Capital circle of Sierra Empire, in the audience room of emperor Star Palace.

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Imran looked at the half kneeling bodyguard in front of him in a daze.

"Say it again!"

"Yes, I was attacked by the Iow Federation in Wayne. I have 200000 quasi class IV warships. Then an unknown force joined the battlefield and helped the Iow Federation attack our army. All the 400000 warships in my fleet are class IV civilized warships. I have ordered all the fleets to retreat through the way of stars. I hope your majesty will make preparations as soon as possible!"


Imran slapped on the table and made a loud noise, which made the bodyguard tremble in fear.

"Go, general Harlan, call to see me!"


The bodyguard stood up like an amnesty and quickly withdrew. After he left the audience room, he found that his back was completely wet.

More than ten minutes later, Harlan, the military minister, came to the audience room.

"I have seen your majesty, Harlan!"

"Harlan, you should know the news of basil, too. What's your opinion?"

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"Your Majesty, if the message of general Basser is true, our empire will be in danger."

Harlan said cautiously, glancing at Imran.

"Sire, from the message sent back by general Basser, there are three main points!"

"First, the IOF has a large number of quasi class IV civilized warships, which is quite unfavorable to us. It is likely to level our advantages again, or even turn our advantages into disadvantages!"

"Otherwise, there will be a second class power behind the sale of the warships, which means that the real power behind the sale of the warships is not the Basai civilization."

"Third, the energy shield devices of the babavi empire are not only sold, they only sell warships, and the transition engine is prohibited. Therefore, the energy shield and the transition engine of the IOF can never be provided by the babavi empire. It is very likely that this new unknown force will support and provide them."

"Taking all the information together, it's very likely that a new level 4 civilization has been born in Orion's arms, and this civilization is supporting and arming the IO Federation, which is definitely not good news for us."

After listening to Harlan's words, Imran also felt the difficulty of the matter.

A federation of IO armed with a lot of energy shields and jump engines, as well as a fourth level civilization with unknown details, are beyond the capability of a third level civilization.

If there is no IO Federation, the Sierra empire will definitely become a licking dog immediately, but its own empire and the IO Federation have been enemies for hundreds of years, and this new four level civilization is supporting the IO Federation in all directions, so how can we see that we have no chance!

Even if we can't do a good job, the crisis of national annihilation is just around the corner!

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"Harlan, how do you think we can get through this crisis?"

For a moment, Imran could not think of any good countermeasures, so he had to ask Harlan again, hoping that he could come up with some good solutions.

"Your Majesty, I have an idea!"

"Well? Tell me

As soon as he heard that Harlan had an idea, Imran's eyes lit up and immediately asked Harlan to continue.

"Yes! Your majesty should know that in our Orion arms, there has always been only babavi Empire, a four level civilization. It can be said that babavi empire is the overlord and actual dominator of the Orion arms. "

Listen to Harlan's words, Imran also nodded.

Although the babavi Empire did not actually rule the entire Orion Arm, it has toured every hundred years.

To put it bluntly, it's inspection. In fact, it's to collect tribute from various civilizations. Therefore, it's right to say that the babavi empire is the overlord and actual dominator of the Orion arms.

"Your Majesty, the supremacy of the babavi empire is based on the Orion Arm. They are the only four level civilization, but now there are two. If this news reaches the ears of the babavi Empire, then..."

Imran instantly understood what Harlan meant.

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Yes, why didn't I expect that there was only one fourth level civilization in the babavi empire before, but now there is a second one. If the babavi Empire knows, can it sit still?

I'm afraid it's time to mobilize a large army to crush this new four level civilization in the cradle, right?

Imran seemed a little excited, but then he thought of something, and his face immediately pulled down.

"It's a good way, Harlan, but you have to get in touch with the babavi empire."

Yes, the babavi empire is nearly 20000 light-years away from the Sierra empire. As far as the communication level of Sierra is concerned, we can't say whether we can send messages so far. Even if we can, I'm afraid the babavi empire will not receive them until more than 100 years later.

By that time, the day lily will be cold, and the Sierra empire will be history.Another way is to wait for babavi's next tour of Orion arms.

However, only 22 years have passed since the last inspection. The next inspection will be 78 years later!

"Don't worry, your majesty. Conventional means are not good, but have you forgotten the star merchants of babavi Empire?"

Harlan's words were just like the light in the night, which suddenly made Imran's eyes bright. He thought of the career of star merchant.

Yes, there are star merchants in Orion's arms, and all of them are merchants of the babavi empire. After all, only the babavi Empire has a transition engine, and other civilizations have no such ability to be star merchants.

The star traders of babavi Empire basically turn around the Orion Arm every ten years. The last time they appeared in sera empire was two years ago, that is to say, they will come again eight years later.

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And those interstellar merchants have super remote instant messenger, which can contact babavi base at any time.

But there is still a problem to be solved!

"Harlan, but you have to know that even the star traders will not arrive until almost eight years later. We are still very dangerous in these eight years!"

This is what Imran thought. In eight years, the other party has a jump engine. Eight years is enough time for the other party to kill himself several times!

"Your Majesty, what we have to do is to stabilize the other party in the past eight years and make reparations. Whatever we do, as long as we can stabilize the other party for eight years."

With that, Harlan took a furtive look at Imran again. He didn't dare to make such humiliating suggestions, otherwise he would be pulled out and killed!

But now there is really no better way than that!

Imran's expression was very complicated. As the emperor of Serra, he was not willing to make such a thing, especially the IO Federation, which was weaker than his empire.

But Harlan is right. If he doesn't, the destruction of the country will be in sight.

"I agree!"

With reluctance, Imran said word by word, biting his teeth.

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