PROLOGUE : The Worries of the World’s Strongest

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Three exceptional women, considered the world’s toughest fighters, once existed. 

They possessed extraordinary strength, some even described as superhuman. 

One of them was feared for her unfathomable ability to kill people with healing and support magic. The other one could wipe out tens of thousands of soldiers with a single magic attack. The third woman was able to demolish mountains with her fists.

If these three women, each of whom was capable of utterly destroying an entire nation joined forces, they would constitute a walking catastrophe, the reincarnation of a demon supernatural entity, and in some places, they would be revered as malevolent deities. They were powerful enough to influence practically anything in their favour.

But even these three couldn’t get their hands on something. That thing was ….a man.

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They were not only powerful, but also unrivalled beautiful. Despite having a long lifespan, they were only about 20 years old when they reached the height of their womanhood, in human terms. It was inconceivable for them to have had no experience with males, despite the fact that they had spent their childhoods fighting for different causes.

They were “the strongest,” though. If they were to have a companion, they desired someone who was more powerful than they themselves were, or at the least someone who was on an equal ground with them and could protect them in an emergency. They set insurmountable expectations for their relationship.

They didn’t want to fall short of the other two’s standards, but they also didn’t want to make concessions.They wanted a man who could meet their improbable requirements: a man who was roughly their strength level and who also has an ideal attitude and behaviour that suited their preferences. They were growing more and more irritated since they couldn’t find a man who could satisfy their needs.

However, they had an insight one day.

“Why don’t you just raise one if you can’t find a man you like?”

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It felt like a really good plan. A bright young man would be trained in their preferred fighting techniques and demeanour, and when he was ready, they would “harvest” him. It would be a lot more effective if they raised him from the ground up rather than looking for an ideal man who may or may not exist, and they wouldn’t feel weird about their lack of prior experience with men.

The need for time was urgent. They immediately started looking for a potential spouse prospect or rather, a potential disciple candidate.

Finding a suitable follower, nevertheless, was challenging.

While they did discover a few talented individuals, everyone else was haughty and overconfident. It was only natural for someone to feel proud if they possessed skills and abilities that were superior to those of everyone else in their nation or area.

But they all seemed like petty people who were proud of themselves in the eyes of the girls who had world-class strength.They could have used force to correct them if they had bad personalities, but they didn’t feel like raising brats who caused trouble.

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Several months had passed since they began their search for a husband or disciple candidate, but they had not found even one suitable person, let alone accepted a disciple.

“Ah, where ought we go next? The Ulca Empire, perhaps?”

“Because of the incident where we destroyed the second city, everyone of us is being sought after there. We won’t be able to quietly look for disciples.”

“That is precisely why. There will be lots of tough guys there who will try to catch us if we go, right? We’ll destroy them and look for the most promising individuals from among them..”

Translator’s Note:

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Hello everyone!!!

I’m super excited to be working on this translation and bringing this amazing novel to a whole new audience. As a new translator, I’m always looking to improve, so I’d love it if you could keep me posted on any mistakes or errors you might spot along the way.

I’m doing my best to keep the author’s style and voice intact, while also making the text easy to read for those who don’t know the original language. And while I know there might be some culturally-specific bits that don’t quite translate, I’m trying my darnedest to get them as close as possible.

Thanks for giving me the chance to work on this project, and I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I’m enjoying translating it!


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