“Then, is this character somewhat complete?”

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“Yes, I think it’s all right. However, you really learned quickly.”

I looked at the ground.
Many phonetic shapes written down there.
Those are replaced with 【A】,【B】, etc. on the pop-up display if I looked at it through the Appraisal Skill.

I was learning the alphabet.
Knowing the alphabet was essential to live in this world.

Learning the alphabet wasn’t difficult at all.
While walking around the oasis district, I was observing and stealing glances at the words written on the contracts. I was able to stock up on character vocabulary with this method.
I was also taught by the slaves.
After checking it with Appraisal Skill, I wrote it down and reviewed my work.

Actually, it was thanks to the Appraisal Skill that my learning was steadily progressing.
I was able to instantly understand what this character or that character meant.
It was due to it that I had reached a point where I was able to read and write simple characters.
As long as it was just reading, I was able to manage more difficult content with the Appraisal Skill.

Even though I only started studying three months ago, I was able to roughly memorize all the characters.
Now I just had to learn more words through the power of repetition.

“However, Mina knows these characters, just like I thought.”
“No, it’s really not that exceptional.”

Mina was being bashful as she smiling sarcastically.

It was still true that I thought it was amazing.
Although this was just an opinion, I felt fairly certain that the literacy rate of this world was pretty low.
『Fantasy Tale』 was based on the Middle Ages, and if I remember right, the literacy rate during those times was around 20%.

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In other words, Mina was part of that 20%.
She was an upper-class beastman after all.

It made me realize just how great the position of a Shrine Maiden actually was.

“There is no one else in this tent that knows these characters. You are definitely very knowledgeable, Mina.”
“I am honored to receive your praise.”

See? Normally someone wouldn’t respond with such a respectful phrase like “I am honored to receive your praise”.
Maybe it’s just me with my knowledge of modern society in Japan, but usually such speech is indicative of one’s upbringing.

I can’t imagine it’s not the same for this world.
I’ve been told that even if they wanted to learn more eloquent speech, people of low social status rarely got the chance.
That’s why there were so many people incapable of using such fancy speech.

Mina’s speech could be called a refined work of art.
Not only was her tone very clear but her use of honorific language, and even her ability to use humble language, was firmly disciplined.

A solid upbringing that couldn’t possibly be fake.
My evaluation of Mina was thoroughly raised.



It wasn’t a waste of time learning the alphabet.
I had to, in order to master writing all the words in the contracts.

It was possible to write the name on the contract if I used the Appraisal Skill (using Advance Search on my name, I will know what to write by checking the displayed phonetic notation), however, it was not possible to write down all the difficult phrases that might need to be added to the contract details if I didn’t know the words or characters.

Even if I was able to depose Mark, it wouldn’t work out if I couldn’t even write the characters.
The business of a slave merchant only exists because of the contracts; if I couldn’t write up the contracts myself, my business would get crushed immediately.

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Therefore, it was best to oust Mark after I was proficient enough with the language to be able to handle the business on my own.

The plan to take over Mark’s business was steadily progressing.
At this rate, it didn’t seem like there’d be anything to worry about once I accomplished my goal.

Deep in my delusions, I smiled in anticipation for the days ahead.



“Hey kid, choose appropriate clothes. Don’t you understand how important Mina is?”

One day Mark put me in charge of buying the clothes, hence the command.
It was very unusual to buy clothes for a slave.

Low-level slaves in the tent weren’t given clothes in the first place.
Only the high-quality slaves are given clothing.

Appearance was a serious matter for the high-class slaves.
Clothes, makeup, perfume, and all accessories were props to raise the value of the merchandise.
Although I call them“props”, it wasn’t unusual for the price to double with such simple additions.

It was often said that people were easily deceived by appearances.
Even having the most exceptional slaves in a separate tent was all part of the ploy.
And by lavishly decorating the tent, it increased the value of the slave in one’s mind.

That was the purpose purchasing clothes for slaves.
I understood its value.
Finally, Mina seemed to have all the qualities to be considered a high-class slave, just as I expected.

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“Understood. And the funds?”
“You’ll have to manage with just 1 gold coin.”

1 gold coin.
1 gold coin was worth 100 silver coins, and 1 silver coin was worth 100 copper coins.
I equated a copper coin to be worth 10¥, therefore 1 gold coin was about 100,000¥.
At least, that’s what I felt it was worth.

Even so, the budget would be stretched thin if it also had to pay for all the accessories.

“So it’s one gold for just the clothes, right?”
“Don’t be ridiculous, that’s for clothes and accessories. Are you trying to tell me you can’t do it?”

I realized what he meant the minute I looked into Mark’s eyes.
From the start, this jerk wanted me to eat the additional costs myself.

“Now look, consider it a ‘learning experience’ as a merchant’s apprentice, you should takes notes of the ups and downs of market value.”

Mark looked me in the eyes and smiled spitefully.

He really meant it.
According to him, he was not amused to hear I was saving up some money.
I had actually managed to save 3 gold coins already.
It wasn’t a small amount of money by any means. You could even buy a relatively cheap slave for that amount.

It was entirely possible with just those 3 gold coins, I could oppose Mark..
And Mark anticipated that.
This entire scheme was thought up just to make me use my money.

In fact, it was an order.

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“Dickwad, don’t ever think of defying me or else.”

Mark threatened me with a warning.
I wouldn’t put it past him to torment me using a battle slave if I defied his orders.
And after he’d had his fun, he would just take away all my money anyway, calling it “punishment”.

I had no right to question his orders.

“I understand.”

I bowed my head gently.
I was resolved to someday teach this asshole a lesson.



He should not have crossed that line.
He tried to arbitrarily take the money I had saved.
Was he completely oblivious to all the trouble I had to go through to save that much?

Absurd. That was the word that came to mind.
For now, I endured the bitter taste left in my mouth.
But I wouldn’t stand for him making a fool of me.

I won’t allow allow him to mock my efforts.

I do have one thing to say though.
Unlike the modern society I had been used to, here it was perfectly reasonable to kill someone over such disrespect.
Life was cheap.
And I would purchase Mark’s cheap life with 3 gold coins.

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