Heaven and earth are cut, no, the void of the universe is cut.

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This scene is just like you use a piece of A4 paper to cut a piece of tender tofu. The only difference is that no matter how thin the A4 paper is, there is thickness, while space cutting has no thickness at all.

However, the universe has the ability of self-healing, and the speed of self-healing is very fast. The huge cross section only existed for three seconds, and then disappeared.

Although space is self healing, Zerg, which is just on this cross section, is not so lucky.

The whole number of thousands of insects were completely cut off, and the incision was smooth without any distortion.

The same situation happened everywhere in the Zerg army. The president attacked eight times and killed more than 500 million war insects in an instant.

Of course, this scene also fell in Socrates' eyes.

There is no angry roar, at this time it, there is only boundless fear!

Impossible, impossible at all!

This is the attack method of the three lords of Zerg!!!

Socrates trembled all over his body. He had the honor to see this kind of attack, which still scares him in retrospect.

that is as like as two peas in the three Zerg, the three Zerg of Wang Chongzhong, the attack of the Zerg is exactly the same as what they see now.

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Even if he has evolved into a king bug, he will never be able to resist this kind of attack. He will be killed in an instant!

This is the first time that Socrates has felt fear since he came to the galaxy.

But who on earth has unleashed this attack?

It can't be one of the three Archduke. They won't attack their own ethnic groups for no reason.

While Socrates was thinking hard, the eight ways of space cutting once again came to all parts of the Zerg army, mercilessly reaping the lives of a large number of war insects!

This second wave of attack came, which made Socrates even more afraid, and even almost ordered all the insects to retreat!

However, he must know who is attacking himself in this way, and the answer, even if all these insects are gone, must be obtained!

Perhaps, in the eyes of all the civilizations in the galaxy, the scale of these swarms is very terrible, but for Socrates, the forces here are only a small part of his current total forces, and they don't even reach the level of one percent. Even if they are all destroyed, they don't feel much!

Therefore, in the retreat and all go up to die, to get a chance to get the answer, Socrates did not hesitate to choose the latter.

Although I was afraid, I had to do it. It was no longer a weapon that could threaten myself, but a weapon that could threaten the whole ethnic group, even the emperor who was superior!

Therefore, I must make it clear and convey the message to the great emperor!

In this way, the Zerg continue to move forward, not to mention the continuous attack of the 12 Federal legions, and even the compartment cutting every three minutes has been ignored. The huge tide of insects, just full speed forward to a211 defense area!

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In the twinkling of an eye, nearly five days later, the distance between the insect tide and the first line of defense in a211 defense area is less than 10au!

Say, these five days, Socrates is very desperate!

All the way by the Federation and the other four civilization fleets, a total of 10 billion warships constantly attacked.

That's all. But we have to bear the huge casualties caused by eight space cuts every five minutes. As a result, the number of insects that used to be more than 150 trillion has dropped sharply to about 125 trillion, and nearly 20% of the war insects have been killed.

The most important thing is that there is no means of counterattack in the whole process, and it is extremely difficult to bend.

However, the suffering is coming to an end. In another two days, the insect nest can rush into the defense line of the other side!

Although I don't know who is attacking, once my own swarm enters the array of the other party, I believe it can't attack like now!

Socrates thought very well, and it is true under normal circumstances, but he did not know that the biggest crisis faced by the insect tide was coming soon!

"Commander, the nest has begun to enter our 10au range."

"OK, switch the space defense platform to area cutting mode! At the same time, immediately calculate the scope of the attack, and inform all the intercepting fleet to avoid quickly

"I understand!"

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Knowing the Zerg's range, Lin Fan said to Liang Xue.

After all, the area cutting mode is not like the ultra long-range unidirectional cutting mode. It only attacks the enemy in a cross section, but repeatedly cuts the whole area like a shotgun, and the range of this area is very large.

Therefore, before the attack, all warships must be allowed to avoid the attack range. This time, there is no room for them to observe and record data at close range."Attack area selected, space defense platform is locking coordinates... Coordinates locked!"

"Start replacing area cutting components... Components have been replaced!"

"Start to import energy... Energy has been imported, now 100%"

... "

Throughout Mercury's command center, one report after another sounded until five minutes later.

"Commander, the space defense platform has completed all preparations for regional attack, and can attack!"


"It's... 3 seconds countdown before attack... 2.. 1... Attack!"

All of a sudden, the eight space defense platforms were full of white energy, and then all of them became dim.

But outside 10au, a cutting trace suddenly flashed in the space of an area in the insect tide, the void was cut again, and a large number of war insects fell without exception.

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Socrates was not in a hurry. After all, he had seen this situation countless times in the past five days and was no longer shocked.

However, Socrates is wrong. This is not the same as the previous attack. Only one second later, a void in the area was cut again, and then the third and fourth channels...

until three minutes later, the attack finally stopped. However, in the area under attack, the number of nearly 50 million war insects that can survive is absolutely less than one As a result, the whole void is full of war insects that have been cut into two parts or even many times.

The horror of the scene is better than that of hell.

In addition to the other seven areas under the same attack, the whole insect nest lost no less than 3 trillion war insects with just that attack!

This really scares Socrates.

If you can't attack all of them in one instant, you may not be able to attack all of them in one instant!

Socrates also wanted to escape, but was soon rejected by himself.

There's no escape, all right!

As for whether this kind of attack can be repeated, Lin Fan soon gave the answer!

Ten minutes later, the second wave of attack and cutting came again in the tide of insects!

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