Along with the sweet scent, there was the smell of alcohol that had not yet been detoxified.

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When she opened her eyes slightly, she could see Zagnac concentrating on her with a red face with his eyes closed. It was an expression that only she could see, which he would never normally show. He was drunk, and he was more impatient and rougher than usual.

As he ruffled Azela’s dress with a hasty hand, he slid his cold hand inside.

His gentle touch disappeared all of a sudden, and his rough hand gripped her breasts tightly. Contrary to his usual gentleness, he pinched and twisted the tips a little harder with his index and middle fingers.

A groan wet with pleasure escaped Azela’s lips.


It felt like lightning flashed in her head.

Azela, who barely grasped the dress that seemed to flow down her shoulders, left everything in his hands. His hot manhood burned hot as if it was about to explode. Zagnac squeezed his manhood against her thigh, exhaling a hot breath.

When his hasty hand rolled up Azela’s skirt, a cool breeze blew through her thighs again, warning her, ‘This place is outside, don’t forget it.’

However, as soon as she got hot, no thoughts came to her mind.

Zagnac, with a hot breath against Azela’s collarbone, lifted her left thigh. Taking a deep breath, she was startled by her open and blatant posture. But, she soon tilted her head back to his touch that was stimulating her secret place with his soft fingers.

Azela tightened her hand over and over again as if she was about to lose her flowing dress, and it was then—

“…Her Highness Princess Livia is here!”

“Princess Livia!”

A familiar name rang out from inside the party hall. Azela and Zagnac also stopped all their actions and gazed at each other after hearing that name. The noisy party hall became quiet in an instant, with only the sound of the performance being heard.

A cold wind blew again. Perhaps because of the quiet interior, all the sounds from inside could be heard clearly even on the terrace with the windows closed.

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“Nice to meet you all. I came here to meet someone…”

The sound of the performance stopped at the small voice. It was a voice that seemed bright and cute, but it was clearly dignified. Azela held her breath without realizing it, afraid that her breath might leak out. The inside of the party hall and the terrace were also silent for a while.

And again, that dignified voice was heard softly.

“Where is Duke Ferial?”

When Princess Livia’s question reached her ears, Azela came to her senses.

’Crazy, crazy.’

Azela, wiping her smudged lips with the back of her hand, hurriedly pushed Zagnac away and grabbed her flowing dress. He was also frowning as he heard Princess Livia, who was looking for him. Covering her nose and mouth with her palms, lest they could hear her breathing over there.

Princess Livia’s voice was heard from inside the party hall after a moment of silence.

“…It seems that he is not here.”

“A, a little while ago, he went over there with Countess Todd…”

Azela closed her eyes tightly when she heard a woman’s voice speaking about her. People would definitely go looking for Zagnac. If they did, they would surely pay attention to the closed terrace with the red curtains down.

Those who like to imagine and make up the scenes behind the curtain on their own would undoubtedly say this:

“Duke Ferial and Countess Todd had a secret meeting at the social party! …With Count Todd present!”

The world would send sympathetic gazes to the victim, Daniel, and a stinging gaze to the suspect, her. Azela shook her head as her face turned white, realizing the terrible future firsthand.

“Don’t worry.”

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Zagnac, who was gazing at her, spoke calmly.

…Don’t worry? How could she not worry in this situation? When she stared at him with a skeptical gaze, Zagnac smiled as he stretched out his hand and ran her disheveled hair behind her ear. Perhaps, the brief heat had helped him, but there was no more sweet smell.

Having arranged her hair nicely, he patted her on the shoulder and ran out of the terrace without hesitation.


Azela, startled by the sight of Zagnac, who jumped down the high terrace without a chance to let her get herself together, let out a terrifying scream and covered her mouth with her palm. She thought she was used to him leaping out of her bedroom window every night though it didn’t look like that either.

“Huh…? I think I just heard the voice of Countess Todd over there.”

Someone’s voice rang out loudly from inside the quiet party hall.

Now was not the time to be surprised. Thinking that, Azela grabbed her flowing dress and buttoned it up. The form was strange as the straps that had been tied up were undone but better than exposing her bare skin.

When she barely finished buttoning it, the door to the terrace opened and the sound of footsteps could be heard behind the red curtains. Azela lifted the champagne glass in her hand, which she had hurriedly set down beside her.

“Countess Todd.”

“…What is it?”

Taking a deep breath, she turned her body and glanced behind her at the voice calling out to her with an unconcerned look. All the nobles inside the party hall focused their gazes on her. Their faces were full of interest as if they had caught a funny story.

“I thought you were with Duke Ferial…”

No matter how much they looked around, Azela seemed to be enjoying champagne on the terrace alone.

Shaking the almost empty champagne glass, she answered, tilting her head to one side.

“Me with Duke Ferial? Alone on a terrace like this?”

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“Everyone is imagining things too much.”

Azela shook her head with a look of nonsense, drawing an elegant smile on her lips. Disappointment filled the noble’s faces, who had been waiting for an exciting story to see.

Among such nobles, Princess Livia, who was quietly looking at Azela, stepped out in front of her. Her stature was a little short, but her bold gait and stern eyes made her look like a person from the imperial family. Her pink hair, in a ponytail, was cute for her age.

“Then, does that mean the Madam doesn’t know where Duke Ferial is?”

“…Greetings, Your Highness. Yes, I do not know where Duke Ferial is.”

“…I heard you do business with Duke Ferial.”

“Yes, that’s right.”

Princess Livia said, imitating a mature tone, unsuitable for her age. As she answered politely to her, she looked at Azela with a blushing face. Her lips and cheeks that did not seem to lose their baby fat were cute, so she stared at Princess Livia without realizing it.

After looking at her surroundings for a moment, she walked gracefully in front of Azela and cleared her throat.

“Madam, I have a question for you.”

“Yes, please go ahead.”

“Is it true that Duke Ferial has black and thick hair?”

The question, which she had never thought of, made Azela gaze down at Princess Livia with bewildered eyes. She thought the Princess wanted to play a prank on her, but the seriousness was evident from her tightly closed lips and clenched fists.

Azela nodded her head cautiously.

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“…Yes, Duke Ferial’s hair is black and thick.”


As soon as she finished her answer, Princess Livia wiped her chest and let out a sigh of relief. She doesn’t know why, but it seemed like a pretty important question to the Princess. Princess Livia opened her eyes again and grabbed her sleeve.

As the little hand held her sleeve, Azela felt her heart pounding and falling to the floor without realizing it.

“Let, let me ask you one more question.”


“I heard that Duke Ferial is tall and has no wrinkles… Is that true?”

This question was also something she hadn’t thought of before.

Azela tilted her head, not knowing what Princess Livia’s intention was for asking such questions. Thinking about whether she should just say yes or if she should ask what was going on, she glanced away and saw Zagnac standing leisurely in the party hall.

He probably ran out of the terrace and entered the door.

“…He’s over there, so it’s probably best to ask him directly.”

As she pointed her finger at Zagnac, everyone’s eyes turned to him. Except for one, Princess Livia, who was holding her sleeve. As Azela stretched out her finger, Livia’s face got even redder than before, and she tightened her shoulders.

“Is, is Duke Ferial behind me now?”

“Yes, Duke Ferial is over there.”

As Azela resolutely replied, Livia took a deep breath and carefully turned her body. Then, having found Zagnac, she covered her mouth with both hands.

“My, my savior…!”

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