Chapter 8

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We left early in the morning and arrived at the northern plains in the evening.

By the way, lunch was rice balls.

Rice is great!

A little further away seems to be Teikoku.

Leader, who was filled with anticipation and nervousness, said,

「Why are you guys all shaking in your boots? Because the war will start at noon tomorrow?」

「Eh? The starting of the war has been decided?」

「Ah, Teikoku and Oukoku discussed and decided on this. We decided on other rules, but you guys don’t need to worry about it.」

「I see.」

A war having rules, well, I guess they did it in my old world, so it wouldn’t be strange for them to have rules here.

「Now that you say that, I have a message from the leader of Oukoku’s Order.」

「Eh? For me?」

「Yeah, before it gets dark, please come, he said.」

「I- I understand.」

I wonder what it’s about? There’s not enough people and I have to fight? What should I do! I can’t fight human beings!

I got to the tent for the Oukoku’s Order but I just loitered around until a knight across the tent said,

「What the hell, you bastard, you’ve been sneaking around the front of the tent for a while. You’re suspicious!」

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「Ah, Yes! …Wait, no, I would never be a suspicious person!」

「What’s going on with all the noise.」

「O-Oh, Leader. I found a suspicious person.」

「Suspicious? Ah, him? He’s a guest I called over.」

「Wha-! I- Is that so? I just remembered I had something to do. Please excuse me.」

All the knights hurried away and went somewhere. It must’ve been very important business?

I was led inside the tent by Leader and we sat facing each other.

「It was Kio, right? 」

「Ah, yes! That’s right, Leader of Oukoku Kishidan.」

「I’ve heard the rumors about you, you make all sorts of delicious food.」

「Y- Yes. I don’t know if it’s delicious but I can cook.」

「Hahah, so humble, aren’t you. Well, fine, I have a big job for you.」

Wh- what. Something like becoming a spy on Teikoku or assassinating someone?

「Don’t make that difficult face. It’s your specialty. I want you to make food for about ten thousand men.」

「T- ten thousand!? Even for me, I…」

「Ah, you won’t be the only one cooking. There will be 20 more cooks along with you. I want you to cooperate with them.」


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「Please! This battle’s victory depends on raising morale. Teikoku has 15,000 troops, compared to our 10,000 troops. Our numbers are definitely inferior. So, I beg you! Please lend us your power!」

「Ah, please raise your head! I understand, I understand, so!」

「Really! Will you do it! By the way, you can use all the ingredients we have.」

The leader said to please use the ingredients here and showed four carriages filled with all ingredients.

「What will you make?」

「Hm, you are?」

「Ah, I was called to cook, my name is Gas (ガス)… I will give instructions to the others, so please give me your orders.」

「Ah, I see. Gas-san, pleased to meet you.」

「Yes, likewise.」

Hmm, what should we do. What should we make?

I looked at the cargo inside the carriages and something caught my eye.

「…Hm? Gas-san, what is this?」

「Ah, spices.」

「Ah, really. This is cumin, nutmeg, and even cloves. There’s more too…」

「Alright! I’ve decided! Curry! Let’s make curry!」

「Curry? I apologize, but we haven’t heard of such food.」

「That’s fine. Just do as I tell you.」

「First, cut the beef, kiros (carrots), and potos (potatoes) into easy to bite pieces..」

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「Hm, those 7 people over there do that.」

「「Yes, Chef!」」

「Um, are there any people that can use magic to get water?」

3 people raised their hands.

「When you guys are done heating up the pot, please fill it up with water to boil.」

「「Yes, Chef!」」

「I need people to carry things.」

「You two do it.」

「「Yes, Chef!」」

「Also, I need someone to cook a large amount of rice.」

「Then, I will do that.」

「Once the meat and vegetables become soft, please call me. I’m going to do the spices, so until the sauce thickens, please cook it well. 」

「Once you have all finished your own individual jobs, please help with the other work. At any rate, we need 10,000 portions.」

「「Yes, Chef!!」」

We finished making it and I tasted it.

When I think\ about it, what kind of person is Gas-san to be able to make rice for 10,000 people all alone…?

「Wow, delicious!      」

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「It’s finally over.」

「I don’t want to cut vegetables ever again.」

「Everyone, well done. But we still need to distribute the food, or it’ll all be for nothing. One more job to go!」

After we distributed the food to everyone, we were all tired.

The leader of the Oukoku Kishidan dropped by for a visit.

「You guys did great! Thank you!」

「Yes, if it was possible, I wouldn’t have wanted to do it.」


「But, look at the faces of the people eating. They don’t look as if they’re getting ready for a battle. Everyone’s faces have lost all their anxieties and they’re laughing so much now. Morale is high now. It’s all thanks to you cooks. Thank you.  」

All of the people that ate the curry were certainly laughing.

「S- spicy! But it’s good!」

「So tasty!」

「Rice and curry pair so well together!」

「What is this! It’s so yummy, too yummy!」

「Even though it’s brown, how’d they get this taste!」

「Woaah-! I’m so happy-!」

It was truly difficult to make but it’s good to see everyone’s smiles.

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