Chapter 3

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Former S-class hunter overwhelms monsters

Translated by kingavent
Edited by kingavent


Breakfast was placed on the table.


Honey on toast. Fried egg and crispy bacon. The lettuce is drained and the hot milk is boiled in a pot.


It’s a simple breakfast, but I don’t hate it.


 It’s better to eat something you’re used to eating than to eat something elaborate in the morning.


“Choshoku ♪ Choshoku ♪”


 It’s Prim who sings and sits down first, and finally sings with a spoon and a fork, even though she eats by hand.


 She gulped in front of the still steaming breakfast.


 She put my hands together with the bread and started eating before my master.


 As usual, I don’t feel any respect for her teacher.


“Itadakimasu … Hamham Hamhammumumumu … It’s a Feast!”


“You chew a little better! Or rather, where do you find a  disciple who gets up later than her master and finishes eating earlier than her master?”


She wasn’t a very sharp one.


He thrusts his knife between his disciples’ eyebrows, but Prim makes his eyes shine for some reason.


“Master! Is it combat training right away? Are you finally going toing to train me? Even though I just finished eating, training suddenly with master.”


“I haven’t finished eating! Rather, do you know that I’m paying attention to you who had finished eating first !?”




 Prim tilts her head.


Her “I don’t understand” face makes me angry.


 Hmm … I wonder why I took in such a disciple.


“Yes, yes. You can’t go wild in the cafeteria!”


Pamela comes from the back.

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“This isn’t a primary school classroom, you guys. Rather, the kids are stronger nowadays.”


Good lord! I was treated as a child.

By a child-like person …


“Did you say something? Zelet?”


 Pamela glares at me.


The green eyes flashed like a cat finding a mouse.




Pamela is one of the shortest elves.


Therefore, she is often mistaken for an elf child. It’s superfluous because of the baby face and no chest.


“Child” “height” “chest”


 These three words are absolutely NG words in front of Pamela.


 Aside from that, I finally start breakfast.


 Whenever it come to toast, fried egg, bacon, lettuce, I always eat toast with ingredients. That’s because you can eat it all at once.


 Pamela scolds me for being violent, but once it gets into my stomach, everything is together.


 I immediately laid lettuce on the toast and put bacon on it.


 Finally, when I tried to put the fried egg on, Rir, who was also eating breakfast on the side, stood up quickly.


 She was moving her ears frequently.


“Rir, what are you doing?”


 I also noticed the sign and sighed unintentionally.


 Good grief……. What the hell are active hunters doing?


 I stand up. While playing with a silver coin in the palm of my hand, I went out of the inn with Rir.


“What’s wrong, Zelet? What about your Breakfast?”


“Pamela, you should go back to the inn.”


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“Go back …”


 Ignoring Pamela’s words, I look up at the sky. The blue color spreads in the field of vision. A cloud was floating in the sky.


“Will you come again …”


 Then the cloud started moving quickly.


 When the strange sound of hitting wooden boards came down, the white shadow headed straight toward the city where I lived.


“Shaaaaaaa! !! 』\


 It was Sky Salmon that bared its fangs.


 It is a monster that has moved its base from the sea to the sky by taking on strong magical power.


 The characteristics of the sky salmon are that it has a bite force that easily bites the bones of a human arm and that it attacks by forming a group of 100 or 1000 or more animals.


“Cha ah ah!”

“What is that !?”

“It’s a monster!”

“What about the guards? No, call the hunters !!”


 It seems that the residents of the city have begun to notice.


 Screams come from here and there, and everyone runs away.


 The child who was late to escape stopped at the side of the road and was crying.


 Among them, I hold a silver coin at my fingertips while looking at the sky.


 I stretched out my hand and aimed so that the silver coin and the sky salmon overlapped.


“Char Aznable! !! “


 Sky salmon roars.


 Sky salmon during this period are often upset. Probably the mating time is near.


 Even monsters are creatures. Regular mating to leave offspring is essential.


 Mothers flock to the city for their newborn children.


 Before that happens, it’s a rule of thumb for hunters to keep an eye out and take countermeasures, but apparently there was a flock that they missed.


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“Zeletto! What are you doing?”


“Defeating the Sky Salmon!”


“You’re no longer a hunter, and what do you want to do with a silver coin?”


 Originally there is no permission to subdue monsters. Previously-overfishing to make expensive magic tools became a problem, requiring permits from the Hunter Guild and the country.


“It’s self-defense … and …”


 It’s a D-rank monster so, even one silver coin is expensive …


 You can hear the sharp roar of sky salmon.


 The distance is very close. I could clearly see the grotesque mouth.


 I put magical power into silver coin.  The moment the lightning flashes, the magic of lightning dwells in my hand.


“This Is the end”


 I shot a silver coin.


 High speed — No, not so much.


 It is flipped with a finger, and the silver coins spin around. Compared to the sky salmon that attacks from the sky in a flock, it’s a speed that makes you sleepy.


 Still, the silver coins head for the sky salmon.


 It’s like a knight in silver armor assaulting a large army of soldiers.


 At that moment, a silver coin stuck to the narrow forehead of the sky salmon.


 Biriririririririririritsutsu! !!


 The light bursts.


 The light of thunder spirit spreads like a hand-held net that catches fish.


 Originally, lightning strikes falling from the sky run up along the approximately 1000 sky salmon that have fallen.


 I caught all the sky salmon in a lightning cage.


“very strong……”


 Pamela, who was watching the scene at the entrance of “Estrona”, muttered stunned.


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 The inhabitants of the fleeing city were also terrified when they saw a large amount of sky salmon falling from the sky.


 The sky salmon that fall one by one are all dead. They had convulsions from time to time and had their eyes peeled.


” Something like this huh?”


 Huh, sigh.


 At that moment, the citizens of the city boiled up.


“Who did it?”

“It’s Zelet!”

“Are you an S-class hunter?”

“You quit being a hunter”

“It’s a waste. Even though you’re so strong.”


 Yes. I quit being a hunter.


 It’s a pity that the people around me, including Pamela, don’t understand, but I have no regrets. Even if I quit the hunter, I can protect the city in this way, and my quitting does not hinder my life.


 You don’t even have to be a hunter if you don’t get permission to subdue S-rank monsters.


“Zelet um…”


 Pamela comes out of the inn “Estrona”.


 I wondered if my childhood friend, the elf, would give me a word of comfort, but it’s not.


 She picked up the sky salmon that had fallen on the road and snorted.


“Zelet, this ………”


“It’s not bad. It’s best to shoot a wide range of thunder-type magic to the sky salmon that attack in a flock. After landing on the ground and spreading out … -Well, Pamela … are you listening? “


“Yes, it’s sky salmon, isn’t it?”


“So what? Don’t worry, help me with cleaning later …”


“Hey, Zelet …”


“You want some sweet bean?”


 Then Pamela grinned.


 Sky salmon, why don’t I try it?


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