As soon as Azela shook her head, Zagnac asked with an incomprehensible look. A drop of sweat ran down his forehead.

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“It seems you are mistaken… You’ve made a pact with the devil now. I am not human.”

“I know.”

“In human language… Yes, I must be a spiritual being close to ‘God’.”

“Even if you don’t say that, I know enough. You look like that from the way you casually walk into my bedroom.”

Azela responded with a smile.

The sensation of the sword, which made her hand numb, disappeared in an instant. All that was left of her palm was his warm body temperature. It was as if all the heat in her body was rushing to her face.

“Then, why don’t you want me to?”

Zagnac stopped in place, lowered his gaze and frowned. He looked like a little child throwing a tantrum, and she couldn’t take her eyes off him. The next moment, he raised his head and moved closer to Azela.

“Every human asks me a favor — kill someone, give someone pain, make someone suffer enough to die.”

He lifted the tip of her chin with his index finger. It was hot… Every part of her body touched by his hand became dangerously hot. It was hot enough to think that she might melt like this.

“…Then, do you listen to it?”

When she asked, his expression brightened at once.

With a bright smile on his face, he nodded and said loudly, “Of course…! I exist for it! As much as I get what I get from the contractor, the contractor needs to get something from me so that we need each other!”

Zagnac looked at Azela with a look of excitement and anticipation. ‘Come on, tell me what you want, tell me you need me’, it looked like he was screaming that with his whole body.

Seeing this, she smiled and shook her head.

“If that’s what I get, that’s enough for now.”

“…You are so different from other humans. I don’t know what to do.”

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As he stared at her again with a complex look, the purple eyes were filled with confused emotions.

“Why are you not taking the easy way… I don’t know why you’re taking the difficult path yourself. I can give you everything you want.”

“Because I didn’t do it.”


“It’s not my revenge… I want to destroy the Todd family that I built with my own hands, with my own hands. I want to see Daniel kneeling in front of me, and Sylvia…”

Azela paused her words for a moment and gently closed her trembling eyelashes. Zagnac just stared at it silently.

Her blue eyes, which had been closed and reopened, were clear.

“Sylvia… I want to see her fall with Daniel, who has lost everything.”

It was a terrifying gaze filled with poison. Zagnac drew a smile on the corner of his lips without realizing it, as her eyes were sharp enough to make goosebumps just by looking at it. Excitement spread across his face.

Azela turned her gaze away and lightly tapped his chest with her index finger, and smiled.

“There is no place for you, Zagnac. This is my story.”


An exhilarating feeling spread through his body. Seeing that, he had an ecstatic expression on his face. It was the first time for him to be like this… A human who rejected the powers of God and wanted to just hold his hand.

‘…How exciting. This is exciting!’

Zagnac covered his mouth with the back of his hand, unable to quell his inner excitement. He didn’t know why, though he felt his face turn red. It was a feeling he had never felt before. Thanks to this, it might take a while to eat the sweet soul… but he didn’t want to miss out on this fun.

Zagnac drew a satisfied smile.

“Okay, do whatever you want. Of course, if you don’t want to, I won’t force you because I always respect your choices. But remember, I am always behind you.”

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“If you just say one word… I will always do anything for you.”

Yes, anything… That was what a contract with the devil was like.

Zagnac’s eyes gleamed with greed and excitement. Seeing this, Azela gazed at him without saying anything. Thump, thump—was her heart moving so fast that the heartbeat made her whole body vibrate?

“It won’t happen.”

As the wind blew, a strong body scent came from his sweaty body. It was a body scent that only Zagnac had, which she could not normally smell. Her heart started beating again.

Azela, who was looking at him, hurriedly lowered her head without realizing it.

Her own cheeks were so hot, but she struggled to deny it. She had decided to stop playing with emotions like this. It was enough to believe in these feelings and lose something precious enough to be betrayed.

Lifting her head, she let the cool breeze cool her hot face.



* * *



Azela returned to the mansion with her cheeks full of unrestrained heat, and a familiar back appeared in her eyes. Her pounding heart calmed down in an instant.

From the orange hair to her toes, Lina was wet.


Azela didn’t need to talk to Lina. She could have moved aside, but she eventually spoke to Lina first, as she was concerned about the girl’s wet condition.

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Startled by her voice, the girl widened her eyes and bowed her head. At first glance, she looked like she had a scar on her fine cheek, unlike a few days ago. She didn’t need to ask who did it because there was only one person in this mansion who would do that.

“Ma, Madam.”


She furrowed her eyebrows at Lina’s voice calling her pathetically and climbed the stairs. Even though she did not want to hear the voice of a weak girl, as soon as Lina sobbed behind her back, she had to stop.

Azela, holding the stair handle tightly, glanced back at her.

The little girl, Lina, had her lips closed, holding back her cry. Azela didn’t feel well because it looked like she was looking at the past her.

‘Why are you holding back your tears? It’s not like you don’t have to cry. If you want to cry, you can cry out loud.’

Azela swallowed the words she couldn’t get out of her mouth through her throat and went down the stairs she had been climbing up and stopped in front of Lina. Although she herself was not that tall, Lina was a very small girl who did not even reach her chest.

As she looked down at Lina without a word, the little girl who sniffed her nose raised her head to look at Azela. Azela had a smile when she saw Lina’s puzzled face as if asking, ‘Why are you standing here?’

“…You called me ‘Madam,’ so I’m standing here. Do you have anything to say to me?”

Lina rolled her eyes at her question, and then she let out a small sigh as she remembered that she had called ‘Madam’ a while ago. Then, she dropped her shoulders, which were full of embarrassment, and said in a low voice.

“Well, it was just…”

“…Did you just call me?”

“No, no! I didn’t just call… I want to apologize for the last time I was rude.”


“I-I think I… I asked Madam to fix everything. Forgive me.”

At her words, she traced her memory. Lina seemed to have said, ‘Now that Madam knows, it has eased our worries.’

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Azela, who scanned the girl up and down closely, asked with a deep breath.

“From head to toe, why are you so wet?”

“Ah… No, nothing.”

“I asked you why you are so wet.”

Despite Azela’s question, Lina did not say anything. She simply looked around her with an anxious gaze and kept her head down. Azela said, ‘Right, okay. Don’t answer me,’ and waved her hand.

The reason was obvious without even looking at it.

She was Sylvia’s handmaid, so it was obvious that Sylvia did it. Lina might be bullied because then she told Azela everything that day.

She scrutinized Lina through her narrowed eyes. Her hair, which was scattered here and there, the hair that looked like it had been cut randomly, the scars on her cheeks, and the swollen eyes from how much she cried…

She knew everything without having to hear an explanation.

“You there.”

“Yes, Madam.”

“Go and get a towel.”

As she furrowed her eyebrows and motioned her hand to the maid who passed by, the maid nodded her head and moved swiftly. She quickly brought a small towel and a large towel. After Azela, who was taking turns looking at the towel, picked up a large towel, she put it over Lina’s head carelessly.

“I’m, I’m fine…!”

“Wipe it off because the floor of the mansion gets wet because of you. You know how expensive this carpet is, right?”

Lina looked down at the carpet soaked with water dripping from her clothes and nodded her head in surprise.

“Ah… Yes, yes! I’m sorry, Madam.”

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