In the orbit of the planet IO, there is a beautiful white fortress, beautiful streamline body, can not see any mechanical sense.

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In every corner of the headquarters of the IO fleet that hasn't been heard for hundreds of years, the siren is ringing.

In the harbor, there is a huge white warship, which is the flagship of the third federal Corps. At the moment, the warship is also ringing with combat readiness alarm!

"What's the situation?"

A valiant female angel, after entering the bridge, immediately cried out that she was Alfie, the commander of the third corps of IO Federation, who was in charge of the 300000 warships.

"Catherine, commander of the elfin Garrison and commander of the guard fleet, reports that a fleet that does not exist in the database has entered the capital circle, with unknown purpose! The number is 20000. Request our support! "

"No matching fleet in the database? That is to say, the unidentified fleet. Is the Legion ready? "

"Ready, ready to attack at any time!"

"Let the Legion attack at once, and inform commander Catherine not to come hard. After all, she has only 1000 garrison warships when we get there."


It may be unwise for some people to deal with 20000 warships and dispatch 300000 warships to the whole army, but Alfie doesn't think so.

This is an unknown fleet of unknown civilization. No one knows its combat effectiveness. The best way to deal with this unknown enemy is to attack with all her strength without reservation. She doesn't want to be stupid and turn into a refueling tactic.

The huge Legion drove out of the fortress one after another, and began to form an array not far away from the fortress!

30 million kilometers away, the main ship of the guard fleet.

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"Commander Catherine, the commander of Elfi's army, has led the third army to attack. She told us not to wait for the third army to arrive."

"I understand that there are only 1000 guard warships, and I will not take the lives of my sisters! Has the detailed data of the other warship been scanned? "

"It has been scanned. There are 20000 warships in total, of which 18000 are classified as patrol class warships! The remaining 2000 should be large air carriers! "

"What, are you sure? 20000, all of them are patrol ships and air carriers? "

"Yes, commander Catherine, it's reconfirmed!"

Catherine is a bit sluggish at this time, with 18000 battle patrol ships and 2000 air carriers. What kind of immortal configuration is this.

You know, even the third legion, of the 300000 warships, there are only 50000 patrol ships, and the other side does not have the cooperation of escort fleet, destroyer and cruiser. Can this combat effectiveness work?

"After the warning message was sent, did the other party reply?"

"Not yet, commander Catherine!"

"Continue sending!"


At the same time, 8 million kilometers away, inside the Uranus.

Liang Xue is playing the warning message from the other party.

"This is the guard fleet in the capital circle of the Federation of Io. The unidentified fleet in front will stop immediately and report its identity and intention. Otherwise, we will take military measures!"

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Listening to this warning message, Lin Fan smiles and waves to one side.

It was one of the first 12 angels rescued. Her name was Angela. She was very clever. She was also the angel who asked Lin fan why she didn't have a chest...

Lin Fan and Liang Xue liked Angela very much and even took care of her as a sister along the way.

"Angela, I'll send a communication request to the opposite fleet now. When it's connected, will you explain?"


Angela is very excited. This is the star system IO, her hometown. She did not expect that she would be able to return here one day.

"Take a deep breath, don't get too excited!"


Well, on the contrary, he was more excited. Lin fan had no choice but to smile bitterly.

"Liang Xue, send a communication request to the opposite side!"

"I understand!"


"commander Catherine, the unknown fleet ahead has sent a communication request. Is it connected?"

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After the communication is connected, a man and a woman appear in the picture. When Catherine sees the person in the picture, she is stunned, but soon becomes excited again!

"Angela, why are you?"

The other angels in the bridge also looked at Catherine in surprise. Who is Angela? Of course, they know that commander Catherine's sister, who disappeared in the battle of cyris 50 years ago, is suspected to be captured.

"Sister, it's really you. I always thought that I would never see you again in my life. Wow...

after seeing Catherine, Angela couldn't hold her emotions any longer and began to cry.

The beam snow of one side split to come over, gently embracing Angela, comforting constantly.Although the reunion of the sisters makes Catherine very excited, she also looks at Lin Fan and Liang Xue in the picture with vigilance.

The two men have the same shape as their own race, but there are some differences, that is, there are no wings behind them.

Who are these people? How could Angela be with them?

"This commander, Angela's mood is a little unstable. Let me explain it now!"

Lin Fan looked at a face vigilant Catherine, smile, continue to say.

"We come from the Federation of human beings. Some time ago, the oaks Empire invaded our territory, so we fought back against it! After conquering the capital circle, a large number of enslaved Angel clans were found on the planet aux. This time, they were sent back by the orders of the upper federal level! Therefore, we are not your enemies. Don't be too nervous! "

"What, you said you captured the capital circle of the oaks Empire?"

Said Catherine with a look of shock.

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It's the oaks empire. It's even better than the Iow Federation. It's a hegemony of the surrounding generation.

But what did you hear just now? The man in front of him said that he had captured the capital circle of the oaks Empire? Doesn't it mean that the oaks empire is absolutely crippled now, if not destroyed?

Is this a joke?

"How can your excellency prove what you have just said?"

Catherine remained alert to what Lin Fan said and asked.

When Lin Fan was ready to reply, an unexpected person on the side spoke first!

"Sister Catherine, I don't want you to doubt brother Linfan. He is the benefactor who saved Angela from hell!"


Catherine looks at Angela with a speechless face and doesn't know how to respond for a moment.

On the contrary, Lin Fan smiles. This girl, Liang Xue and I didn't take care of her in vain along the way!

"Well, commander Catherine, how do you think we're here? If we are malicious, can the 300000 warships coming from behind your 1000 warships stop us? "

After Lin Fan's voice fell, Catherine was stunned? What does he mean by that? How did you get here?

Yes, how did you forget the most important thing? How did the other party suddenly appear in the capital circle?

After thinking for a few seconds, four words suddenly appeared in Catherine's mind, and her face turned white!

Curvature engine!

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