Chapter 122 – Barbarian

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It was a month after Ares’ grand wedding was held.

The Schwarzer Frontier Territory was in a haste to dispatch soldiers.

Originally, Ares wanted to enjoy the afterglow of his wedding for a bit longer, but Zekka had an urgent message concerning the amassing barbarians in the north. Thus Ares was forced to leave the sweetness of his honeymoon to deal with the matter.

First, it’s been decided that he and Sigurd would lead the strike force, which consisted of his Second Corps and Sigurd’s dragon rider knights. The Third Corps, originally led by Darius, would be sent to guard the northern fortress. In addition to all that, Shion would also go as the military staff member.

[This barbarian revolt is likely to be bigger than ever. They have gathered a much larger force than expected… I have to go as well if it’s like this.]

He unusually declared that he needed to participate in this battle. That goes to show how serious the situation was. Shion was mostly calm and laid back, preferring to take things as comfortable as possible. Him saying that he needs to go to the frontline speaks volumes about the urgency.

Everyone on the military council frowned.

[Zekka’s intel suggested that there was a political change among the barbarians… that a new king that could bring them all together was born… This was certainly an unexpected development. We have to move quickly.]

The northern barbarians were divided into many tribes, but the largest were the 『Wind』and the 『Iron』 tribes.
For decades, the two tribes had been at each other’s throats, incapable of uniting… but apparently, a mighty power had appeared and actually assembled the two tribes under one banner.
Ares was intrigued by this development, thus he requested for more information regarding this power.

[According to Zekka-dono’s intel… his name is 『Amga』, the new patriarch of the now largest 『Iron Tribe』.]

[So it is the 『Iron Tribe』… I am afraid there are bad rumors circulating about them…]

Darius made a follow up to Gale’s statement.

[Back then, I remember crushing their raiding force before. They’re probably the most warlike among the northern barbarians. But their tribe had no real commanding or strategic power. The best they could do was to raid others for loot as many times as possible… that said, the other tribes most likely loathe them.]

Shion nodded in agreement to Darius’ words.

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[Yes. What truly happened was still unknown yet, but they suddenly gained an increase in power and the other smaller tribes were unable to match them anymore. It is said that this new barbarian king wanted to claim the title of 『Ran (chieftain)』for himself after his achievement of subjugating many other tribes. But the 『Wind tribe』is stubbornly against this since the title originally belonged to their tribe.]

[The title of 『Ran (chieftain)』was originally given to the Wind tribe’s Legendary King 『Jamka Ran』. If the Wind tribe willingly gives up the title, they’ll lose their pride.]

This legendary Barbarian King known as 『Jamka Ran』lived hundred years ago. His vast territory was comparable to that of the Great Arcadia Empire. Even if it only lasted for one generation, his deeds remained as one of classics of Eastern continent’s history.

[Amga’s personality truly matches those of the Iron tribe, brutal and arrogant. Those who fear him call him the 『Barbaric King』out of spite, but apparently he likes the name…]

While listening to the report, Ares was thinking deeply.

[I see… but the intel we have is still too little. Continue to gather the information. And by the way, if that so-called Barbaric King dies, is there any potential person to substitute him to lead the barbarians?]

[That, we don’t know yet… Let’s have Zekka-dono to investigate more, including that]

Ares nodded at Shion’s suggestion.

[That’s right. The situation may change rapidly. It’s likely to be a tough battle so we have to take this chance to conquer the east as fast as possible.]

Having said that, Ares returned his attention to the map, thinking about how to advance.


Geographically, the mountain ranges to the east of Grants was located in the north of all other eastern countries. It serves as a natural barrier for the eastern countries, but there were many gentler paths that lead to Grants.

There were two major tribes living in these mountains.

The first was the 『True』dwarves. Unlike the other dwarves commonly seen outside, they regard themselves as the direct descendants of the ancient dwarves, which also led them to isolate themselves from the other races.
Their body is one size bigger than regular dwarves, and they’re also known as the better craftsmen. They certainly don’t interact with other races often, but they are known to be mild mannered. Therefore the former Grants Principality could tolerate their existence and left them to their own devices… except for one person.

