AAAP Chapter 268 – Graverobber

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graverobber.kun8-10 minutes

Fall of the Mobile Fortress

While Tersis’s group was locked in a fierce battle against the clones, the people at the mobile fortress [Valizer] which was the strategic key to containing the Empress’s fleet were spending their time in boredom.


While gazing at the canyon on her main monitor, Liren silently strokes the trigger on her control stick. So far, there’s still no sign that the enemy fleet will leave their cover.

The attack from their heavy artillery and explosives had already stopped a while ago. After all, they can not afford to waste all their ammunition just to keep the enemy in check. At the moment, although she can hear strikers fighting in a distance, the battlefield as a whole feels stagnated.

“Liren-san, what do you think the enemy is doing?”

A striker pilot at the feet of the [Valizer] asked in a bored tone. Even though they are on a battlefield, the fact that there hasn’t been even a single shell landing anywhere nearby can’t help but make them relax their guard.

“No movement. Same as before.”

When the [Odelcrois], which is the enemy flagship, ascended, she was delighted at the chance to take the Empress’s head herself but unfortunately, the Empress soon descended back down the canyon and she didn’t have the chance to fire. Since then, strikers and such crafts started appearing but big targets like battleships and other vessels are holding up in the depths of the canyon without making even a single move.

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However, she knows that they won’t stay in that hole forever so she must remain vigilant of any sign of movement. Thinking so, Liren glanced at the clock while carefully keeping the canyon in her line of sight.

“Curse you!”

“Uwah!? She took my left arm!!”

From the radio, she could hear the screams of her comrades. From the mountain where the [Valizer] is stationed, it’s impossible for her to see the place where Tersis and the others are fighting. Still, their tone of voice clearly suggested that they are struggling.

Can’t I support them? Liren thought for a moment. Liren doesn’t think of them as her friends but she still has some sense of companionship with them. She also thinks that if she gets on their good side, she might be able to use it to her advantage later.

“……..No, I can’t.”

But she couldn’t come up with a way to support them from her station. If the [Valier] is in good shape then she might be able to do it but regrettably, it was returned to service after only some minimal repairs. In short, right now the fortress itself is full of defects.

What Liren finds particularly irritating about its state is its inaccuracy. The sensor aside, the barrel of its main cannon was badly damaged and she can’t place her shot well even if her aim is true.

If this thing is in decent condition then she could have the others lure the Soylent sisters into a kill zone and take them out immediately. After all, the [Valizer]’s firepower far eclipse what the [Geist Artillerie] has…… its present condition though, let alone her enemy, she can’t even be sure if her shot will land on her allies.


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Liren let out a small sigh. All she can do now is keep her eyes fixed on the enemy. The situation is so frustrating that her finger just moves in a motion of trigger pulling on its own.

Since then, more than a dozen minutes have passed. The screams from the radio are still going strong. It appears that no one has been shot down so far but she can assume that the strikers of the other 4 Heavenly aside from her have suffered significant damage.

It was when Liren thought that this might be bad—–

“……!? Enemy strikers incoming, South South West!”

A [Claymore] which was deployed to keep a lookout reported in a desperate voice. Liren hurriedly turned her gaze toward the direction and spotted a group of [Renions] sewing through the gaps between the iceberg. Their jet-black armor shone brilliantly reflecting the dim light of Galea(Star). They’re already pretty close.

“……tsk! A detachment huh…….!

On top of their active stealth device, they’ve used the terrain to their advantage so that their presence won’t be detected by their radar. They wouldn’t have been able to get this close without Liren noticing otherwise. While cursing the sloppiness of her allies’ detection network, Liren aimed the quadruple rapid-fire blaster cannons on both hands of the [Valizer] at the enemy group.

When she pulled the trigger, countless red particle bullets rain down on the corps of [Renions]. However, they agilely spread out and none of them got hit.

This is bad.

Liren’s face cramped up. She didn’t even point the muzzles at them beforehand but they still managed to perfectly evade her shots. She’s still unfamiliar with the equipment but her enemies are certainly skilled. In any case, she’s failed to intercept the enemy. The [Renions] continue heading toward them. Of course, Liren keeps raining beams on them but the Imperial Guards will not falter just because of that.

“Don’t let them get any closer!”

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The [Claymores] and [Jettas] deployed around the [Valizer] began to fight back but despite the beams and shells they threw at the [Renions], their enemies avoided them all with minimal movements.

“……..We’re abandoning the [Valizer]!”

In the end, Liren gave up trying to intercept the enemy. Right now the [Valizer] does not have any anti-aircraft weapon. Once the enemy gets close, she will have no way to deal with them.

Tearing off a number of cables connecting her striker to the mobile fortress, Liren jumped off the temporary control center of the [Valizer].

Seeing the violet striker leaped away, the Imperial Guards shouted behind her.

“That’s Liren Slaine! She may be one of the former 4 Heavenly but her striker wasn’t designed for close-range combat. Keep pushing!”

The [Renions] accelerate toward the [Valizer]. On the other hand, Liren pulled out a large sniper rifle from the back of her [Pryceta] and fired it immediately. A high-power beam cut through the atmosphere and destroyed a[Reunion]. However, she could only take down one.

“Artillery corps! Commence fire!”

Following the captain’s command, a large number of mobile artillery units that had been secretly deployed in the distance immediately discharged 21cm AP rounds. Naturally, their target was the [Valizer]. Many of them were deflected away by the shield but the [Renions] didn’t wait around and fire their anti-ship grenade launchers at it from a close distance.

The shield generator was overloaded by the heavy bombardment and exploded. Most of the anti-ship missiles pierced the armor of the walking fortress and the steel giant was engulfed in flames.

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“The [Valizer] is……!”

A Calencian soldier screamed. The giant fortress collapsed on its back with a loud jarring sound. The [Valizer] was only given a minimal repair so it was not durable enough to withstand such an attack. Its steel armor peeled off and hydraulic oil spewed out from the gaps as though it was bleeding fresh blood. Eventually, the [Valizer] helplessly rolled down the slope of the mountain and fell to the abyss.

“Notify the fleet! Mission success!”

The Imperial Guards quickly retreated. With the [Valizer] out of the way, there’s no need for them to be here anymore. The Calencians fired at their back but they easily evaded so their shots had little effect.

“…….should we chase after them?”

Asked a former Noredian soldier who now belongs to Valentina’s faction. She just lost a strategic weapon to the enemy without being able to even put up a proper resistance. There’s nothing more humiliating than this.

If possible, she wanted to give chase and release her anger but…………

“No need.”

Liren gave a reply. She grins as she looks down at the clock.

“After all, our mission is already successful…….”

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