Azela’s eyes widened in surprise.

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It was something she had never imagined that she would be able to open a door like this.

As she gazed surprised, Zagnac raised his hand and pulled hard on the doorknob of the bedroom. The next moment, the bedroom door swung open as if it had never been locked.

“…How, how did you do it? Do you know how to do this?”

“The second is to go out of your own accord. As you can see, the door is already open. The moment you voluntarily leave this place, your confinement will end.”

He pointed at the wide-open door and raised his lips charmingly. All of this seemed interesting and fun to him.

Taking her trembling steps, she walked towards the door of the bedroom. When she gently grabbed the handle of the door, Zagnac stepped back slowly. He was handing over all the choices to her.

Azela’s hand trembled as she grabbed the handle.

If she took her steps forward, it was over. It was simply a matter of walking a few steps. It wasn’t difficult either. However, the trembling legs did not come off easily. She had enough to want to move forward, though it wasn’t easy.

“The third is to just do nothing and stay here for two more days. He’ll let you go in two days, anyway.”


Her eyes widened at the words Zagnac spit out as if he was mocking her thoughts. Although he was clearly far away, a sweet voice whispered in her ear, like the sweet whispers of the devil.

Azela clenched her teeth hard.


“Whatever you choose, I respect you. As I said before, there is no choice without a reason.”


Azela lifted her bowed head. For a long time, her actions were constrained, knowingly and unknowingly, and her self-confidence and self-esteem fell to the bottom. It wasn’t something that could change overnight.

“I will get out.”

Nonetheless, it had to change overnight. Azela said to herself, not Zagnac, and took her trembling steps.

With every step she took, her heart was beating like crazy.

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‘…Really? Is it really okay to do this? Didn’t Daniel tell me to stay there?’

A part of herself, which had been suppressed somewhere in her heart, kept asking questions towards herself.

Still, Azalea knew. It meant that if she didn’t break this, she would always just standstill. Irregular thumps rang in her ears — the sound of her heartbeat — sounded like a drumbeat that blessed her steps in a grand way.

After taking a few steps, Azela finally made her way out of the bedroom.

“Haa, haa…”

Even though it was only taking these few steps, she was so nervous that she could barely breathe. She disobeyed his orders, and nothing happened when she came out of the bedroom. Contrary to what she feared, nothing happened. Daniel couldn’t do any harm to her.

Azela turned her torso and looked behind her.

Zagnac, who was sitting on the window sill, was smiling like a child with his arms crossed. Right now, it really felt like she could do anything. Her heart, full of excitement, was telling her that.

“What are you doing here?”

At that moment, a voice interrupted the joy of her first appearance.

Turning her head, there was Sylvia in her cardigan, staring at Azela astonishedly. She was probably asleep when she was startled by the sound of the chains falling and woke up, and she seemed to go out into the hallway to find the source of the sound.

“How did you come out?”

“…I shook the door, and it fell.”


That was an absurd excuse. Azela knew it so well that she was embarrassed herself. Though if she kept her mouth shut here, it would have been more suspicious, so she spat out anything that came to mind.

When she glanced back, Zagnac, who was sitting on the window sill, had already disappeared.

Sylvia moved closer to Azela’s face.

“It can’t be. Who released you? Daniel said he was going to cut off the head of the one who released you!”

She raised her voice toward Azela in an anger-filled voice. It seemed that she was annoyed that there was someone else helping Azela.

“Do not misunderstand. Look with your own eyes, there’s no one here. Everyone will be sleeping on the first floor. I shook it non-stop for several days to see if it had rusted, and I was just lucky that it fell off.”

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Even Azela herself did not understand why she was making excuses so hard. When Sylvia spoke to her, her first thought was, ‘What if Zagnac gets caught?’


Sylvia glanced suspiciously through the hallway and Azela’s room. Of course, she didn’t seem to believe her, yet there was nothing to say about it, as she had no circumstance or evidence. In the end, she gave an angry look.

