Chapter 012 – You Are the Shrew Among the Shrew

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They had already realized that Su Rui was very valiant, but they hadn’t expected him to be valiant enough to completely shock them!

When Yin Xiumei heard that, her eyebrows immediately twitched!
This was because Su Rui’s words had really hit the mark. Her breasts had really been pushed past their limits!

In order to please her assistant director, “cousin,” this woman specially went to the plastic surgery hospital to make a big name for herself! If not, he would have completely mesmerized her “cousin”!

“This is slander! You are slandering me! Damn it all! Damn it all!”

Yin Xiumi stomped her feet in anger. She took out her phone and muttered, “I want to call the police. I want to call the police. How many calls are there for 110?”
It seemed like this woman had been angered by Su Rui until she became muddle-headed!

When he mentioned the police, Cao Tianping became terrified again. He pulled Su Rui and said, “She wants to call the police. What should we do?”

Su Rui rolled his eyes in annoyance. This man was definitely a strict wife!

“I’ll teach you.”

Su Rui walked over, grabbed Yin Xiumei’s mobile phone and threw it into the cup of tea on Cao Qingping’s desk!

There was still more than half a cup of water in the cup!

The cell phone’s screen flickered for a bit before it immediately went black!

“My phone is a limited edition Weitu, 70,000 RMB! You must compensate me! Otherwise, I will never be done with you till I die! ”

Yan Xiumei was about to go crazy. This was truly a slut meeting a scoundrel — she was not a match for him at all!

Su Rui helplessly spread his hands, indicating that there was nothing he could do. That innocent look on his face was simply asking for a beating no matter how he looked at it.
“You two, I will definitely get you two to scram from the Pikang Group!”

Looking at Yin Xiumei’s posture, she really wanted to charge forward and tear Su Rui apart!

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At this moment, six security guards holding electric batons rushed in. They squeezed their way through the crowd and shouted, “Get out of the way, get out of the way!”

The security guard in the lead saw Su Rui and immediately said respectfully, “The security patrol squad has finished assembling. Young Master, please give us your instructions!”

How virtuous! This child, no, this big brother was too sensible!

Su Rui was very satisfied!
The onlookers looked at each other, completely unable to understand how the word “Young Master? Why was this team of security guards so respectful to him?

Su Rui looked at the security guard with admiration in his eyes and asked, “What’s your name?”

The security guard was so excited that he stuck out his chest. “Reporting to Young Master, my name is Chen Dawu! It’s the captain of the security team! ”

Su Rui nodded his head, “Alright, if I have the chance, I will speak a few words of praise for you in front of Ao Xue!”

Chen Dawu became even more excited as he nodded his head. He was close to tears! This was the company’s young master! He would definitely spit on the spot!

What little captain of the security team? If the CEO Lin Aoxue was admiring him, then what director of the security department?

You are the shrew amongst the shrew!

Wasn’t it just a matter of a single sentence from her!

“Now, you have to drag this prostitute out of the group! Her presence here has seriously affected our office environment! ” Su Rui pointed at Yin Xiumei with a face full of righteousness!

When the security guards saw that it was Yan Xiumei, they immediately weakened their momentum and revealed troubled expressions on their faces. They had all heard of her before. Although she was only the leader of the business team, she was also one of those people that could walk unhindered in the group. Many of the directors wanted to make her pay!

Finally, after weighing the pros and cons, Chen Dawu brought the security guards over to Yin Xiumei and said awkwardly, “Group Leader Yin, please calm down. Don’t ruin the company’s office space.”

Yin Xiumei was already on the verge of going crazy. When she saw the security guards wearing the same pants as Su Rui, she couldn’t hold back the rage in her heart and started cursing loudly!

“Am I destroying the office space? You watchdogs, what qualifications do you have to talk about me? Do you think you can treat yourself as a human with just a piece of human skin? Who in the company will look you in the eye? A bunch of bastards! ”

Yin Xiumei’s mouth was truly vicious. Even Su Rui wanted to kick her down from the 25th floor!
These words were completely a personal attack!

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These security guards were all men of blood. When they heard his words, they were immediately enraged!

However, as defenders of the group order, they absolutely could not be the first to destroy it! If one of them were to hit Yin Xiumei, with his ability as a security minister to fawn on her, he would definitely expel all of them!

As a result, despite the rage in their hearts, none of them dared to make a move!

At this time, Lin Ao Xue had just returned from outside and coincidentally walked over. Everyone’s gaze was on Su Rui, and no one paid any attention to Lin Ao Xue in the corner.

She saw that Su Rui was passionately speaking and didn’t interrupt him. Instead, she silently stood at the side and stared at the center of the storm.

When she heard that Yan Xiumei had launched her personal attack, Lin Ao Xue’s two pretty eyebrows lightly knitted together.

Yin Xiumei sneered at the security guards, “You want to talk? Why aren’t any of you saying anything? Was he speechless? A bunch of watchdogs! He probably hadn’t even graduated from junior high yet! Being able to enter Pi Kang is the fortune that you guys have enjoyed for your entire lives! ”


Before Yin Xiumei could finish her sentence, a resounding slap echoed throughout the office!
Su Rui’s big hand came into contact with the left side of Yin Xiumei’s face without any hesitation!

