“The Master has been called by His Majesty the Emperor and rushed to the Imperial Palace.”

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She should have come with a letter beforehand. Why did she think that if she wanted to, she would be able to meet him anytime, anywhere…?

As the butler, Barharf, said so, Azela shrugged her shoulders with a dispirited expression. When she came here, she expected to hear that she did well, but let alone that, she couldn’t even see Zagnac’s face.

After all, Duke Ferial was a busy ‘man,’ why didn’t she think about it?

Nevertheless, even though she did not want to return to Count Todd’s house like this, she had nowhere to go.

“Would you like to go in and have some tea?”

Butler Baharf smiled and asked as her expression was full of regret. His gentle smile made her feel at ease.

“…Is that okay?”

“Yes, you can. Come this way.”

Following him, Azela entered the mansion. The last time she came, she couldn’t afford to look around because it was a complicated situation.

The inside of his mansion was exactly like Zagnac. It felt as if she had entered a dark night world. Perhaps, that was why? She felt cozy and comfortable. The jewels that gleamed in the sunlight reminded her of the moon and stars floating in the sky.

“Did Duke Ferial choose all the decorations inside the mansion himself?”

“Yes, the Master is very pleased with that. In the case of business, no matter how busy he was, he does the work himself. So, he surprised everyone when they heard that he was entrusting the business to Countess Todd… Oh, right. I just bought a new cake this morning. Would you like to join me?”

Azela, who glanced around, hurriedly nodded her head in response to his question.

It had been a long time since she had been treated like this, so it was unfamiliar and awkward. Baharf acted so slowly that he didn’t startle her, as her awkwardness had run through her body.

Come to think of it, it was the first time she drank tea after Irene’s death. Except for her, there was no one to take care of the tea for Azela like this. As she picked up the steaming teacup and drank it, her body quickly became warm.

“Does it suit your taste?”

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“Yes, I like it.”

“That’s fortunate.”

When he watched her with a smile, Azela peered around with an awkward gaze. Should she have gone without drinking tea?

As she regretted the awkwardness that came like a rush of water, she fiddled with a teacup.

“I have a set of papers that the Master has prepared to show you when the Countess comes, would you like to see it?”


“Yes, he said it was related to interior decoration.”

“Well, can I see it then?”

“Yes, I will bring it.”

At her request, Baharf bowed his head politely and left the parlor.

Alone in the quiet parlor, Azela was finally able to take a comfortable position. Leaning back on the soft sofa, she could smell Zagnac’s scent even though he wasn’t there. Maybe, that was why she felt more secure.

‘…I wish I could have a sofa like this in the boutique shop. I should remember it.’

Thinking about it, she nodded her head at the feeling of a comfortable sofa with her back buried deep. After a while, Baharf returned with thick papers in his arms.

“All, all this?”

“Yes, these are the exterior and interior decoration papers that the master prepared for the Countess. Oh, and this is the blueprint for the building he was thinking of. When the master was away, he told me to show you and ask for your opinion when the Madam comes.”

Baharf, who placed the papers he had brought with him on the table, handed the rolled-up papers to her.

When she received it and unfolded it, the words and numbers that seemed dizzying at first glance were constantly lined up.

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Frowning her brow, she turned the back page to reveal a rough picture of the architecture. The paintings of the boutique shop, which consisted of a total of three floors, were wonderful, and they were so sophisticated that they did not go well with the outskirts.

“What do you think?”

Azela stared at the architectural plan without answering the butler’s question. She then gazed at him with a timid expression.

“Can I take all of the architectural blueprints, including the interior decoration papers? I will give you my opinion on my next visit.”

“Yes, you can.”

With Butler Baharf’s permission, she rolled the architectural blueprints into her chest, cradled a massive amount of papers, and stood up.

Unlike when she entered the mansion, Azela’s expression shined brightly. She seemed to have found a way.

“I’ll call the carriage for you.”

“No, I will.”

Baharf lowered the hand that had been raised at her resolute voice and smiled. As she nodded her giddy head, Azela greeted him lightly and hurriedly walked out of the mansion.

“Madam, shall we go back to the mansion?”


At the coachman’s question, Azela resolutely shook her head and got into the carriage. Hearing that, the coachman glanced at her with a puzzled face.

“First, let’s go to the downtown area on 37th Street.”

The coachman looked lost at the unexpected destination, though he didn’t object. It was because he was afraid that he would be fired like the butler after making a pointless objection.

He answered briefly ‘Yes,’ before taking the horse’s reins again.


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* * *



At sunset, Azela returned to the mansion and pulled her tired legs out of the carriage. The coachman tried to support her quickly, but she stopped it by raising her hand lightly. After a while, she went to several places of her own will.

In particular, after getting married, the tailors came to make the dress themselves, or she would look at the catalog and order the dress so she couldn’t get a feel for a boutique shop.

So, all day today, she ran on her own feet through the boutique shops located in the downtown area. Although they seemed perplexed by the Countess’ visit, Azela didn’t mind it. If she had a favorite decoration and structure, she even drew it herself.

Was this the kind of ‘feeling of achievement’ Zagnac was talking about…?

Taking her steps away with a satisfied smile, she could hear a familiar voice calling her.


It was Daniel who welcomed her back to the mansion after she had spent her day to the fullest. Usually, he would obviously not have cared whether she came back or not.

Azela gave a nod to the servant who was carrying the heavy papers behind her to bring them into her bedroom. As the servant climbed the stairs, Daniel frowned upon seeing that. No, to be precise, he frowned as he looked at the vast amount of paperwork the servant was holding.

“Where have you been and what have you been up to this time? Were you with Duke Ferial?”

‘That was why he came out here because he was curious about that.’

She smirked at his question.

Sylvia, who was next to Daniel, looked displeased at her. Azela’s smile hardened, then she glanced at the two lightly before turning her gaze away.

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“I’m tired.”

There was no answer she could give to him and Sylvia. Ignoring them and trying to climb the stairs, Daniel hurriedly grabbed Azela’s arm and blocked her way.

His face looked somewhat urgent.

“What’s wrong with you?”

…What was wrong with her?

When she had cried so lonely, he didn’t even glance at her even when she screamed. However, only when she had gotten better, he was now asking what was wrong with her…? She was trying to breathe, yet he was choking her again.

Daniel sighed a little as he looked down at her grabbed arm. He asked in a weary voice.

“I heard you fired the butler in the morning. It’s true?”

“Daniel, did the butler tell you?”

“I’m asking if it’s true.”

“Is the butler still in the mansion? I told him to pack up and leave, though he didn’t listen.”

“Is it true that you went out in Sylvia’s carriage?”

“Stop being confused about whose it is because the carriage has no name written on it. Anything in this mansion is either yours or mine. You wouldn’t be riding in such a wagon, so of course, I thought it was mine.”

When Azela glanced at Sylvia behind Daniel and smiled gracefully, she wrinkled her face in annoyance with her eyes narrowed.

At her natural retort, Daniel let out a suffocating sigh and ruffled his hair roughly.

It was a gesture that showed that he was annoyed. If it had been the usual her, even with a simple gesture, even a sigh, she would have crouched her shoulders and bowed her head in surprise.

Nevertheless, it was different now.

She was, obviously, still scared, and her hands were trembling. Still, her expression was calm.

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