The Substitute Bride

Chapter 171

After did an observation for long time, finally as expected seeing Third Young Master walking out from the room, while inside the room other than Third Young Madam, he knew there wouldn’t be any other people more.

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Walking on tiptoe closer to Long Mo Er’s room, there was no movement, it made his heart skip beat. Slowly getting closer to the bed, after seeing sleep sound and safely Third Young Madam, his inner self started to contradiction, but after thought about face of other twos, he has defeated by himself.

Trembling taking out a knife from his embrace that he has wrapped before, trembling, stretching out heading to the person who was in bed which in front of him, he softly with trembling voice said. “Third Young Madam, I am sorry, I also don’t want to do this, but there is no way….”

This is translated by Azurro hosted at azurro4cielo[dot]wordpress[dot]com

After he said and then closed his eyes stretching out his trembling hand that held a knife.

“Peng!” the knife slipped on the ground, he was hit hard, kicked far away. An instantaneously severe pain felt from chest, mouth was bleeding.

He frightened looking at few people that showing up in front of him, not daring to believe continuously sprouted. “Third Young Master…”

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“So it was you, after all it was you, after all you have an intention to kill Wan Er!” Ye Che moved to front, used his hand to grab his collar clothes, his eyes gleaming with wrathful directly looked at him, his eyes as if wanted to kill him.

“Bastard!” a hit, Ye Che curled up his hand into fist and then hit on his face. And then, he hit his stomach again.

Stop to copy paste the translation. This is translated by azurro hosted at azurro4cielo[at]wordpress[dot]com

Everyone was looking at Ye Che, no one wanted to step out and stopped, on contrary they thought to hit him more few times, even wanted to kill him. Normally he looked alike someone honest, after all he wanted to kill Wan Er, this was so unforgivable.

“Third Young Master, Third Young Master let me off! I don’t want it. I beg Third Young Master to let me off!” Ah Fu begging, it did not matter with the pain on his body, he just begged Third Young Master and Ye’s family would let him to live, responsible wasn’t as easy as to be beaten, moreover life replaced with life. .<>This is an UNAUTHORIZED copy, taken from azurro4cielo[dot]wordpress[dot]com. 

“Let you off? Did you ever think to let off Wan Er? After all you dared to open your mouth begging to let you off? Don’t you know how laughable you are? Ding, immediately get people to call government officer.” Ye Che showed terrifying laugh.

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“Alright, I will go immediately.” Ye Ting glaring fiercely to Ah Fu, he really wanted to give him few kicks, not this easy let him off.

“Don’t ah, Third Young Madam, I beg you on behalf Third Young Madam safeness and soundly, I beg you to let me off! Fourth Young Master, I beg you, let me off! Big Young Master…” Ah Fu wild eyed with tears.

“Wait.” Ye Che and Ye Yan at sudden in unison stopped Ye Ding.

“Where is the antidote?” Ye Che coldly said.

“I, I, I don’t have antidote…” Said Ah Fu looking at everyone dangerous face.

“What? Don’t have antidote? How could it be?” Ye Ding and Mu Rong Ji Zi were first people who unbelievably shouted.

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 “What did you say?” Ye Che clenched his hand that sound ‘creak creak’, his eyes flashed a danger that any time that he could take his life.

 “I…” Ah Fu gulped his saliva.

“Was there anyone? Who did this together with you? With whom the antidote?” Ye Yan faintly spoke, but the danger showed in his eyes not lessen than Ye Che’s. It gave Ah Fu kind of oppressed and forced feeling.

“I…” Ah Fu’s mind was guessed correctly, his eyes avoided, considering whether to tell it out or not.

“Was there any other? Where is the antidote?” Ye Che even forced it more.

“You better tell us honestly from the start, by this way perhaps we will consider to let you off.” Ye Yan slowly spoke, there was no doubt in his eyes.

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“Stabbing, poisoned, assassin all of those weren’t done by you alone, do you want to help them to shoulder? You can’t say out, we are still going to do the investigation, we won’t let Zhang Ji off too, will you still persistence?” Ye Che speaking tone was slowly. “Ding, first find people and lock him to wood-storage room.”

“I will give you one day to think, tomorrow at this time, I hope you can give promptly decision.”

“By this way would he say where the antidote?” Mu Rong Ji Zi little bit worried.

“I believe in order to keep his life he would speak, even though he don’t speak, I will also do the investigation. Tomorrow is the third day deadline, Bai Yin Chen also will come back soon, I believe he will bring the antidote. Wan Er will be okay.”

Talked to this point, Ye Yan and Mu Rong Ji Zi two of them were curious to this Bai Yin Chen, as they heard his face was covering with a silver mask, what kind of charm that this person had which able to make Ye Che trust him?

Really curious, kind of expectation, only could wait until the second day to come.

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