Translator: NovelMultiverse | Editor: NovelMultiverse

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Right at this moment, Li Yifei was standing between the two sisters, and both arms were held by them. There was a feeling of enjoyment and blessing that every man dreamed about.

He could sense that people who passed by them would look at them curiously. The twin sisters were really good looking and even made him look more attractive than usual.


Li Yifei felt a bit complacent when he noticed that there are many guys looking at them with envious glances. 


There was a pain in his left arm suddenly. Li Yifei turned to look at Xu Yingying. Xu Yingying looked at Li Yifei’s right arm with an angry look. Li Yifei could only respond with a wry smile, indicating that he was not the one who is being proactive, it was Xu Shanshan who pull him close. There is nothing he could do about it. 

Xu Yingying also knows that Xu Shanshan does not have any improper thoughts on this. But Xu Yingying is a serious person, she couldn’t stand the way her sister acted. However, she couldn’t say anything right now, she could only put up the unhappiness feeling and followed two of them.

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After walking around for a long time on the first and second floors, the three of them only bought a few things for the New Year, and then they came to the menswear area on the third floor.

Xu Yingying didn’t them to continue looking around without any purpose She went straight to a brand store, bought a casual outfit for Li Yifei, and then rushed to the underwear section. She just wanted to go home as soon as they can.

Men’s underwear area is not comparable to women’s underwear area, and the space is quite small. Standing outside, you can see all the goods inside. But the majority of the buyers are women, only a few men accompanied the women shopping around. 

Xu Shanshan stopped, smiled, and said, “I’ll leave two of you here, there is nothing for me. ”

Xu Yingying didn’t want to go in either, but as Xu Shanshan said so if she doesn’t go in, it shows that their relationship is not intimate at this stage. So she had to force herself to go into the store with Li Yifei.

After leaving Xu Shanshan, Li Yifei immediately whispered: “Yingying, the clothes I bought a moment ago are too expensive, and it costs half a month’s salary of mine. ”


“I bought it for you. “Xu Yingying replied lightly. She didn’t care about Li Yifei’s stinginess. After all, Li Yifei was here to help her this time, and she should be responsible for Li Yifei’s consumption.

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“Thank you Yingying. ” It didn’t take too long for Li Yifei to get used to calling her Yingying.

“Please hurry up, buy what you need. ”

“Is this really appropriate? Look, Shanshan has been watching us from outside, you should pretend to choose something for me, do you think so? ”

Xu Yingying also trusts that her sister is watching them from outside. She felt a headache, even for her father, she never bought underwear for him. Now, she must buy it for Li Yifei, it is embarrassing.

Fortunately, there are a lot of women here. It seems natural for everyone to hold men’s underwear in their hands. She is not too embarrassed then, but she has no idea about how to choose men’s underwear.


The store staff has noticed two of them, she could sense that Xu Yingying is quite wealthy with good buying power judged by her look. She warmly greeted them and said, “Hi, we have all the major brands for men’s underwear in the store. Please take a look. ”

Xu Yingying felt a bit relieved, nodded, and followed the girl as she walked over, and then came to a brand cabinet and said, “Please give me two sets of this brand. ”

“Ok. “The girl said happily. There will always be good commissions for selling big brands’ products. She looked at Li Yifei and asking, “What size does this gentleman wear?” ”

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Xu Yingying was stunned for a moment and looked at Li Yifei. Li Yifei also shrugged his shoulders and said, “I don’t know. ”

The girl smiled, looked at Li Yifei again, and said, “I think this size would fit you, you should have a try. “She handed out a pair of underwear and passed it directly to Xu Yingying.

Xu Yingying’s face turned red all of a sudden. This is a man’s underwear, how can she pass it to her. But if she doesn’t take over, it seems not right either. So, she had to take over it, holding it like there is a time bomb in her hand. 

” Please just check out and it will give you a general idea if it fits. “The girl reminded her again.

Xu Yingying took the underwear and faced Li Yifei, but when she thought where she should check out, she was embarrassed again. Right at this moment, she really regretted coming out with Li Yifei to buy underwear.


Taking a deep breath, Xu Yingying waved the underwear to Li Yifei’s waist, but she did it perfunctorily, she didn’t even see whether the underwear was fit.

“Puff! “The store staff laughed out loud, but immediately held back. She saw that the relationship between the two was obviously not that close. She took another pair of underwear and handed it directly to Li Yifei, saying: “Sir, I see that one seems a little small, look at this one. ”

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Unexpectedly, Xu Yingying took the panties first, and said, “I’ll do it. “Then she waved the underwear to Li Yifei’s waist, looked at it seriously, and said: “This one should be fine. Please get ” Good. “The girl was a little surprised. The contrast between Xu Yingying then and now was too obvious, but it is not her job to figure out the reason, she just needs to sell the products.

How did she know that a boss like Xu Yingying has strong adaptability and strong self-control ability? Although she was embarrassed by doing so, she felt that her sister’s eyes were still looking at them, she had to behave more naturally.

After got the underwear sorted out, Xu Yingying bought two more shirts for Li Yifei and a set of pajamas. The pajamas are made of thin cotton. They are convenient to wear at home and while sleeping.

And buying these, Xu Yingying felt that she was not so embarrassed anymore. If she could buy underwear for Li Yifei, buying shirts is a small case for her. Besides that she intentionally wanted to show her sister that they are in a good relationship, she purposely picking up things and talking to Li Yifei about which one they should buy. 

This made Li Yifei wanted to laugh. Xu Yingying’s performance of pretending is also great, it was kind of enjoyment for him to watch how she behave. 

Finally finished shopping for men’s underwear, Xu Yingying checked out and joined her younger sister. Xu Shanshan looked at the bag Li Yifei was carrying and said with a smile: “my brother-in-law, it seems you are right. my sister got a warm side. She is patient for buying underwear for you. That’s good, I see, she is quite familiar with your body.  ”

Xu Yingying was a little embarrassed, she glared at her sister, and said, “Don’t talk nonsense, we’re done for shopping, let’s go home. ”

Xu Shanshan immediately pouted, “Sister, it is not usual for you to come home, don’t you want to buy something for your dear sister? ”

Xu Yingying frowned and replied, “Well then, let’s go upstairs, you can pick it yourself. ”

“I knew my sister is the most generous lady in the world. “Xu Shanshan immediately pulled Xu Yingying’s arm excitedly and took her upstairs.

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