The last node of the Salis cloister, Serbia.

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Now, in the void, all kinds of light beams and energy bombs are flashing, and the exchange of fire between the two sides is extremely fierce.

Originally, 200000 IO Federation warships were struggling to block the exit of Starway, and 100000 warships were rushing to the Starway defense line, trying their best not to let wells have the opportunity to build a bridgehead at the exit.

However, the defensive advantage of the Federation of IO did not last long. It was lost only after the destruction of 50000 warships of the vils army. After all, Serbia is not Horton, and the star road between it and cyris is very broad, which is enough to support thousands of warships moving at the same time.

Therefore, when it is impossible to thoroughly clean up the enemy ships coming in every wave, the enemy warships at the exit of Starway will accumulate more and more, and eventually form a solid bridgehead.

Once the bridgehead is formed, wells can easily defeat the fifth legion of IO Federation by virtue of the number of his own higher than the other side and the warships stronger than the other side.

At the same time, in the virtual conference room.

"No, the other side has built a bridgehead at Star crossing. I can only hold on for two hours at most."

Joanna's bitter face, the current situation is very clear, the other side is to attack regardless of casualties, and Joanna is most afraid of this point, after all, whether from the number of warships or warship performance, they can not compare with each other.

What's more, the most important thing is the morale. The defenders in Serbia don't hear the name of wells and don't turn pale. The title of the devil of cyris is not in vain.

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In addition, the other side has opened up a road of nine lives from ten deaths. All warships and all soldiers have completely become desperators.

There are not many tactics to speak of at the exit of this narrow star road. Once the bridgehead of the attacking side is erected, the competition between us will depend on who has more warships, who has stronger firepower and who has stronger will!

Unfortunately, all three of Joanna's fifth Legion are inferior.

"Commander Joanna, I suggest you withdraw and give up Serbia for the time being! Consume your fifth Legion here and get nothing! They will take the lives of many angels for nothing

Li Tianqiong looked at the tactical image of the way of the star of Serbia shared by Joanna and said.

He can already see that if this situation continues, the fifth Legion is doomed to be completely destroyed, and at most 150000 to 200000 warships of the wells Legion can be destroyed.

"Retreat? If I retreat here, there will be no defense area in the back! "

"So, even if you persist for two hours and then are completely destroyed, can you change the reality of the rear defenceless?"


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Joanna wanted to refute, but she didn't know how to refute.

He understood that what Li Tianqiong said was the truth. He could not get anything and change anything if he continued to stick to it!

Can you be the commander of the IOU Federation and let him escape as soon as he starts fighting? It's a little bit...

"commander Joanna, I remember your warships still have some advantages over those of the oaks Empire, such as speed!"

Yes, although the ships of the IO Federation are obviously weaker in attack and defense than those of the oaks empire.

However, the speed of the warship is much faster than that of the snow leopard, which can reach 8000 kilometers per second. This speed is even 2000 kilometers per second faster than that of the snow leopard class patrol ship of the human Federation.

"What do you mean?"

At this time, a figure appeared again in the conference room. This is the new angel queen of the Federation of IO and the former commander of the third army, Alfie!

"Li Tianqiong, this is the present Queen of IO Federation, her majesty Alfie!"

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"How do you do, your majesty, Queen ELFY!"

"No need to be polite. Now it's urgent. Just now this one seems to have the idea of breaking the game. Please speak quickly."

Even if Alfie became the queen, she still kept the style she used to be when she was the commander of the army.

"Well, now the fifth Legion is defending Serbia. According to my estimation, it will be completely annihilated in two hours at most, and it can only destroy about 150000 to 200000 warships of the vils Legion. From the perspective of war, this is very unwise."

"My idea is that commander Joanna can use his own speed advantage to decisively abandon Serbia and retreat to the rear star system when the other side builds a bridgehead and his own advantage is exhausted."

"According to the star map, the two star systems are connected in the rear of Serbia, namely, hilsey and mihoton, which are 0.2 and 0.3 light-years away from Serbia, respectively."

"Commander Joanna can lead the fifth Legion to retreat to hilsey and reestablish the defense line. Wells needs speed now. His first target must be hilsey, but commander Elena can lead the fleet to go to mihoton immediately to ensure that everything is safe!"

"And we are going to the hill race. Of course, we may not be able to catch up. After all, it takes about 27 days from us to the hill race!""But it doesn't matter. If wells arrives at hilsey before we arrive, commander Joanna will take advantage of Starway to kill him tens of thousands more warships and continue to retreat when the other side builds a bridgehead."

"We need to see our advantages, that is, strategic depth, backup and supply!"

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"And wells? He can only go all the way, no rear, no supplies, no support! It's 500000 warships. Well, it should be 420000 warships now! "

"Therefore, don't fight hard. If the first line of defense doesn't work, it's the second line. If the second line of defense doesn't work, it's the third line. In fact, even without us, the fifth Legion alone can take advantage of the speed advantage and the initial advantage of Starway defense to eat the wells Legion bit by bit."

Li cangqiong finished his tactics in one breath. In fact, his strategic thinking is very simple and direct. Since his side has depth, and every stellar system has the initial defense advantage of the way of stars, why not make use of it?

When you have the defensive advantage, destroy tens of thousands of warships of the other side, then retreat quickly, continue to arrange the star defense line at a node, and rely on the depth to eat the other side alive.

In this way, even if you don't do it yourself, the third legion of the IO Federation won't do it. The fifth Legion alone can consume the wells Legion. OK!

Moreover, since the loss of cyris, the whole miracle star region has become a high-risk star region. Most people here have been evacuated for a long time, and few angels have been willing to migrate to this star region for decades, so there are not many people at all, even the trouble of large-scale evacuation of people has been saved.

The most important thing is that what wells wants now is speed. He can break through the encirclement all the way as fast as he can, so he has no time to waste destroying planets.

For the IOF, it is just to let some sites out in a short time and take them back in a few months. There will not be much actual loss.

After listening to Li Tianqiong's words, Alfie pondered for a while and then spoke to Joanna!

"Commander Joanna, as the queen, I order you to lead the fifth Legion to retreat to hilsey immediately and rearrange the Starway defense line!"

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