Chapter 32

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Former S-class hunter breaks the sea

Translated by kingavent
Edited by kingavent


“Leviathan …”

“An S-rank monster called the Sea Dragon King …”

“There are two!”


 There are two Leviathans.


 Hearing the astonishing fact, the blood drains from the faces of the three.


 S-rank monsters are monsters that cannot be defeated unless you are prepared for one division to be annihilated even if you defeat only one.


 Two of them are in the same place.


 It would mean a great departure from the sea that people step into.


 It’s a nightmare for me too. There are two coveted rivals in front of me, but I can’t subdue one.


“Pamela-san, your voice is a little loud.”


“That’s right. You’ll be heard again.”


“I’m sorry, but I’m sorry …”


I gently turn my gaze toward Gangel and Henderone while putting my index finger on my mouth.


 The other side seems to be crazy about the barbarism of the hunters who chased Leviathan.


 He raised his arm and shouted, “Go! Go!” And was excited.


” Zele-samat, are you really sure there are two Leviathans?”


“I can’t believe it. There are two S-rank monsters in the bay at the same time.”


“It’s not a funny story. Even humans may have a partner at the time of childbirth.”


“That’s right. Humans may be, but the other party is Leviathan, Zelet.”


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 Pamela crosses her arms, but I’m sure.


 From the reaction of Rir, the smell of amniotic fluid could be confirmed in Chichigaga Bay.


 This is deep in the bay, so to speak, the female leviathan Is hiding. The one who is taking the hunters now is the male Levithan.


 He went offshore as a decoy to keep the dragon away from danger.


“Okay. I’ll Believe in Zelett’s words. But how do you find the eggs? The other party is at the bottom of the sea. Although the water depth is shallower than offshore, it is hard to go there without a special skill, I think it would be difficult to find it. “


“By the way, could Zelet-san swim?”


“I’ve never seen him entering the ocean.”


“Maybe Zelet is a hamster?”


 Jito …….


 Pamela and Olivia look at me with suspicion.


 I shook my head.


“Isn’t that the case? There are important work tools in this coat, but I can’t expose it to seawater. And this coat is also my favorite. It’s not like exposing the fabric to seawater. I do not want to do it”


“Then you should take off your coat! I’ve said it before, but it’s hot just to look at your appearance.”


“Let’s return that word exactly as it is.I’ve been saying before this is my fashion. Only that can’t be handed over! “


 I immediately put on a thimble glove.


 I took out the [Cannon Sword] from the case and switched to battle mode.


 I take it and climb the quay, which is one step higher than the beach. I raised the long barrel and slowly knocked it down, aiming towards the sea.




“Um … I think it’s about the middle, right?”


 Even with your eyes, you can only roughly understand?


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 It probably laid eggs at a fairly deep water depth.


 The sea gradually began to darken, and the sun was hidden. The number of elements that can be seen in the sea is steadily decreasing.


 I have no more time to wait.


“Pamela! Evacuate everyone on the beach!”


“Cho! What are you going to do, Zelet !!”


“It’s decided. I’ll shoot …”


“For the Leviathan?”


“Hey! What are you talking about ?!”


 I think they heard the exchange.


 The Marquis Henderone, who stood on the same quay, was staring at me, blushing indignantly.


“Don’t worry. What I’m aiming for is …”




 It’s the sea! !!




 At the moment, the [cannon sword] fires.


 Red sparks burned in all directions from the tip of the barrel.


 The fired bullet cuts through the storm and lands right in the middle of Chichigaga Bay.



 Dooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo !!



 A tremendous impact broke through the dull sky diagonally.


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 The impact bursts toward the offshore, and the huge water column collapses diagonally. It became a huge tsunami and rushed offshore.


“Wow, wow! Hey! Zelet! Then hunters and berthed fishing boats are involved —-“


 While listening to Pamela’s groan, I immediately load the next bullet.


 Pull the lever to get in shape.


 Take a deep breath for a while …


 Then I shot it toward the center of the bay again.


 A bullet is fired from the barrel. Just before landing on the surface of the sea, the bullet burst. The magic contained in the bullet activates and slides on the surface of the sea.


 Kin! !!


 The air changes.


 It wasn’t the lukewarm summer breeze that stroked my nape.


 It was a cold winter breeze blowing in a frigid snowy landscape.


“Samu !!”


 Pamela trembles.


 Meanwhile, Rafina and Olivia were trembling in a different sense.


“What is that?”


“The sea …. The whole bay is turned up …”


 Both lose their words. It’s not just the cold.


 Now there is a big hole in Chichigaga Bay.


 One fit is a standard human stride, but its depth is roughly estimated to be about 1200 fits.


 If I did poorly, the deep seabed that seemed to fit comfortably with the clouds covering the sky was spreading.


 Depth is not the only hole in Chichigaga Bay.

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 The diameter of the hole is as easy as a circular arena.


 The surroundings were covered with frozen ice and were completely frozen. The raised water column extends offshore like a shark with its jaw open.


“Wow! It’s amazing! You can roll up the water of the sea with just one bullet, and freeze and harden the surroundings with the next bullet …”


“It’s not human work, isn’t it?”


“But …. The attributes of Zelet are “flame” and “thunder”, right? It doesn’t go well with the  “water” attribute.”


“It seems that the magic of ice was packed in the bullet in advance. Even so, the power is too overwhelming. Is it possible for an S-class hunter to do this?”


 Rafina gave an explanation without turning her eyes away.


“Fu …”


 I take my eyes off the scope.


 I shot with all my strength for the first time in a long while, but it’s ok.


 The first impact hits the surface of the sea, and the submerged fire-type bullet evaporates the surrounding seawater in an instant.


 In the next bullet, was able to freeze the hole in the sea so that it would not close, and minimize the damage in the bay.


“To find Leviathan laying eggs in the deep sea, shoot a bullet that is powerful enough to expose the deep sea …”


“After all, it’s too crazy …”


“Zelet, you didn’t want to go into the ocean.”


 Pamela smiled with a jerk at the edge of her mouth.


 I don’t want to go in separately. Leviathan has an advantage in the sea. Even I wouldn’t be able to win against him in the sea.


 I thought that I shouldn’t go to catch eggs until I took such a risk, so I just took a big method like this one.


 It’s not because I’m a hamster.


 Everything is for this favorite coat, and for my aesthetics.

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