I appraised everything in the room and found the contracts.

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I got it after opening the drawer with the key that Mark was carrying.

All of the contracts had the name Mark Tracey written on it.
I scratched off the names with Indigoid Ink and wrote Toshiki Mitsuji on it.

Every time I wrote my name, a sense of fulfillment enters my mind.
The feeling of accomplishment that I was finally able to take everything away from Mark.
I can actually feel it with each contract.

(This is pleasure from someone else’s misfortune.)

My face was warped with sadistic joy.
I was overwhelmed with emotions when I thought about how I was treated up till now.

No, I will say it in a clear and direct way.
I killed you.

I felt disappointed than guilty.
But every time I overwrote a contract, that feeling slowly changed into joy.

When everything was overwritten.
I removed the accessories that seemed usable from Mark’s corpse and I intend to throw away the other dirty stuff.

I decided I need someone to help me.
So I called a battle slave and ordered him by saying, “Throw it away on the junk mountain in the slums”.

The battle slave was surprised.
But his expression shown he realized everything immediately and carried out Mark’s corpse outside.

Surprisingly without trouble, Mark’s room became mine.


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“I am your new master, Toshiki Mitsuji. I ask that you serve me well.”

The next morning.
I gathered all the slaves in one place and declared that in front of everyone.

Everybody was puzzled.
It was only natural when the master changed suddenly in one day.

But I didn’t mind it. I calmly behaved like I was their master from the beginning.

“From now on, I plan to be a new kind of slave merchant. It will be based on personnel developmentthrough career consulting.“

I said it while looking at each one of them.

“Each of you have your own specialty. There are things you like to do, there are thing you may want to do.”

I looked at the female high-class slaves.
They looked at me with dubious expression.
Because they don’t have that much intelligence, I wonder if they surmised the intent of the speech.

“But in reality, there is still much work other than that to be done.”

I looked at the low-class slaves.
They were also at a loss during my speech.
My story will be suspicious and they will doubt it if I give preferential treatment to the high-class slaves.

Everything seems to go along fine.

“Even though there are things you want to do, but what you are doing right now is different. Ladies and gentlemen, you have suffered from this gap.”

I then shook my head and said “However”.

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“I intend to fill that only gap. In other words, I intend to let you do things that you are good at.”

I will let them do what they specialize in.
There were some expressions that seemed like they got hit out of nowhere by that speech.
I pointed a finger at them.

“Yes, your specialties. Each of you have an ability.”

I took a long pause after I said it.

“Now that I have a new life in this world, I want to leave a legacy.”

I muttered alone.
The influence of the speech was big.
As most of the slaves who had dead eyes were startled and their eyes were now wide open.

I want to leave my legacy in this world.
I want you to hear once more the desire that I must’ve been forgotten so long ago.

“Work hard on your specialty, I won’t stop you. In fact, I’m all for it.”

I quickly looked around after I said it.

“I promise you that I will sell you ladies and gentlemen on the biggest stage I can make that is suitable for you.”

That’s it.
After the speech, the slaves didn’t move for a while.

They seemed to be taken aback.
Or it seemed they were deeply impressed by something.

(Did I succeed? Did they get really impressed? This is going well.)

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Using the Appraisal Skill, I looked at the psychological graph.
When I saw the changes in the psychology graph. there was no person who had any unpleasant sentiments towards my speech.

In other words, it was a big success.

(Great! I used a common speech template from the other world I came from, but no one seems to have any issues with it.)

I had a sarcastic smile in my mind.
Impressed by my speech, I was a little embarrassed with their chant of “Toshiki! Toshiki!”.

No, that shouldn’t be, since it shook my heart, I should stand proud.
This was the best.

I gave out an instruction “All right, return to your tents”.
Finally, the slaves who noticed that they themselves were already standing proudly, returned to their tents in haste.

I was gloating in my mind when I saw such situation, I was able to buy their motivation that no amount of money can buy.



(It’s been 4 months since I lived in obscurity.)

I think back to the 4 months that I was abused by Mark.
I prepared my plan step by step on overtaking his business.
That is to say, every time he told me to “Go and stock up on low-class slave”, I made sure I buy a slave that have skills.

The result of the effort I made? 10 of the 30 low-class slave in the tent had high quality skills.
I steadily increased it during these 4 months.

I was now planning the future outlook.
There will be so much fun to be had.
For instance, I was thinking of a plan now that would be the most efficient.

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(Plan number 1, Slaves that had magic aptitude will be trained and sold off.)

I will make the slaves that had magic aptitude learn magic.
This was one of the strategies that I’ve always wanted to implement.
The reason was very simple, there was a high demand for magicians.

I heard that in order to use magic, considerable training is needed even if they follow the instructions of a good teacher.
In short, being magicians are special occupations that can make someone rich.
Thus, magicians automatically became the elite profession.

How much is the price for that kind of slave?
You may think it will be about 100 times more than an ordinary slave.
So if an ordinary slave is about 5 gold coins, magician slaves will be 500 gold coins.

(Therefore I must absolutely prepare a person who will be teaching magic.)

However, that was the biggest obstacle.
Where can I find a person who can teach magic?

I cannot carry out this plan if I can’t solve this problem.
Unfortunately, the plan will be shelved for now until the time comes.

(Then what plan can I use at this stage? And what would be the most efficient strategy to……?)

What feasible plan was there that was also efficient?
When I was doing the budget in my mind, I thought of something while balancing the budget.

(Plan number 2, Battle Slaves. Their upbringing and specialization.)

A Battle Slave.
A Slave with high physical stats, or those who excel on their technique in sword skills or spear skills

I plan to make money using battle slaves.

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