her master struggling to swallow her tears, Daran patted her on the back with a deep breath. It seemed that what she needed was more comfort than a doctor or medicine.

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