The audience room, Ramiro listen to the report of the bodyguard, is still calm.

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"Where is the current position?"

"Your Majesty, according to the observatory report, the human fleet has been divided into 39 sub fleets, which are heading for our transformation star and resource star respectively!"

"Well, let's go. The shuttle is ready. I'll command the emperor myself!"


the bodyguard is a bit silly. Shouldn't your majesty be angry first and then order the fleet to attack?

But what's the situation now? How can it feel like nothing happened!

Although puzzled, the bodyguard carried out Ramiro's order immediately.

The emperor was bought by the oaks Empire when they bought warships from the babavi civilization. It was a heavy battleship, and also the vehicle of Ramiro and the flagship of the Royal Guard fleet.

The royal bodyguard's action was quick, and five minutes later he was ready for the launch of the shuttle ship.

Ramiro, however, with a hundred Royal bodyguards, boarded the shuttle without delay, and it took almost half an hour to arrive inside the emperor.

See Ramiro into the bridge, the captain immediately trotted in front of Ramiro.

"Your Majesty, at present, mankind has reached the orbit of our planets, and is destroying the military facilities on our planets at a fixed point. It may be airborne at any time!"

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"Don't worry, open the tactical map of the capital circle!"


Soon, a huge tactical map of the capital circle is displayed in the bridge. From the picture, it can be clearly seen that there is a human fleet in the orbit of all the planets in the whole capital circle, except the emperor's star, aux.

There are 1000 warships, 2000 warships, 3000 warships and 65000 human warships. At this time, they are divided into 39 sub fleets.

Ramiro frowned. What do humans want to do?

It's like seeing yourself as nothing! How can this be tolerated?

"Since humans are so confident, we'll break each one and order the fleet to attack. We'll target the latest modified model, the aux II."

"Yes, your majesty!"

A total of 205000 warships moved in unison towards the aux II.

Oaks II is very close to the emperor star, and can arrive in less than 2 hours at the speed of the Royal Fleet.

However, when the Royal Fleet just advanced for half an hour, Ramiro found from the tactical map that the 2000 human warships in the aux II began to move, directly to the opposite direction, trying to escape quickly.

"Sire, although the speed of our royal fleet is faster than that of the human warships, according to the calculation, it will take us at least 30 hours to catch up with the human fleeing. Do you want the Holy Shield fleet to catch up?"

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The captain on one side bowed to Ramiro and said respectfully that the Holy Shield fleet he was referring to was 5000 quasi class IV warships bought from the babavi empire. Ramiro named the Holy Shield fleet, and the warships were also named the Holy Shield warships.

Although the ordinary warships of the Royal Fleet are more advanced than the main fleet of the Empire, they are still in the category of the third level civilization, with a speed of only 7000 km / s.

Unlike the Holy Shield warship, it has no curvature engine, and is completely within the category of level 4 civilization. Although the warship performance was castrated by the babavi Empire, it is still within the category of level 4 civilization.

The anti gravity engine of the Holy Shield warship has no tail flame when sailing, and its speed can reach the frightening speed of ten light, that is, 30000 kilometers per second. This is still castrated. If it is the warship of the babavi Empire, its speed can reach two tenths of the speed of light.

Therefore, although human beings have curvature engine and shield, they are far behind the real level 4 civilization in other aspects. At present, they can only call the pseudo level 4 civilization and cheat the children of level 3 civilization.

After listening to the captain, Ramiro thought for a moment.

"No, man's behavior is quite strange. I suspect there is deceit. The Holy Shield fleet can't leave alone to pursue! Order the fleet to turn and go to aux IV to see if the human fleet over there is the same reaction! "


immediately, the entire Royal Fleet ignored the fleeing human fleet and began to turn to the oaks IV!

Outside 5aU, on the orbit of aux VII, the Uranus and 3000 warships are here.

In the bridge, Liang Xingchen and Jiang Hai's virtual figure are projected in front of Lin fan.

"Lin fan, it seems that the other side didn't take the bait!"

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Liang Xingchen said to Lin Fan with a smile.

In order to avoid command confusion, the command of the whole battlefield is decided by three people here.

The four fleets are divided into 39 sub fleets and are under the unified command of the virtual headquarters.

"Well, as expected, the following is the main play. When the 37th fleet returns to the aux II, let the 39th fleet see the right time to leave!"Lin Fan's tactics, in fact, to put it bluntly, I will never fight with you. I will run when I see you.

Anyway, you don't have curvature engine. If you really want to be caught up with me, I will jump directly and bully you to death with curvature engine.

You don't want to chase, you're going to find another sub fleet, right? Then I'll go back and continue to fight your planet.

In a word, either you separate the fleet, or you retreat to Oakes, even if you hate your teeth, I can't help it!

If you dare to be too far away from oaks, I can even mobilize all the fleets to jump to your hometown at the end of oaks!

In the distance, the Royal Fleet's flagship, the emperor.

At the moment, Ramiro is really gnashing his teeth, no longer the calm color before.

He turned around and went to oaks IV, but before he ran far, the human fleet went back to oaks II and continued to clear important targets on the surface of the planet.

And the human fleet on aux IV started to run!

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It's really shameless. It's just the rhythm of not preparing to meet you.

Do you want the Holy Shield fleet to attack? If we send out the Holy Shield fleet, we can definitely catch up every minute.

However, as his biggest card, the Holy Shield fleet, Ramiro did not dare to take risks easily.

"All fleet back to oaks!"


In the end, Ramiro had no choice but to give the order. Otherwise, what else could he do?

I want to destroy human beings, but people don't meet me at all. What's the matter.

Ramiro has understood human's intention, but he can't help it. Does he really need to spend dozens of hours chasing thousands of warships?

And chase so far, human will directly attack their own nest aux? According to Ramiro, there is no need to think about it at all. This is absolute!

To this, he also can secretly scold a shameless but have no way.

The outer planets are all given to you. After you take these planets, you must come to oaks. Then I'll wait for you in oaks!!

More than half an hour later, Ramiro's Royal Fleet returned to the giant fortress in the orbit of oaks.

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