Chapter 83

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S-class hunter runs out of power

Translated by kingavent
Edited by kingavent


“Ah, Raquel?”


 Gangel looks back.


 The rope that was supposed to be tied was caught in the barrel at the storefront.


“How do you get the rope …”


“This is what it is.”


 Raquel distorts the edge of his mouth.


 Then a mouse got on his shoulder.


“That’s right.You used tame And did you cut the rope … “


 Gangel opens his mouth.


 While screaming, the mouse is lying down as if to pledge allegiance to Mr. Raquel.


 He grabbed the mouse with his hand, he squeezed it all at once as it was dirty.


 He raised his hand, which turned bright red with the blood of the rat.


 A ring for amplifying magical power was fitted on the finger.


 It wasn’t just what Cheryl crushed.


“She did it well, Cheryl. She was once called a Hero. It’s no different, tearing the womb of the beast and picking up the child.”


 Perhaps, Cheryl knew by ear where most of the children were.


 Even so, making an incision without cutting the child is not an ordinary technique.


 Cheryl’s exhaustion must have been partly due to the concentration she had raised to the limit.


“Come on, hey. Could you give me that child?”


 Raquel reaches out.


 One finger of his hand was blown away and he was wet with blood. He should still be suffering from severe pain that makes his head hurt.


 However, at that time, Raquel had a funny smile as my spine became colder.



 I hug the child in my chest.

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 It still makes occasional small noises. It seemed to me that it was worried about its mother.


“Here and there. You shouldn’t have that kind of attitude.”


 Raquel takes a step when I turn my refusal.


 The beast was groaning beside him.


 It looks like it’s about to jump in, but I think it’s all about standing up.


 It doesn’t move any more.


 Raquel, who realized that he couldn’t do anything, approached me.


 Gangel resigned to power.


“Little boy! Give the child”


“I don’t like it!”


“Neither Raquel nor that mother is sane. You’ll die, you !!”


“I still don’t like it”


 I hugged the baby.


“It can’t be helped. I’m …”


 Raquel raises the ring again.


 The beast, which was barely able to stand by her own will, began to move in a sled.


 The child is in my chest.


 However, the parent does not seem to hesitate. It was completely under the control of Raquel.


 I think she should resist a little because I have the child, but I don’t think she has any physical strength left.


 You can tell from the bloody eyes. It was no longer the beast of the time when she was trying hard to protect the child in her stomach.


 The beast raises its nose high.


“Wow, oh, oh, oh, oh! !!”


 Suddenly, the beast barked.


 A long howl echoes in a quiet city. I saw the lights of a house in a distant city lit.


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 In a hurry Mr. Raquel tried to manipulate it.


 Squinting at the sudden change in the appearance of the beast.


“What are you doing, attack them !!”


 He raises the ring again and orders it, but the beast does not stop howling.


 It didn’t seem to be against or ignoring Raquel’s orders.


 But to me, something that depended on the beast Looks like it has come off. I had a feeling that something out of the ordinary would happen.


 At that time, the atmosphere moves.


 I expected Cheryl’s consciousness to return, but it wasn’t.


 It was the beast that moved.


 Cheryl released “Stormbringer”, The atmosphere begins to swirl.


 Not only that.


 Something like a white mist began to hang.




 The temperature has dropped sharply. Before I knew it, the area around the beast was frozen. I was wondering if she would make an ice shell again, but I feel something different.





 Gangel screamed.


“It’s bad … That’s an ice wolf.”


“What do you mean?”


“The ecology of the beasts can only be found in ancient documents, but it is a famous story that Ice Wolf made the country ice-pickled overnight.”


 Is the country iced? ??


 She has that kind of power.


“Then …”


“It’s not just this city. It may be ice-pickling around here.”


“That’s it!”

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“Rakuel! You’ve heard the story right now. You’ll be involved as it is. You don’t want to be killed either.”


 Gangel tries to convince Rakuel.


 Ironically, only Raquel can stop the beast in front of us right now.


 Raquel has changed faces as if he was obsessed with something, but his life must be kept.


“Stop it”


He raised the ring, The effect was strengthened.


 The movement of the beast stops for a moment.


 However, only for a moment.


 The surrounding temperature is still going down.


The child who was crying earlier is short of breath. I feel like the body temperature is dropping.


 Since it is an ice wolf, the basal body temperature may be low originally, but there is no substitute for it being abnormal.


“Stop! Your baby is hurting!”


 I appealed, but she didn’t listen at all.


 On the contrary, it was a snowstorm and my voice was drowned out.


 I have no choice but to hug it because I don’t have enough warm clothes.


 I tried to escape to the house on the side, but it was already frozen and neither the door nor the window were moving.


 Physical strength is deprived and power is lost.


 Looking to the side, Gangel was lying down.


 Rather than being hit by a sudden change in temperature, it seemed as if the soul was taken by the beast.


 I can’t hear Raquel’s voice, which was screaming earlier.



 When I looked back, an ice sculpture stood.


 Raquel was in the clear ice.


 When I saw the strange appearance, I wasn’t too surprised and just felt empty.


 Raquel’s face was laughing. He is killed by his beast … He loved beasts and demons beasts.


 For him, death may be the happiest.

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 That’s what I saw.


 I just keep moving forward while holding the baby beast.


 Even if I try to escape, one side is pure white and I do not know where to retreat.


 Even if I fight, I have no power.




 I’m already losing conscious …



 Warm …….



 I suddenly felt warmth.


 It was as warm as rubbing a matchstick, but it was effective enough to make my consciousness clear.


 I open the heavy eyelids. The child in my chest was shining.


 flame……? No, it’s not.


 This is probably the Holy Light.


 From such a young age, the child has awakened magic.


 Or maybe it just woke up. Either way, I don’t know.


 One thing I can think of is …


“Are you protecting me?”


 A faint light wraps me around.


 If you want to protect yourself, you don’t have to be so powerful.


“You are a strong child.”


 I look back.


 The power to change this desperate situation is neither violence nor domination.


 I’m sure there is only this child.


 And I start walking.


 The snow had already reached above my knees.


TLN : sorry for such a long break, I was down with covid

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