The Federation of mankind, the presidential palace.

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At the moment, Lin Zhen is in his office, communicating with someone.

"Well, this gift is OK, isn't it, President Lin?"

Sith said to Lin Zhen with a smile.

Just now, Sith told Lin Zhen about the latest trends of Zerg and the contents of the last meeting of leaders of four and five civilizations, all of which have not been disclosed to other civilizations in the galaxy.

After hearing this, Lin Zhen was also quite shocked. He did not expect that the disaster of Zerg had reached such a stage that even the four leagues could not bear it!

This has strengthened Lin Zhen's satellite galaxy plan. We must speed up the pace, expand investment, make the whole plan work as soon as possible, and arrange the way back for mankind, just in case!

"I didn't expect to have reached such a stage, but your majesty Sith, even if we send troops now, we won't be able to do much!"

"You know, the loyalists of the babavi Empire, as well as the third level civilizations with insufficient potential, were directly destroyed by us. Now, the number of third level civilizations in Orion's arms has been reduced from 187 to 29!"

"If I have a preliminary estimate, it would be very good to take out 300 million warships!"

Lin Zhen said to Sith.

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Although some conceal the actual number of warships, it is only a small part. After all, these warships are to stay to carry out the satellite galaxy exploration project.

And the Sith on one side has no doubt about what Lin Zhen said.

Because this situation is too normal, the change of hegemony in a region will inevitably lead to the elimination of a large number of civilizations.

But Sith didn't expect Lin Zhen to be so cruel!

Generally speaking, we will only destroy those loyal civilizations under the previous overlord. What about Lin Zhen?

Apart from those loyal civilizations, even other civilizations with insufficient potential have been destroyed. Only 29 of 187 civilizations have been destroyed!

This is not cruel. What is cruel?

"OK, I know. When I go back and tell them about your situation, we can provide less combat power initially, but the reinforcement in the later stage must keep up with the pace!"

"No matter how annoying vilto is, what he said is quite right. This is the survival battle of the whole galaxy, and no civilization can survive alone!"

After thinking for a while, Sith raised his head and said to Lin Zhen!

"Well, I understand! But I need 1-2 years. After all, the war on the main arm is not over, and many of the disabled parties of the babavi empire are still there. We are trying our best to clear them up! "

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"Yes, this is no problem! According to the Vera alliance's intelligence, the Zerg can't gather all their forces to the wells defense line at once. Their biggest problem now is lack of transport capacity! Ordinary Zerg individuals can't make a transition, they need to rely on ant mounds, but the current number of ant mounds is obviously not enough! Therefore, according to our judgment, the real white hot key battle will not take place until at least 15-20 years later! I'll give you five years directly. You should prepare as much combat power as possible! "

"Well, thank you, sire Sith!"

After finishing the communication, Lin Zhen immediately called ed to discuss the matter.

For this matter, the two people have the same idea, just as Wilto said, this is not a battle of a certain civilization, but a battle of the whole Galaxy!

Once the first main spiral arm is lost, the entire galaxy will fall, and no civilization can survive alone.

Therefore, Lin Zhen believes that in addition to the fleet of satellite galaxy related plans and the necessary basic garrison forces of Hangu pass, all the remaining fleets will attack.

At the same time, the Federation will be open to all its affiliated civilizations for information about Zerg.

After that, the whole Federation, the Federation and all its subsidiary civilizations will enter a crazy stage of violence in five years, and strive to have more than one billion combat power in five years.

For the sake of the Stormtrooper plan, the federal government decided to give 10% discount to the subsidiary civilization points in exchange for warships or other separate devices within five years!

In fact, with regard to the federal point exchange system, even a 10% discount, there is still a profit of 1000%. There is no pressure at all.

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As for the production of warships and equipment, the productivity of the whole Federation will increase more than ten times since the union of Io was merged.

However, Lin Zhen still felt that it was not enough. In his plan, the current productivity will be expanded at least three times in five years.

In addition to these measures, the Federation will also allow all its level 3 civilizations to join the warship manufacturing sequence. Of course, Lin Zhen will firmly control the core components and only provide finished products.

However, in addition to the core components, other parts, especially the hull, will be produced by the three civilizations.

In a word, Lin Zhen's goal is that in five years, the annual productivity of the Federation's warships will reach 300 million.

This is not a big goal. The resources needed alone can frighten people to death. Even with the level-2 and level-3 civilization under the banner, I'm afraid it's not enough.However, Lin Zhen doesn't worry. He still has a trump card.

That is, the galaxy satellite galaxy project to be launched soon. Once these satellite galaxies are won, the total resources will be almost less than the whole galaxy.

The Federation with space transmission technology can easily do this, which is Lin Zhen's biggest confidence.

Similarly, in science and technology, Lin Zhen has set a major goal.

Other technologies can be released, but the scientific research department must completely miniaturize and make ZPB practical within five years!.

If this can be done, then the Federation of Zerg, or the four major arms of the galaxy, is absolutely true.

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Even if the Zerg join hands with the four main rotating arms, the same is true.

Soon, the whole Federation was like a wound up machine, running completely, everything was speeding up, speeding up, speeding up!

The information disclosure of Zerg makes everyone in the whole Federation nervous, except one.

That is being devastated, oh, no, it's Lin Tian who is strictly trained by Lin fan!

The exploration of satellite galaxies is a year ahead of schedule, which means that I can be liberated in nine months?

Lin Tian, who has been practised by Lin Fan for three months, thinks happily after hearing the news.

What a wonderful thing it is!

"What are you doing? Don't think I don't know what you're thinking. It's just that I'm thinking that the plan has been advanced for a year. You can liberate as soon as possible, right? "

"OK, since the time is less than one year, let's increase the amount, and strive to use the next nine months to complete all the original one year and nine months of teaching!"

Lin Fan looked at Lin Tian's happy appearance, how can he not know what his brother was thinking, and said angrily.

"Oh, no!"

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