Former S-class hunter fights with the same industry

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Translated by kingavent
Edited by kingavent


Vicky’s face turns red instantly.


 What she held in her hand was a huge club that even a large demon beast would probably be dwarfed. There are spikes around it, but it’s so big that it can make you into minced meat.


“Oh ah ah ah ah !!”


She raises a violent voice and swings down the club.


 It’s not unavoidable, but it’s the speed at which a half-powered person is hit directly.


 Vicky is the only hunter (original) who can wield such a super-heavy weapon.


 I calmly dodge to the side.


 Immediately afterwards, the club that swung in the air pierces the ground, making a sound like an explosion.


 A large hole was created while raising the dust. If I had received it properly, my head and legs might have stuck together.


“Are you serious !?”


 It’s still dangerous to swing that club down against a human opponent. If the guards were watching, it would be jail time by now.


 Vicky, you know that — I don’t think so.


 It’s completely put down.


“Don’t worry! I did it seriously because you are!”


 Vicky bares her teeth and laughs.


 What is so much fun? She lightly swings the club and puts it to one side.


 The gust of wind snarls so much that the soles of the feet float.


 Seeing my movement stop for a moment, Vicky swung the club down again.


“Receive it!”


 Vicky laughs as if she has caught her prey.


 little by little. I’m not a monster.


“Do it … I can’t help it.”


 I quickly pull out the [gun sword] from the coat. It’s not a long weapon but a short weapon.

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 I fired it at the ground next to me, not at Vicky.


 With roaring sounds, I avoid it sideways, not against the recoil of the shooting. Immediately after, a club with spikes passed in front of me.




 The club scoops the soil again.


 Meanwhile, I shoot at the ground.


 Using the recoil, I jumped up and once evacuated to the top of the tree.


“It’s still stupid …”


 A little annoyed, I praise Vicky’s superhuman strength.


 Vicky’s hunter era was known as “Breaker”.


 Literally, the power to destroy monsters.


 Surprisingly, that superhuman strength is [Maneuver skill], But it was gained through natural talent and effort.


 Vicky’s race “Dwarves” are certainly characterized by their superior strength over humans and elves.


 However, Vicky’s is far beyond the characteristics of the race, and even the dwarven men do not seem to be her opponents.


 Well, thanks to that, she seems to have had a hard time in another sense …


 However, Vicky found a place where her superhuman strength lived. That is a hunter.


 It is true that I am overwhelmingly superior in the number of defeating S-rank monsters, but Vicky is probably the only one who has defeated S-rank monsters with simple superhuman strength.


 Her power is so outstanding.


(But it’s weakened …)


 Vicky’s power is even more extreme. It’s proof that she went to the scene and studied hard even while I was not working.


 Her muscles are squeezed and her movements are sharper than when I met her three years ago.


 On the other hand, it’s hard to say that my body is sharp after the blank.


 I haven’t been working for three years, and while raising my child, I’ve been training with Prim and Rir.


 However, the actual battle and training are still different.


 Even if the image of movement is created, the reaction is delayed by one tempo or two tempo from the image.

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 There is no sharpness in movement.


 Especially when the other person really comes to kill you.


“Hmm! It’s no use running away from a tree.”


“Isn’t climbing a tree still good?”


“I don’t need it”


 Most of the dwarves who live in dark caves are not good at climbing trees. It seems possible to climb a cliff, but the dwarves call it a “curse.”


 Then Vicky shook a lot.


 Perhaps she’s going to kill the tree that’s stopped. It’s a fairly mature tree, but Vicky has no problems.


“Vicky, I’ll give you some advice, you shouldn’t do that.”


“Hmm! You’re begging for life now. Well, if Zelet says,’Vicky, the super strong and respectable, please forgive me,’ it’s not that I won’t forgive you.”


 Vicky laughs with heer nose.


 My answer was fixed.


“I gave you some advice.”




 Vicky mercilessly swung.


 The tree shakes greatly. Then, a crack runs from the root at a stretch and reaches near the branch where I’m perched.


 Vicky laughs.


 I don’t know what kind of tactical plan she had, but she seems to have won even though she just hit the tree.


 Meanwhile, I shrug my shoulders.


“Ahhhhh …”


 I wear the hood on the coat.


 Immediately, a large amount of something fell from the top of the tree that was shaken greatly.


 It also falls on Vicky, who was fundamentally watching the result.


 Then something stuck on Vicky’s nose.

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 It is a caterpillar that has fallen on the round nose that seems to be a dwarf.


“Gya ah ah ah ah ah! Caterpillars ii ii ii ii ii ii ii !!”


 Vicky shouts.


 The caterpillar raised its head toward Vicky, as if saying hello.


“Hiiii ah ah ah ah!”


 Vicky keeps screaming.


 As you can see, the weakness of the former hunter who laughs and heads in front of the S-rank monster is a small caterpillar.


 Vicky has always hated these worms.


 Immediately after, the tree that Vicky hit earlier collapses.


 I left the tree after seeing it.


I then talk to Vicky, who is fluttering, with a caterpillar on the tip of her nose.


“Don’t tell me”


 It is almost late summer, but at this time of year, moth larvae of the type called Natsuokure occur. Soak up the summer sun and climb tall tree branches to eat the lush foliage.


 It spends time on the tree as it is, and finally it becomes an adult and takes off.


“Oh, Zelet, oh! It’s your fault! Get rid of this insect.”


“I advised you properly.”


“I didn’t think this would happen …”


 that’s strange…….


 Every time I got into a fight with this one, I repelled her in a similar way …


 As usual, she is a good match with my disciple in terms of memory.


“I see. I see. If you say,’Super strong and respectable, please forgive me,’ I’ll take it.”



“But, stupid! I can’t say that!”


 Vicky said it first.


“Then I’m going home.”

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“Wait as it is! Wait, please! Say! I’ll tell you! Please!”


 Vicky tears up.


 I’m really sorry. I want to stop here as a parent, but I am serious.


 Let’s get rid of Vicky’s motivation here and stay with her until the end.


 Vicky sat down on the bulky dead leaves in the forest and bowed.


“Please forgive me, Zele-samat, who is super strong and respectable!”


 She raised her face.


 She’s a really straightforward guy. She said with tears, word for word.


 Vicky can’t hate it because there is such a straightforward place.


“Look! I told you, take it.


“Oh … Vicky. I forgot to say one …”


“What is it! Is it something I still want to say?”


“No, that’s not the case. Vicky, that.”




“The caterpillar has already been removed.”




 Perhaps when she bowed her head, it fell with her.


“As a result, you got rid of the caterpillars by apologizing to me. I’m glad.”


“Is it good? It’s not good !!”


 Vicky grabbed the club again.


 Unpalatable. It’s hard.


 This time it may be bad.


 That was the time.


 A huge shadow passed over us …

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