Su Rui really exerted a lot of strength. Yin Xiumei staggered from the slap, and the blood-red mountain appeared on her face in an instant!

Perhaps no one had ever dared to treat her like this. After receiving such a slap, the shrew, Yin Xiumei, surprisingly did not counterattack. Instead, she covered her face and stood there stunned.
She stood on the spot!

When the security guards saw Su Rui stick out his neck for them, they instantly became excited, and their eyes practically filled with hot tears!

This young master is really a man, he’s too interesting! That slap alone was worth it for him to sacrifice his life for!

The surrounding staff were all stunned. Su Rui’s actions were completely out of their expectations! He actually attacked just like that! This was definitely something that had never happened to Bi Kang since its establishment!

“Well fought!”

At this time, the surrounding people began to secretly sigh in admiration in their hearts. Su Rui had done something that they had always wanted to do but didn’t dare to do!

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Seeing Su Rui hit someone, Lin Ao Xue frowned again, but for some reason, in the next second, her eyebrows relaxed.
“Chief Yin, those words of yours are so heartless! Today, I must seek justice for our security brothers! ” Su Rui rolled up his sleeves and puffed out his chest, trying his best to give off a domineering aura. He pointed at Yin Xiumei’s nose and loudly said, “Every single person is born equal. Chief Yin, let me ask, if we didn’t have the security brothers tiring day and night patrolling, would you have been able to peacefully sit in a clean office and work here? ”

“While you were blowing the air conditioner, they were patrolling in the hot sun, and while you were heating, they were standing in the doorway, enduring the biting cold, and what did you just say they were? I feel so heartbroken. How could there be a person like you who has no humanity in Bi Kang!”

Su Rui looked a little excited, while the guards were already tearing up! As the security personnel of Bi Kang, the amount of work they did and the pressure they had to bear were not something anyone could imagine! Su Rui spoke the words in their hearts!

These words were as if the heavens had turned upside down!

Su Rui continued to speak with a pained heart, “You’re the shrew amongst the shrew, the scum among scum! I really don’t understand. Is Lin Ao Xue, that little girl blind? How did people like you get into the company?”

Su Rui scolded in a very straightforward manner. Standing in the corner, Lin Aoxue raised her eyebrows, her towering chest heaving up and down!

Since young, there had actually been someone who dared to say that he grew eyes for the sake of eating porridge.

For some reason, there was no anger in Lin Ao Xue’s heart. Instead, she did not know whether to laugh or cry, but her face was still as cold as ever.

Originally, there were people who wanted to applaud and cheer for Su Rui’s words, but when he mentioned the two words “that little girl Lin Ao Xue”, everyone immediately went silent! This bro is really fierce! Daring to curse the CEO in the company’s headquarters is definitely a good example that he won’t die if he doesn’t court death!

It was at this moment that Yan Xiumi, who had been slapped, regained her senses. She touched her burning cheeks and said in disbelief, “You actually dared to hit me, you actually dared to hit me!”

“Then why wouldn’t I dare? You are asking for a beating. I only did what everyone wanted me to do.” Su Rui laughed, “Do you believe that I won’t slap you again?”

“Try it!”

As soon as Yin Xiumei finished her sentence, another crisp “pa” sound rang out!

Su Rui slapped Yin Xiumei again!


Many people praised in their hearts!

“You told me to hit you, so you can’t blame me.” Su Rui said innocently.

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“I will tear you apart! I’m going to kill you! You actually dared to hit me, I will make you sink into the river and feed you to the fishes!”

Yin Xiumei’s shrewd woman couldn’t be stopped at all. She looked as if she wanted to eat Su Rui alive!

Her left and right cheeks were red and swollen, just like a mother’s yaksha. It was simply impossible to look at!

“Stop her!”

At the command of Chen Dafu, two security guards stepped forward to stop Yin Xiumei.

“You watchdogs, scram!”

Yin Xiumei clawed and scratched at the security guard, her nails leaving a clear bloody scar on his face!

Although the two security guards were extremely furious, they couldn’t hit someone the same way Su Rui could!

At this moment, Su Rui unhesitatingly pulled off the electric baton hanging from Chen Dawu’s waist!

“Young Master, this is …”
Before Chen Dawu could react to what Su Rui wanted to do, the latter had already taken the electric baton and was walking towards Yin Xiumei!

“Your words hurt my eardrums. Be quiet!”

When he turned on the switch, the electric baton released dazzling blue electric sparks with a crackling sound!

Without any hesitation, Su Rui stabbed the high voltage rod into Yin Xiumei’s stomach!

The latter’s body was jolted by the high voltage electrical current and she fainted with her eyes rolled back!

Everyone was stunned. They had never thought that this would be the result! This dispute actually ended with Yin Xiumei being electrocuted!

The cousin of the deputy director of the city’s commerce department had been electrocuted in front of so many people? This Su Rui was truly powerful to the heavens! Would it kill him?

* For the purpose of faster release, chapter is unedited.

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