Chapter 5 

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Beyond the door was…

「I- I’m outside! Yeah-! Outside-!」

「Hey-! Wait-!!」

They were pursuers coming from behind.

「Hm? Kio! Isn’t that Kio! What are you doing over here!」

Th- This voice is…

「L- Leader~! Uwaan Leader, please save me!」

「Wh- what’s wrong!?」

「Hey you! Stop running!」

「What’s up with you guys?」

「You have nothing to do with this!」

「Sorry, Kio is our important comrade in the Lint Bloom Kishidan. If you’re chasing him, I think I have a lot to do with it.」

「Wh- Lint Bloom Kishidan, you say!」

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「H- he’s lying!」

「You think it’s a lie? Look around.」

Around us were the familiar members of the Order.

「Wh-! Th- That armor is Lint Bloom Kishidan’s …」

「What the hell, I can’t do this-!」

「Let’s go!」

The pursuers ran away.

「Leader! Everyone! Thank you so much!」

「What happened Kio?」


I told them everything that happened. The Leader then said,

「What-! Capital punishment for that? Impossible! Anyways, that pig was in the wrong!」

As I thought, the one who was wrong was that orc.

「Right! Don’t worry! We’re going to meet the King right now. I’ll tell him about it.」

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「Eh, can you do that!?」

「Of course, whatever you think, I am still the leader of the Lint Bloom Order! HAHAHA!」

It’s something I heard later which I could not believe because he always is the same, but the leader was born a noble. He has met the King many times and they seem friendly with each other.

The leader came back in half a day.

「Kio, no need to worry. That noble was doing underground smuggling, but we couldn’t really find clues so it’s been bothering the boss*.
*TL: I’m not sure who the boss is… maybe I’m translating wrong…

「After what happened to you, it seems that they’re doing a big investigation. They’ve already found several crimes linked to him, so it is enough for exile. If this keeps up and they find more, he won’t be able to escape the death penalty.」

So he was that bad of a person?

「Thank you so much. Truly.」

「Wh-at, you’re an important comrade.」

「Ah, that reminds me!」

「What’s up?」

Nezumi-kun came out from my breast pocket.

「This Nezumi-kun helped me unfasten the rope when I was escaping.」

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「Heh, he’s pretty weird for a rat.」

「He’s my precious comrade.」

「I see, since he’s Kio’s comrade, of course he’s the Order’s comrade! Right, everyone?」


「That’s right!」

「Nice to meet you, Nezumi-kun!」


Whip! He did a salute on my shoulder.

After that, we went to the bar.

「Right! Let’s drink today! To celebrate Kio being alive and to welcome our new comrade!」



Gulp Gulp


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Everyone drank alcohol while eating their meal.

Of course Nezumi-kun was eating cheese.

Kio who is usually making the food was eating too.

「I’m always the one making the food but, once in a while, eating someone else’s food is nice」

「By the way, Captain, why did the King call for you guys?」

「Ah, it seems that our Kingdom and the enemy country don’t want a dragged out war, so we will have a deciding battle with all our war potential in the northern plains.」


「Why didn’t you tell us that earlier!!」

「I forgot… Teheh?」

「「… GROSS」」

「Heeyy! What was all that just now!」

Kio thought that such a happy kishidan could not exist anywhere else.

Next time, I will cook.

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