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[Darius, are you saying that you are familiar with those true dwarves?]

[Yeah, their liquor was topnotch.]

Darius laughed at Ares’ question. Meanwhile Gale looked like he was bitten by a bug.

[He still went and visited them to have a drink even after I told him not to visit too often. He was truly a troublesome boy back then…]

[Still saying that even though I know that Father secretly enjoyed the liquor I brought back home?]

[You… that does not have anything to do with this…]

Gale instantly snapped back. Ares laughed seeing the exchanges.

[Well, it’s not like we are looking for a fight with them. We are trying to strike a non-aggression deal with them here. And if possible… exchanging supplies with them.]

Shion and George nodded at Ares’ words.

[The weapons crafted by the true dwarves are certainly of high quality… I’d be glad if we can deepen our relationship and enable their skills for our use.]

[They’re certainly some of the best, especially if we want to develop new weapons. Milord better do really well to strike on this negotiation.]

Listening to the two, Ares grinned.

[Well, of course I’ll do my best. For now, the White Legion will patrol some distance away from the settlement to avoid unease, and I’ll be going with Darius this time… now, here is the problem]

Ares then pointed to the open map, to the area north of the true dwarven settlement to be exact.

[The Aryans may come to raid at any given moment… we need to somehow suppress them first.]

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The Aryans lived on the northside of the mountain ranges, directly facing the barbarian grassland further up north.

Their society revolved around an extremely militant way of life. According to rumours, they would drop their young down the cliff and only raised those who managed to climb back up. All of them have strong muscle-bound bodies, and boast extraordinary physical capability.

They knew not how to use magic. However, it’s as if their body is automatically strengthened with magic perpetually, resulting in them having greater physical strength than the norm.

[The scariest thing about the Aryans is that they fight without any fear of death. Once they are on the battlefield, they’ll keep fighting until there are no more enemies left or until their body ceases to function completely… That’s the kind of people they are.]

A few years ago, Grants Principality had to defend against the combined forces of the Aryan and some smaller northern barbarian tribes.

At that time, Grants forces that Gail led managed to intercept them…

[I will never forget about that battle. The opposing forces were only a few thousand strong. I brought 30,000 Grants forces that day. Even so… our losses were still very great.]

Back then, it was thanks to Darius’ valor that they managed to pull through.

[It’s imperative to keep them down after all. We have taken a year to prepare ourselves in our plan to pacify the north… and now, our wait is over. All of us need to be vigilant for any sudden changes.]

Everyone on the military council nodded their head in agreement with Ares.


[That said, I’ll be departing tomorrow.]

All of the wives turned silent upon hearing Ares’ explanation.

It’s only been a month since their wedding. Naturally they wished to spend more time together. But circumstances cut their happiness short almost forcefully.

[I will be lonely if you leave… and I know for a fact that everyone here will too.]

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Sensing the consensus in the other wives’ feelings, Cornelia spoke up first.

[But you do not have to worry about us now, please concentrate on what is important.]

[While Ares goes to war, we’ll stay here doing our best for the good of Heinz in the meantime… don’t worry about us.]

[We’ll look forward to your safe return.]

Sharon and Roxanne also added in. Hearing their encouraging words… Ares could only smile back.


The next day, the combined forces led by Sigurd and Shion headed to the northern fortress. At the same time, Ares and Darius also rode to the eastern mountain ranges.

[The White Legion will be joining us along the way… or so they said.]

Ares chuckled.

There were only two of them when they departed from Heinz. Then along the way, as Ares said, one by one, more people gradually joined up. In the end around 80 people were riding together to the eastern mountain.
Each of the additional people was dressed like ruffian, but it’s obvious to tell what group all of them belonged to.

[Milord… it’s certainly exciting to see all these talented people you have here.]

Darius commented with a laugh after giving the group short observations.

[I bet they’re also surprised when seeing you. This is the first time for me to see them looking so tense when they joined up with us earlier.]

Ares also laughed in return. Then he turned his attention to the scenery spreading before him.
The settlement where the dwarves lived was already within sight. And thus, the Schwarzer Frontier Territory was finally about to take yet another step toward the future.

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