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Looking at the tactical video, insect sea changes, Haien immediately realized that bad!

However, not only the countless insect groups, but also the warship array of the Zerg have changed!

In this wave of attacks, 100 billion Zerg warships opened fire, only one fifth of the total number of Zerg warships.

Hain saw this behind the scenes, the first thought is that the Zerg warship is not enough. After all, no matter what, the Zerg warship is still an insect. Every time it emits nearly a hundred powerful ion beams, it must be unsustainable!

But the fact soon gave Hain a blow. A few seconds later, another 100 billion Zerg warships attacked, then the third wave, the fourth wave, and even the fifth wave!

Hain finally understood!

This is not a follow-up problem at all, but a deliberate one. Hain can think of two purposes in a moment.

There's not enough time for Haibo to adjust his tactics one after another, just like before Haibo attacks!

The other is even more deadly. Now countless swarms of insects entangled by the Hain fleet have rushed towards the array of the third and fourth class fleets. The best way to avoid this kind of attack is to jump back!

However, every few seconds there is a volley of 100 billion Zerg warships, which makes it difficult for Hain to evacuate safely. After all, if he wants to jump, he must first turn off the energy shield, otherwise he will commit suicide!

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After the energy shield is turned off, it will take 2 or 30 seconds to complete the transition. In this time, the Zerg warships will attack one after another. It is impossible to calculate the attack interval of the Zerg, and then take the opportunity to jump!

According to Hayne's calculation, if the evacuation is forced, it will cost at least 20% of the battle damage of warships in the process. That's a total of 40 billion warships!

"Don't worry about the swarm, order the fleet to turn to the array of attacking Zerg warships at the highest speed, providing a window for the evacuation of the fire support fleet!"

"Yes, commander Hain!"

There was no time for Hain to think more, and he immediately chose the best way that could be thought of at present!

Take advantage of the speed difference, before the swarm attacks the array of fire support fleet, take the fleet with you to attack the array of Zerg warships first, and then let the fire support fleet not be attached to the swarm, while the Zerg warships are entangled by you, take the opportunity to jump out!

It has to be said that Hain's character is actually somewhat similar to that of Bert. If other commanders of the villa Federation were to be replaced, I'm afraid they would not consider the life or death of the class III and IV civilized fleet at all!

But at the same time, it is also the reason why Hain can't be promoted to a high position even though he is very capable. After all, the Federation of villa has such a leader as Wilto. It's doomed that it's difficult for the pure strength faction to be promoted!

With Hain's command, the entire fleet quickly completed the turn, and toward the array of Zerg fleet fly!

With a speed of 80000 kilometers per second, just over 6 million kilometers, we can cross it in more than one minute. As long as our own fleet is attached, the fleet of level 3 and 4 civilizations will have at least five minutes to retreat!

"A warship of five civilizations? I really think your space shield is invincible, right? "

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Hundreds of light years away, Helme, who is watching the battlefield through the spiritual network, shows disdain!

He has a lot of experience on how to deal with the fleet of five civilizations.

A large number of instructions, again through the Zerg spiritual network began to issue!

On the battlefield, all the Zerg warships stopped fire and began to fine tune the bow orientation. A minute later, 500 billion Zerg warships roared at the same time!

This wave of attacks is very different!

It's not going to the fleet array of level 3 and 4 civilizations, but to the fleet of Hain!

The most important thing is that the Zerg warship group is clearly using the concentrated fire attack!

As I said before, the so-called concentrated fire attack of warship artillery is not accurate sniping, but focuses the firepower of many warships in a small area. When the attack comes, no matter where you are in this small area, as long as you don't escape, you will be hit!

Well, this attack mode can also be called small range concentrated coverage shooting!

However, the Zerg warship's concentrated fire attack is more fierce than this. Each attack cluster is composed of tens of thousands of warships.

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When the attack is launched, it feels like a huge beam without any gap, just like millions of beams combined into a huge beam!

It's like... It's almost catching up with the gamma gun on the Gonggong!

Soon, a large number of combined beams crashed into the array of Hain fleet, and immediately created countless fireballs!

"Commander hain, as a result of the attack, our fleet lost 3 million warships!"

"Damn, how did the Zerg break the space shield?"

Never thought that one day, space shield will be broken by ordinary ion beam, Hain is full of questions!"Commander hain, it should be that the amount of attack exceeds the maximum capacity of the space shield, so it leads to... Please see."

As he spoke, the adjutant opened a video and began to play it in slow motion. This is exactly what happened when a warship in the fleet was destroyed just now!

A huge beam of light came from a distance, and then bombarded the warship!

From the video, we can clearly see that this beam is even more than ten times larger than the warship, and directly engulfs the warship!

After the beam passes through, the warship has turned into a fireball!

At this time, Hain finally understood why the adjutant said that it was because the attack exceeded the maximum amount that the space shield could meet that the warship was destroyed!

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In this case, there is no way to protect the fire support fleet, and even you will suffer great losses.

How to survive?

Hain gritted his teeth and made up his mind. He knew that he could not delay any longer!

"Spread out on both sides of the fleet, fly in arcs respectively, bypass the side of the Zerg warship array, and rush in from the side!"

"Yes, commander Hain!"

This may be the best plan that Hain can think of in a very short time.

After all, the attack angle of Zerg warship is fixed, that is to say, it can only attack the front!

Then, as long as their fleet to avoid his range of fire, can cross cut from the side into!

As long as you cut in, then the Zerg will not be able to attack themselves with the same method, and many warships of level 3 and 4 civilizations will also have the opportunity to evacuate!

Soon, the fleet was divided into two parts, and they flew in arcs to both sides. With the powerful maneuverability and super-high speed of the class V civilized warships, in just one minute, they drew a beautiful arc in the void and came to both sides of the Zerg fleet!

"Cut in!"

Looking at the fleet has been in place, the time is ripe for hain, immediately a big drink, issued a combat order!

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