Chapter 3: Sacred Knight Confronts a Pillar of the Four Gods

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In fact, I had been thinking that there was a rather warm breeze hitting my back since a while ago.

It’s supposed to be a highland, so it’s okay if it’s a little cooler, but I don’t want it to be hotter and more humid than Japan. I shrug my shoulders and turned around slowly.

And then there was…

「Who are you?」
「……. What?」

Before I knew it, there was a huge elephant behind me.

No, maybe giant elephant is not the right word.

The elephant stood on two legs for some reason, had four arms, asked me questions in human language, and was much bigger than most elephants, with its long snout blowing warm breath Fush~u into my face. Suddenly, the elephant’s status popped up, and I glanced at it.

Name: Kangyten
Affiliation: Decambel Plateau
Gender: «not measurable»
Age: «not measurable»
Tags: «not measurable»
(Notes: «Strongest in the world», «One of the four gods(branch gods)»)
Total Level: «not measurable»

All of the following are unmeasurable at your current connoisseur level (laughs).

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And there it was.

I see. I see. That’s right.

The reason why this game-like window appears…

It was thanks to the 〈Connoisseur〉 ability of the 〈Apprentice Chef〉.

I wanted to praise myself for not escaping from the giant elephant at a glance, even though I became a stick in my heart like that. Well, the one who gave up saying that it would be useless to run away just won …

Anyway, here and there 〈Stones〉. That is 〈God〉. I don’t know if it’s a four god or a branch god, but maybe it will just be an overkill by being hit with this nose, which is doing *fushu~fushu* in front of me.

I mean, what does the elephant god like *Last Boss* mean when a cook apprentice with a total level of «6» comes across in a different world first? Isn’t it too difficult to play? Also, what is the last thing that cannot be measured (laughs)?

Maybe it was because I was a little unfaithful like that.

The giant elephant, Kangyten, narrowed his eyes slightly and said

「Humun~ It seems that you are not like the soldiers of the human race hiding around here.」

Suddenly, he said something funny.

Hmmm. The soldiers of the human race?  As expected, I had to tilt my head.

I looked around again. At most, there were only vast fields and terraces leading to the forest below.

Also, I didn’t get a good look at the back of the building earlier, but there was a deserted temple —or rather, an almost abandoned building —hidden by Kangyten’s huge body.

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However, it didn’t look like there were any other people besides me.

No, maybe I’m just too low level to be able to search for the monsters on this plateau, but …… I don’t even have the ability to search for things.

So, I decided to talk to Kangyten.

「Well, where on earth are there other than me?」

Before I could even ask the question, I heard the distinct sound of footsteps. Five soldiers suddenly appeared at a distance of about ten meters.


I opened my eyes wide.

Was it some kind of concealment magic?  Or were they assassins or some kind of skill?

In any case, the five of them consisted of three 〈Knights〉, a 〈Priestess〉, and a lightly dressed 〈Adventurer〉. At first glance, one of the knights is clearly superior to the others, and the armor he wears is shining brightly.

Name: Warren Hastings
Affiliation: United Kingdom of Fraum Talesky
Gender: Male
Age: 26 years old
Tags: good
(Note: «Holy Knight Commander», «One of the best of the human race», «Hero of the Magna Patria War», «Northern Dynasty Warriors».)

Total Level: «Not measurable»

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Race: Human
Race Level: «Not measurable»

Occupation 1: «Holy Knight Saber» Occupation Level: «Not measurable»

Occupation 2: «Strategist»
Occupation Level: «Not measurable»

Occupation level: «Not measurable»
Arts level: «Not measurable»
Skill Level: «Not measurable»

All of the following are not measurable at your current connoisseur level (lol).

It seems that the name of the Knight of higher rank is Warren Hastings.

He has short blonde hair and pale blue eyes, and his cold and somewhat condescending gaze is not on Kangyten, but on me for some reason.

Even with my limited life experience, I can easily imagine the type of person this Waren is. This type of person is everywhere. Not only in Japan, abroad, or in anime and dramas, but even in other worlds —a calm, handsome, and even condescending man, the so-called elitist.

I could see the windows of the other four, so I checked them, and although it was almost impossible to measure them, they belonged to the United Kingdom of Farum Talesky, just like Warren, and with the exception of the adventurer-looking man, they all seemed to be Warren’s subordinates. I’m sure he’s a superior of the Holy Knights, though there were no words like 『One of the best』,『Hero』, or『Warrior』as expected.

Warren controls these four people with one hand, and only one person moves forward.

「I hadn’t heard that Kangyten-dono was accompanied by an 〈Apostle〉 or a priestess.」

He said in a resonant voice and looked at me carefully again.

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「I’m not an apostle or a priestess, and I’m not sure how to respond to that.」

When I say so with a well-sounding voice, I stare at me again.

That being said, I was, after all, a stone-sized cook apprentice, neither an apostle nor a shrine maiden, and when I was wondering what to do, my snort suddenly became rough.

「No, of course not. No, of course not. There is no way I would release such a poor scout in the first place.」
「Hmm. Even if you say they are weak. How am I supposed to know the strength of a human race?」
「Oh dear. Then it can’t be helped. It would be a good excuse for you to lose to me here.」
「I’m not sure what to say. I know a little about the strength of 〈Dragons〉, 〈Celestial Foxes〉 and 〈Phoenixes〉. But I can’t even be interested in a little monkey.」
「Then after all. I’ll have to teach it to you.」

Warren said so and pulled out the big sword.

The sparkle was more than the armor he was wearing, and I inadvertently blocked my view with my arms.

「Well, it’s a deity weapon. That brings back memories. It’s true that you might be able to give me a scratch with it.」
「One scratch? You must be joking. God will die here!」

With a word from Warren, the air here froze in an instant.

I mean … I’m just between Warren and Kangyten …

Perhaps the 『I’ll die soon』 that was written in my status is something like this? What’s this? Suddenly a pinch of desperation?

In this way, one of the best heroes of humankind and one of the four strongest gods in another world were about to collide with me.

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