Azela passed her and went down the stairs.

“Wait, where are you going now…? Daniel must have told you to stay in the bedroom for five days.”

“I know. I heard it.”

“You seem to have lost your sense of date, but today is the third night. There are still two days left before five days are over.”

Sylvia scoffed at her stern expression and grabbed her shoulder.

Azela tried to put up with the way she acted as if she was the owner of this mansion, although she burst into laughter. Did this mean that there were still two days left, so hurry up and go back to her bedroom and be locked up…?

“I’m going to the dining room, so let me go. I’m hungry and thirsty right now, so I’m sensitive.”

Coldly slapping Sylvia’s hand. She didn’t hit it too hard, but the back of Sylvia’s hand quickly became swollen and red. She was just such a weak person.

As Azela stared at her and turned her head, Sylvia stood in front of her and spoke.

“But, Daniel definitely said that!”

“If you want to obey Daniel like that, Sylvia, you can stay there for two days instead of me.”

“Excuse me…? Why do I have to go there? I did nothing wrong!”

“Yes. Me, too. I have not done any wrong either.”

Sylvia closed her lips, unable to respond with only an angry expression. Azela’s cold gaze turned to her bandaged palm.

“That’s not what I did.”


“I did nothing wrong.”

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“It was because you were going to throw Daniel away…!”


Azela calmly cut off her words.

Sylvia, who was about to shout, suddenly remembered the words she had said three days before, ‘I will tell the Emperor,’ and shut her mouth. The difference in status was not something Daniel could do for her.

“It’s between me and Daniel. You don’t need to intervene like I didn’t get in between Daniel and you.”


Sylvia bit her lip, lost for words, as she drew the line properly.

The calm silence was not bad.

Azela, shrugging her shoulders, took her gaze away from her and went down the stairs to the first floor. It was really nothing. After she tried it, she felt it even more. She couldn’t do anything and she couldn’t keep Irene in the end.

Azela felt like she was about to explode just thinking about it.

‘…If only I realized a little bit earlier.’

Entering the dining room, she gulped down the cold water to soothe her hot stomach. She herself had to live somehow. Azela hoped that Irene’s next life would be happy, not for herself…

To get revenge on the two people who made Irene like that.

Her sore stomach only got worse.






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“How are you here?”

“It is your mansion, but it is also mine. Is it strange for me to wander around my mansion at will?”

As she entered the dining room for breakfast that morning, Daniel frowned at Azela, well-dressed, sitting at the table. His gaze turned to the employees behind him.

“You dare to break the order… Who released her?”

None of the employees responded. Even they hesitated and looked at each other as if surprised by the situation that had happened.

Azela responded calmly to that look.

“There is no need to be so reprimanding. No one released me, I came out on my own feet.”


“It was old and rusted, so it was weak. I pulled on the door for a few days, and it fell off.”

“Are you calling that an excuse now?”

“Since Sylvia, whom you cherish so much, has witnessed firsthand, you can ask her anything.”

His expression was full of anger, Azela stood up without hesitation at all. Daniel, who stared at her without saying a word, drew a twisted smile on his lips, “You mean you hate seeing your people get hurt like Irene? Seeing you utter such nonsense excuses.”

He had a smirk on his lips.

It was clear that he had deliberately brought up Irene’s name in hopes that she would be agitated. As soon as Irene’s name came out of his mouth, Azela’s hands trembled.

…How dare he even think of calling Irene’s name with that mouth?

“Are you saying I have to kill all the maids and servants, for you to see that it never ends with words…? I see your ability to learn is diminished.”

Daniel took the sword he was carrying around his waist and pulled it out of its scabbard. The employees shook their heads in the bloody atmosphere from the morning and bowed their heads.

“Come on, tell me who got you out. In that case, I will only kill that servant.”

“If you want to kill them, kill them.”

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