On the orbit of oxstar, tens of millions of mecha began to parachute.

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Their task is to suppress the ground fire that has not been cleared, and then the assault ships are out.

The oaks on the planet resisted fiercely. When most of the heavy weapons were destroyed, the remaining garrison still fought to death with light weapons.

However, it doesn't work. It doesn't do fatal damage to the mecha at all.

After removing the remaining resistance forces, a killing all over the planet began.

Just when the whole planet was dyed red with blood, the federal presidential palace also received Lin Fan's war report!

Lin Zhen, ED, sanders and a group of staff gathered in the conference room.

"It's urgent for everyone to come to the meeting because the battle report has come from the front line, and the battle led by Lin fan has come to a perfect end! The war report has been sent to you. Let's have a look first! "

After Lin Zhen finished, all the staff were excited. There were 15 star systems, and they were the best 15 in the oaks empire!

With four of its own, the territory of the Federation will suddenly become an interstellar civilization spanning 19 star systems.

On this basis, as long as there is a ten-year period for the Federation to develop and make up for the shortage of warships, it can definitely become the overlord civilization in the surrounding area.

The excited staff immediately opened the war report of Lin Zhen with their portable brain and read it carefully.

A few minutes later, six of the nine staff frowned!

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At the end of the war report, they saw Lin Fan's plan for the complete elimination of the oaks, which made several staff look very ugly.

"President, lieutenant general Lin Fan crossed the line!"

"That's right. How can he do such a thing?"

"He didn't ask our opinions at all, so he directly carried out such a plan. This is ultra vires! I suggest recalling lieutenant general Lin Fan and sending him to the military court for trial! "


the six staff members expressed the feelings of the Virgin Mary incisively and vividly, sentence by sentence.


Just as Ed was about to speak, there was a loud noise in the conference room, and marshal Sanders slapped him on the table.

"Is that enough?"

Sanders glared, glanced at the staff, and yelled!

"It's the interstellar age. Do you think it's the earth age? The universe is a primitive jungle, only the most ferocious animals can live to the end! Put away your false Madonna complex for me. Just like you, you will sooner or later bury mankind! "

Mr. Sanders started to spray directly. What he didn't like most was that these staff members with serious Notre Dame complex would only delay at critical times!

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As for Lin Fan's plan to clean up the oaks, Sanders agrees. A group of ethnic groups will never surrender or surrender. Why do you keep them if you don't destroy them?

If you stay, will the Federation support you? It's not nonsense! Leaving these people behind is no different from planting a time bomb in the Federation.

"Ladies and gentlemen, in fact, the Federation does not need this for every civilization, but oaks is a special civilization. You should have seen the report that none of them ever surrendered, even if they were captured prisoners, they would never surrender, so leaving them is just a disaster."

As soon as Sanders finished, ed picked it up.

"But vice president, if you do this, it will not have a good influence."

"Influence, you know influence. Lin fan is right in saying that if we discuss with you, we will only consider our own reputation and influence, not whether it will bring bad consequences to future generations! You're not great. You're selfish. Understand, selfish

Ed pointed to the staff with a grudge.

"Well, there's no need for hypocrisy in the interstellar age. Those who can't adapt will give up their seats for those who can adapt. Let's start voting now. Those who agree with general Lin Fan's disposal please raise their hands!"

Lin Zhen, who had never opened his mouth, stood up and said, and raised his right hand.

In the conference room, a total of 12 people have the right to raise their hands, including Lin Zhen, ED, sanders and nine other staff members. Among them, President Lin Zhen has 2 votes!

As Lin Zhen's voice fell, ED and Sanders also raised their right hands without hesitation. More than ten seconds later, three aides who had not opposed Lin Fan raised their hands one after another.

So far, Lin Zhen's faction has won seven votes, more than half of them, but he did not announce the end, but raised his hand and continued to look at the six staff members.

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Ed understood that Lin Zhen wanted to give them one last chance. It was up to them to seize it.

And just now Lin Zhen has made it very clear that those who can't adapt to the interstellar age will give up their seats for those who can adapt!

If you still can't understand the president's meaning, or if you have to carry it hard, it's really not suitable to stay in the current position.One minute later, one of the staff members raised his hand, and then three other staff members raised their hands in the next two minutes. In the conference room, there were only the last two staff members, who were still sitting there with an expression of dissatisfaction!

Opportunity has been given, and time has been given for three minutes. Naturally, Lin Zhen will not continue to be used to them.

"Well, I now announce that 11 of the 13 votes of the plan dealt with by lieutenant general Lin fan are in favor of it, and it's passed!"

"At the same time, I announce that from today on, Jeram Kutner and IO Lucio will be dismissed!"

Lin Zhen finished, the following staff face crazy change, although the president is really such a threat, but did not expect that he really did so ah!

The four staff members who raised their hands were secretly congratulating themselves that they didn't carry it to the end!

And Jeram and IO are livid, looking at Lin Zhen angrily!

"I don't agree. I will tell the public what happened today, and let the federal people give me justice!"

IO roared angrily at Lin Zhen. He even had a plan. After going out from the conference room, he held a press conference to explain to the people of the whole Federation what is happening on Oakes!

He did not believe that under his passionate speech, the federal people would support Lin Zhen!

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However, because he was too angry, he forgot one thing. Any information in this conference room is not allowed to be spread, otherwise it will be dealt with as treason.

"Are you sure you want to do this?"

"Of course, afraid?"

"Well, since you are bent on your own way, don't blame me for being ruthless!"

The next moment, a team of presidential guards opened the door and came in.

"What happened, President?"

"Immediately detain IO Lucio for treason and wait for treatment!"


Several members of the guard didn't change their expressions, so they came forward to suppress io.

"Lin Zhen, what right do you have to arrest me?"

"Right? Have you forgotten that everything discussed in this conference room belongs to the top secret of the Federation, and all those who leak secrets will be treated as treason! I have given you a chance, but you are still determined to do so! Then I have to deal with it according to the rules! Take it away

It was not until this time that IO realized what he had done wrong!

For a moment, he seemed to lose all his strength and was put out by the members of the guard!

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